
I bumped into a Spy!

Myra has two options in front of her, either she gets inside the room, saves the person she's falling for or can go back to the life she always wanted! What will she choose or will destiny choose for her? Forgetting her past Myra built a perfect life for her, a professional writer in Emporium Publications and being with the man of her dream.Yet it takes one day to shatter her dream life into pieces. Taking advice from her best friend she tries to create another life however one bump from a stranger spirals her life back to the rabbit hole she came out of.

DauntlesWallflower · Fantasy
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30 Chs


Myra opened her eyes, an empty space welcomed her, the feeling was like a bucket of cold water directly fallen on her head. Why did she even have a slight hope that he would stay?

This was the sole reason as to why she never opened up to people. She got up, rubbed her eyes, the little sleep that was left in them was gone, yet her fingers trailed absentmindedly towards her lips.

The action sends chills down her spine. The kiss! At first she thought that maybe it was a dream but then when he pulled her close, kissed her forehead everything was pure bliss.

It had been so immediate yet so gentle. His kiss was like a drug for her, but the vacant bed said a different story altogether.