
I build A Dungeon to Support My Village

An 18 years old Thomas Bush found out that after his father passed away, he inherited a large sum of debt. How he supposed to pay the debt without any stable source of income. to make the matter worse, the fate of his entire village was at stake. Due to the fact that his father was a former head village. would Thomas succumbed to his fate and become slave to pay the debt? Would he found a way to solve his problem instead?

Djennar · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

After a night of failing to enjoy his sleep, Thomas finally decided to quit school and start working. His head still felt dizzy and his eyes burned from staying up all night. He immediately changed his clothes and headed to the principal's office when the first rays of the sun hit the roof of the dormitory.

His heart was still beating fast because what he was about to say to Profesor Samuel was a big decision. After checking his appearance several times in front of the window of one of the classrooms, Thomas made up his mind to knock on the headmaster's office door.

'knock knock'

"Come in, Thomas!" A voice from inside the room greeted before the third tap of his hand. He had entered the principal's office many times, but he always wondered how Professor Samuel knew who was knocking on his door.

"Good morning, sir." said Thomas awkwardly.

"Ah… It's quite rare to see a student of mine as active as you are every morning. Sit down!" Professor Samuel greeted Thomas with a bright smile. His appearance was like most of Aldeans, with golden blonde hair and blue eyes, the only difference being a thin mustache and a bushy beard on his chin. His tall and stocky stature was more like a knight than a wizard in general. If anyone met him for the first time they might think Samuel Bishop was a man in his mid-forties, but everyone knew that the headmaster was at least one hundred and fifteen years old. People with high magical abilities tend to age more slowly.

"I would like to submit my resignation from the academy, Professor." Thomas answered firmly. There was not the slightest doubt in any of his words.

Thomas didn't pay attention when he uttered those words. The headmaster was sipping his tea. As a result, Professor Samuel choked and coughed several times. His face was red and the veins in her temples were bulging.

"Are you alright, sir?" Thomas swiftly moved to Professor Samuel's side, but was immediately restrained with a wave of his hand.

"Don't worry! It's just tea going on the wrong hole. I still remember when the King…" The professor seemed to wake up from his daydream. He shook his head to clear his mind. "Did you have a problem with your friend at school?"

"No, Sir. I did this of my own free will." Thomas stared intently at Professor Samuel.

Seeing Thomas' determination in his eyes, the headmaster sighed deeply. "You are a student with great potential Thomas. Apart from the two of us, no one has memorized the entire contents of this academy library. I even recommend you at the staff meeting next year so you can teach a beginner class."

Thomas was at a loss for words. He didn't expect his teacher to even have such a high view of him. Even so, that didn't change the fact that he was a student who was only good on the theoretical side, whereas in practice he was no better than beginner and intermediate level mages. This is because the amount of mana he had is not too much. Only his high level magic energy control had helped him all this time.

"I feel very flattered professor. I would gladly accept that trust." Answered Thomas. "But for some reasons and another I still have to keep working."

Professor Samuel seemed to be considering something. His gaze was fixed on the teenager in front of him. After a while the headmaster let out a long sigh.

"Your father has already solved the problem of your tuition fees, Thomas. I can't ignore it. It is therefore very important that you continue to study here until you graduate in two years."

Thomas couldn't hide his disappointment at the rejection. This can be seen from the expression on his face that turned blank. "I ...."

"But…" Professor Samuel raised his hand before Thomas could speak. "I can relieve you of the burden of compulsory study in class. So you just have to take the exam at the end of every season."

Thomas' face brightened at Professor Samuel's statement. If that happened then, he would have plenty of time to make money. "Really, sir! I ...."

"With one condition!" cut off the principal quickly.

"Condition?" asked Thomas.

"If in the spring final exams your grades drop, I'll be forced to cancel this privilege." Professor Samuel turned his gaze back to Thomas. A look that seemed to measure how strong Thomas' will was.

"I see! I won't let you down! I will make the best of this opportunity!" answered Thomas loudly.

"Very nice! I expect a lot from you." A smile graced the old man's lips. Instantly all the burdens that had been pressing Thomas's heart faded away. There was a tremendous relief filling his heart. It was as if someone had cast a soothing wind-blowing spell.

After saying goodbye to Professor Samuel, Thomas immediately carried out his second plan. He went to the Steel Hammer guild. He felt his steps getting lighter as he walked out of the school gates. His adrenaline was still too high to keep him awake.

The guild headquarters bearing the steel hammer symbol was not too far from the school. The guild became his main destination for getting a job. There he can choose any job that suits his field.

It only took the energetic Thomas ten minutes to get to the Steel Hammer guild headquarters. The two-story building was not too flashy. What made the difference was only a wooden shield carved with a steel hammer mounted above the entrance.

The oak door creaked softly as Thomas pushed it open. Thomas had thought he would meet a dark and dingy place full of muscular and sweaty men, but what lay before him was beyond his expectation. Exactly thirty feet from the door he was immediately greeted by a row of receptionists. He could feel the expansion magic active in the room. There are rows of tables and benches on the left side of the guild hall. Several pictures of guild leaders from time to time can be seen clearly on the left wall. While on the right wall lined with wooden planks crowded with parchment sheets. On the central ceiling of the room a giant chandelier gave off light bright enough to illuminate the entire nine hundred square foot room.

Several people passing by in the room paused to see who had entered. It didn't take long for their attention to return to their busy lives.

Thomas stepped briskly toward one of the empty reception desks free from the queue. The receptionist looked familiar to him.

"Good mo.. Ah Thomas! Long time no see." A girl with fair skin and blue eyes typical of Aldeans greeted him at the table.

"Oh Mirina huh? Long time no see." said Thomas.

"How have you been lately?" asked Mirina in her cheerful voice.

"Everything is fine. You yourself seem very comfortable here."

Mirina is his senior in the book club at school. The twenty-one-year-old girl graduated last summer from the academy. Even though his academic ability was quite high, but because he came from an ordinary family and without connections he failed the Aldea imperial mage exam.

"Well as you can see the people here are very friendly to me." Mirina answered still with her cheerful face. "Hey you're not here just to say hi to me, right?"

Thomas let out an awkward laugh. "I need a job, so I came here to register as a guild member."

"Oh, I see? In order to register as a guild member you have to pay twenty gold coins as collateral and a license to carry out tasks. With that license the union will recommend you if there is a suitable job for you." Mirina explained who suddenly put on a serious mode. She seemed to have memorized the words very well.

"Twenty gold coins?" Instantly Thomas' enthusiasm faded.

"Without paying that fee you cannot register as a guild member." The blonde haired girl answered firmly.

"Isn't there some other way I can get a job here?" Thomas put on a pitiful look.

"Too bad you can't take a job or get a job from the guild." Mirina's voice was somehow a little louder than before, but her facial expression remained cheerful. "Even if a job is intended for a member of the ceramic rank who has never had an applicant, it still can't be done."

Thomas's smile carried. In his heart he thanked Mirina for helping him. "It's a shame when there's an interesting job there."

"There's really no prohibition against people outside the guild from viewing the job bulletin board, but still you can't get a job from the guild." Mirina replied still in the same tone of voice.

"Then I'll excuse myself." Thomas still had a smile on his face. He quickly walked towards the exit. He paused for a moment right in front of the notice board for ceramic rank members. It wasn't long before he exited the Steel Hammer guild building.

This time his steps were definitely lighter than before.