
I Can't Attack, So My Summons do it instead

What happens when a guy lives out his life just fine the first time, but his second life is determined by a random spinning wheel? Find out with me as we delve into the world of Final Fantasy X anew.

Day_Dul · Video Games
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21 Chs

The Butterfly has caused Tornados

Once That was done and figured out, I decided to create a miniature inventory like item that would help for whenever we get separated. I made them in the form of different accessories so that they wouldn't draw suspicion. I made a necklace for Lulu and Yuna, and bracers for everyone else. I'll end up making a necklace for Rikku in the future.

We called it a night after that point. The next morning, I noticed that Lulu was already up and sitting at one of the desks in our room, reading One Piece. I know she slept last night, but she must have gotten up early to spend some time reading that. She was also wearing a gray version of her normal outfit that I made for her. I loved it since gray was my favorite color. (Before anyone makes a comment saying gray isn't a real color, I do not care, I like it, and that's all there is to it.) I hugged her from behind, kissed her on the cheek, and then went to take a shower.

After having an enjoyable shower, I went down to the first floor, and saw that Lulu was manning the front desk, and that there were a good amount of people lined up to try and rent out some rooms for a day or two. She noticed I came downstairs, looked towards me for confirmation, and I just gave her a thumbs up.

All of the pricing for the rooms will be right on the computer, so she shouldn't have any issues there. Everyone else, except Yuna, and Kimahri seemed to have headed out, probably to train/grind. I took that as my cue to head out as well and prepare myself to grind up some levels and loot. My first encounter was with a large number of white elements.

I think there were about 15 of them. It was honestly crazy to think about. So I summoned a few flame warriors and mages to take them out. Then I just sat back to watch them take out my enemies. I really only got a bunch of Antarctic Wind from them, which came in the form of whitish-blue powder in a vial. There were about eight vials. My luck is once again pretty bad it seems.

The enemies themselves weren't difficult since I could bombard them with summons. The only difficult fight I had was when I had to fight a bunch of dual horns and bombs. The Dual Horns could take a lot of hits, and the bombs detonated sooner than I was hoping.

So, I had to adjust my strategies against them. I managed to get ten horns from the dual horns and seven bomb fragments. It would be more if a bunch of the bombs didn't blow up. Thankfully I can shield myself with ice.

I went on like that for several hours, until I managed to fully clear out the water part of my sphere grid and got halfway through earth. I decided that I would keep going until I got to whatever the hard limit on my experience for this area is. I've noticed that at a certain point, enemies would stop giving me experience, but would still give loot.

Everyone else could continue to get experience though. Probably because of how strong my ability is. I haven't felt it yet, but I will probably get close to it once I get to the life part of my sphere grid. My sphere grid itself reached a point where it split into two paths.

After earth, I can go into either lightning or life. I plan on going into life, because I saw a particular spell in there that might help a ton in the near future. (The reason why I am not listing each and every fight, is because it can get repetitive after a while, but just know that I am still randomizing each enemy, loot drop, and even how some scenarios will play out in the fights. So I will only list the fights that have interesting scenarios I rolled. So if you want to blame something, blame the d20 I have.)

It wasn't until I called it a night that my luck went pretty good. I encountered 10 dual horns, but I was ready for them this time. I summoned warriors and mages of each element I could utilize, and even fairies since they can provide shields, and had them take out the dual horns.

Once I took them out, I got one horn, one potion, and one Hi-Potion from each Dual Horn. (For context, whenever I roll a Nat 20, ((DnD context: It means a natural 20)) each monster in the fight drops one of each drop they can drop, at the amount it would normally drop. This situation is a prime example. Sorry that I explain this stuff, this should be the last time I interrupt to drop some info on how I determine drops. Unless deemed necessary. Thank you.)

I was fairly happy after that, so I called it a night and went back to the hotel. When I got inside, there was a noticeable amount of people inside, trying to rent out some space. This time Wakka was manning the front desk. I see they decided to rotate out of the position, or draw straws, who knows?

He smiled and waved when he saw me, then went back to handling a customer. I checked my gil balance, and noticed that I already made 30k gil from today alone. Damn, sucks that we will have to probably head out the day after tomorrow since I feel like I'm getting less and less experience. Oh well, this will also give me the opportunity to check out the forest off the main path of Mi'ihen highroad, since you couldn't do that in the game. I wonder if it's like Kilika forest? Which probably has much stronger enemies. I'll figure it out soon enough.

Lulu practically pulled me into our room, and requested that I print out the rest of One Piece for her. Instead of that though, I made something probably more advanced than most things here, glasses that projected holograms, and allowed her to read One Piece at her leisure. I had a very good time that night because of that. Thank you crafting, truly a wonderful skill.

"Hey Yole! Can I ask you something?" The blonde boy wonder has decided to grace me with his presence when I stepped outside to take a breath of fresh air in the night.

"What's up Tidus?" He shuffled around for a bit with an uncomfortable face, before reassuring himself of what he was going to ask me.

"I know this may be way over my head, but can you tell me about Wakka's brother?" Ah, the question I was waiting for him to ask. I knew he would eventually, but this is sooner than I thought. And it was during an in between time when I am putting off the story.

"You didn't think of asking Wakka himself? Or even Lulu?" I smirked a little when he turned his head to the side and gave me a deadpan look.

"First off, Lulu barely interacts with anyone that isn't you or Yuna. Heck, I don't even think she talks to Wakka that much, even though you three have known each other for a long time. Secondly, there is no way Wakka would tell me unless the situation forced him to do so. Also, speaking of Wakka, I thought he hated machina. What happened there?"

"Lulu is understandable, she is not a woman of many words. She does talk to me quite often, but not when many people are around. She is relatively introverted in the talking department. Also, Lulu and I see Yuna like a little sister, that's why she is so talkative to her as well. Wakka makes sense as well, he is pretty uncomfortable about speaking of his brother, so I guess it's understandable that you would ask me about it, and to answer your question,

Wakka doesn't hate machina. Heck, he doesn't even dislike it, and that is only because I managed to convince him otherwise with the things, I have made over the years we have known each other.

He has come to realize that machina is a material or tool, and it is the people that make the mistakes when using it. Sin isn't punishing people for using machina, otherwise we wouldn't have things like blitzball.

I have been crafting for a long time, making things of all kinds that were very advanced, like this hotel behind us. So no, Wakka doesn't hate machina, he is ok with it. He has his gripes with the Al Bhed, but he doesn't hate all of them either, just those that captured Yuna."

Tidus looked at me with a variety of emotions throughout my entire speech. Ranging from surprise, to shock, to excitement, and ending at him just being calm. I sighed for a second when I looked at him. I brought out a bench from my inventory that I made, and sat it up against the hotel wall we were standing near. I took a seat, and Tidus sat by me.

"To answer your question about Wakka's brother, I'm only gonna tell you a little bit, since it's up to Wakka when he wants to tell you the full story. Chappu was…A very adventurous kid, much like yourself. He always had giant ambitions, and wanted to stop sin from continuing to wreak havoc across Spira. Instead of becoming a guardian and joining a summoner on their journey though, he joined the crusaders.

He went out on an expedition to fight Sin with a good majority of the crusaders at the time.

As you could most likely tell, the crusaders lost that battle, and Chappu didn't come back. He never took the sword I crafted for him either, deciding to use weapons that the crusaders gave him. He said that my weapons were too good for him, and that he would earn the right to wield them." I was pretty sure I actually had tears in my eyes when I finished speaking. Huh, I guess since those memories were fully there, the feelings were too. Damn, why did it have to get so blurry all of a sudden.

"Thank you, Yole. Not just for telling me this, but for everything you have done for me so far. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been a guardian until Auron came around. I probably would have been tossed around by Donna's guardian if it weren't for you too.

The new armor, and the weapons that you made for me as well, I am forever grateful for what you do.

I have been meaning to just thank you, but never had the time to do it. I'm just glad that I could have you as a friend. If you ever need anything, remember that you aren't alone, you don't have to fight everything by yourself. You didn't have to tell me anything, but you did, so…Thank you."

Damn that protagonist-like speech had me all up in the feels. That son of a protag. He tapped me on the shoulder, got up, and headed back inside. I just sat there, and stared at the sky. Honestly, I know I don't have to fight my battles by myself, and I know that everyone, including my summons, have my back when I need them.

But, just hearing it from someone, makes me feel better, happier even. Tidus is a real one. I don't care what anyone says, that kid knows what to say, and at the right times too. I don't know how long I sat at that bench, but I'm pretty sure I fell asleep at some point, cause I woke up in bed with Lulu beside me. I felt like a little weight was removed from my shoulders as I looked at the sky, and watched the sun rise.

[Emotional Wall has been breached, second, and final set of memories unlocked.]

It was then that I passed out again.

[3rd Person Pov (Before Yole was moved to his bed)]

Tidus walked inside the hotel made by Yole, and just lost himself in his own thoughts. It wasn't long before he got near his room and spotted Wakka standing by his door.

"Finally decided to talk to Yole eh? Took you long enough." Wakka gave Tidus a smirk, before shifting to a somewhat serious look.

"Yeah, when I first met everyone, Yole just seemed like…I don't know how to put this. Th…"

"The mother hen? The leader of the group? The guardian of Yuna's guardians? I could go on, but it would get redundant. Instead, before you continue with how your conversation with Yole went, since I could guess how it went, let me tell you more about him. Since you asked him about me. Or rather, someone close to me."

Tidus wasn't sure how to feel, since he could tell that Wakka heard the conversation he had with Yole, if waiting by his door wasn't telltale sign enough, that last bit was confirmation.

"So, Yole is a bit of an enigma, but not at the same time, if that makes any sense. He was the first guardian Yuna had, and the one that actually raised her. He might tell you that Kimahri was around her more, but that isn't true in the slightest. He was the one to convince Kimahri to stay with Yuna, and become her guardian.

He met Lulu a longtime ago, around the same time he met me, when we were all kids. We didn't see each other for a while after that though, I heard that he kept in touch with Lulu ever since they met though, through one of his inventions to transmit messages easier. He gave me one as well. Now though, computers are a thing, alongside communicators, so we don't worry about it as much. As I was saying though, after an incident, Lulu went back to Besaid after going out for a while, and let Lulu stay with him. I was around for a while too.

So, just remember that if you want to get in the good graces of Yuna, you need Yole's approval yah? Not mine, not Lulu's, not even Kimahri's, just his. Yuna cares about him just as much, if not more, than her own father, which says a lot. Same with Lulu. I see him as one of my best friends, and even Kimahri cares for him a lot, in his own way.

He was there for all of us when we needed him most. He is also the reason why I don't as he would say: 'Hate machna' and hate the Al Bhed. One, because most of the amazing things that he has made, has some form of machina in it, and secondly, because he saved some Al Bhed kid when they were being attacked by a fiend, and took care of them for a while, before their remaining family member found, and picked them up."

It was then that Tidus thought back to many things when Wakka finished talking. Yuna and Yole's interactions didn't seem like that of a father and daughter at first, until you look deeper. Yuna didn't seem to care all that much when her actual father was mentioned, not caring at all about living up to his name, or when other people talked about Lord Braska.

Instead, whenever she talked to Yole, she seemed extremely happy, every time he patted her head, she looked like she would explode from joy. She even fell asleep on his shoulder or lap quite a few times without a care in the world. Kimahri wasn't even around like he normally is whenever Yole is near her. Yole would also always make sure she was eating right, and made sure to check up on her hygiene, even if it would embarrass her at times. How this all went over Tidus' head all this time, was beyond him.

Wakka gave him a look like he read his mind when Tidus came out of his brief flashback.

"I can't believe I didn't realize it until now. But that doesn't make sense, why did Yuna tell me that Kimahri was the one that was always around her since she was a kid then? She never said anything about Yole being there as well."

"Because you weren't ready for the full truth yet. Plus, most people would go crazy if they found out that Yuna's father didn't really pay much attention to her when they went on their pilgrimage. Her mother passed away when she was a kid and her father went on a pilgrimage with Sir Jecht and Sir Auron. Granted, they did spend quite a bit of time with her, but Yole was there when they weren't.

Which was a very longtime. They could only stay there for so long until they had to go on their pilgrimage. This caused Yole to mature quite early as well, granted, he was still a teenager at the time, but he learned how to use his unique summons early on, and had been crafting since he was a kid.

He made sure that his summons always gathered food for him and Yuna whenever there wasn't enough and crafted many things to make things easier for them. He taught Yuna as much as he could, and the people of the temple helped him as well.

The only reason Yuna even became a summoner, was because Yole was one, but since Yole's summoning magic seemed unique to him, she became a normally recognized summoner, and filled in after her father's footsteps. I know it's a lot to take in, but it's better to tell you this now, so you get a general idea of who Yole is to Yuna. I didn't tell you everything, but I told you enough."

After that, Wakka patted Tidus' shoulder, and headed to his room. Tidus sighed for a bit, and decided to sleep for the night, while he took in all of this information.


After I woke up for a second time, I stood up from bed, and saw Yuna sitting at one of my desks, reading Guilty Crown. Now that I had assimilated the full extent of my memories within this world, I realized that I am Yuna's surrogate father. That in itself was crazy to think about.

Kimahri wasn't the first guardian, I was. Yuna wasn't just raised in the temple, I raised her mostly, and the temple only helped when it came to teaching her, and cooking. No wonder she felt so comfortable around me. At first I saw her as a little sister, now however, it's different. I started raising her when I was like 11. That's insane to think about. Also a few blueprints were added from my memories, like the communicator, a phone of some kind from what I could tell. I stood up, and tapped Yuna on the shoulder.

She smiled and hugged me. We stood like that, in a hug for a good amount of time, before she sat back down, and I ruffled her hair. I may not be very talkative, but I was good at showing how much I cared about people.

"Yuna, don't forget to clean yourself up and eat some breakfast ok? I know how you get when you read sometimes." The girl in question just fidgeted and blushed for a bit, before rushing off into her room, which had a door connected to mine. Huh, did I do that subconsciously? I don't think I did that intentionally, oh well. I headed off to my bathroom to take a shower myself. I noticed that Lulu was using a blow dryer to dry off her hair, she smiled at me, and continued to dry her hair.

"You shouldn't embarrass the girl so much ya know? You basically do it on a daily basis at this point."

"At least I don't do it in public most of the time though. I would be like one of those stereotypical fathers that always embarrass their daughters in public whenever they get the chance." I saw Lulu smile when I said that, and I just hugged her from behind for a bit, before continuing what I planned to do.