
I Can't Attack, So My Summons do it instead

What happens when a guy lives out his life just fine the first time, but his second life is determined by a random spinning wheel? Find out with me as we delve into the world of Final Fantasy X anew.

Day_Dul · Video Games
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21 Chs

Ice here, Ice There, Ice EVERYWHERE!

While Lulu was worried about her charge, she laid him down against herself as she sat against a pillar. Everyone else, excluding Wakka, were either surprised, flabbergasted, or just downright filled with relief at the chance that the damages to the ocean village would be minimal.

Although it would be better to call it an ice village now, since if one took a look in the distance, they would see a cracked, but still intact, almost transparent, ice dome covering all of Kilika. Sin was nowhere to be found as well. Everyone of the ship's crew started cheering in happiness as they discovered that the village was ok. There may be a few casualties that still happened, but it wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been.

Everybody rode that adrenaline high, except for the main party, and prepared a feast to eat and celebrate. By the time Yole opened his eyes again, the next day arrived, and everyone in the party was watching over him in a cabin room.

[Back to Yole's POV]

As I opened my eyes, I hoped that I saved a bunch of people from the village. I knew that no matter how many or little I saved, canon would change. I was prepared for that, and frankly, wanted it to happen. When I stood up, Lulu ran up and hugged me, as I rubbed my head and looked at everyone else. They all gave me looks of approval and congratulated me on what I had done.

"Please be more careful next time you attempt to do something like this. I knew that you would be fine, but that doesn't make it any better that I saw you end up like this. So, give us a warning next time, ok?" Of course, my favorite gothic mage laid down the metaphorical law for me, and I just nodded in agreement, since it would be in my best interest to do so.

With that out of the way, we gathered what we needed, I stored it away, and we headed out to Kilika port. When we headed outside, I noticed that the Ice dome was slowly dispersing. Thankfully it served its purpose. From what the people of Kilika told Yuna, only a few people that were out on fishing trips had passed away and required a sending.

I breathed a sigh of relief at that. While I didn't save everyone, I saved most of the people, and they didn't have any damage to their buildings. They just lost a few boats. Time for Tidus to see his first Sending, it won't be nearly as long as it was in the game though. I went ahead and summoned some frost mages to disperse the ice dome, it would take some time, but this was the safest way to do it without the ice crumbling down on the village.

After the sending, the people of Kilika cheered for me, and thanked me, once they found out I was the one that created the dome of ice. Seeing the people smile and walk around spreading happiness was enough for me. Tidus of course was still in thought, probably thinking about summoners, and what it means to be one. He looked my way strangely enough.

"So Yole, from what I can tell, you're a summoner but not at the same time. What does that mean?"

"What it means is that while I can't summon Aeons, I can create summons based on all of the elements, including the ones outside of fire, thunder, water, and ice. It gets a little bit complicated, but that's the basics of it." He went quiet after that and walked away in thought. Yuna was somewhat sad, but happy at the same time.

Sad that she had to send off people to the farplane, but happy that most of the people here were alive. Lulu took out the time to comfort her, and I went to reserve our rooms in the inn. The Aurochs, and the crew of the ship wanted to help out in repairing the boats that were destroyed. There was one thing I wanted to try though, since I obtained the recipe for a hut by having it in my inventory, I wanted to see if the same would happen with an inn.

So, I asked the lady at the desk if she and the current residents could temporarily step outside. They quickly complied, perks of being the hero of the village, and I stored the entire inn in my inventory, then sat down. The people behind me gasped, but waved it off after a bit, since they thought that it was just more magic from a strong mage.

I sat and waited for my analyze sub-ability from crafting to finish. The skill itself just allows me to figure out how to craft anything that is in my inventory, but it takes time depending on what it is. This inn would take about an hour.

While it's not as long as I thought it would be, this isn't the most advanced inn in this world. I sat there in a cross-legged position with my eyes closed for the full hour before I got the notification that I got a recipe to craft the inn. I then put the inn back in place, and everyone went about things as normal. I decided to call it a night after that, so I headed inside to my room, and went to sleep.

The next morning, I was the first to wake up, and noticed that Lulu was right beside me. I would have tried to not wake her up, but she woke up right after me. I just stood up, stretched, and noticed that this inn had a bathroom, with a bath, and shower. There was also a washer and dryer. Gotta love machina sometimes, for the simpler things.

I also discovered why the characters never really changed their outfit in the games, they just have many copies of the same outfit. That's it. I'll have to get into sewing if I want to add more clothes to the repertoire because I haven't seen nor heard of a clothing store of any kind. After getting cleaned up, I walked outside with Lulu, and we headed towards Kilika Forest.

I knew that once everyone gathered at the entrance would be when Yuna first talks about wanting Tidus to be her guardian. I figured I could speed things up and just let the guy be officially in the group early. It would make a few events in the future a hell of a lot everyone gathered, it started. Lulu walked up to Wakka and Tidus.

"Yuna's saying that she wants you with us."

"Huh?" Of course, the Oblivious Chocobo doesn't get it initially.

"I want to ask you to be my guardian."

"Woah, Woah, Woah, hey. Now is not the time for jokes!" Do we have a rare and shiny, red haired oblivious chocobo as well? I thought there was only one! Oh wait. Before things escalated, I sighed, everyone stopped talking, and looked towards me. It's funny that I was the de facto leader of the group, just below Yuna in authority.

"Just let the kid get a test run as a guardian. I can see the potential, plus, it will make our little summoner happy. I see this as a win, win." I just shrugged my shoulders and looked towards everyone to gauge their reactions. Most of it was a surprised look, including Lulu.

Wakka motioned to speak, but Lulu and Kimahri jabbed his side to stop him from saying anything. Yuna looked at me with a smile and bowed her head to me. After that, Tidus was guided through the ceremony of becoming a guardian by Wakka, while I had to stifle a laugh at Tidus for still not understanding what was happening.

He went through the motions regardless though. Lulu tapped my shoulder and gave me a face that was just asking me why. To that, I just shrugged my shoulders as a sign that she already knew the answer. She was intelligent enough to figure it out. She just sighed, grabbed my hand, and walked with me as the party started moving.