
I Believe In Idols (PAUSED)

Euwan is an immortal being (guardian angel) who is in despair specially since his powers is getting weaker and being weak means being removed from the heavens (they'd be deprived of immortality) Powers of dieties or any fantasy or mythical creatures are formed from their believers, if no one believes them anymore they'll be banned from the heavens and slowly they'll disappear into particles. Euwan was fortunate because he was given another chance but he 's thrown on earth as a human, he was tasked to make people believe him as a human but how can he make any believers if he's a mortal? Eventually, later on he gains believers by being an idol.

Camgiynia_Author · Sci-fi
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4 Chs

Chapter 3 - Family Talk

Right now, Euwan is in a nerve cracking situation.

He sat across his adoptive parents and they both stared at him as if to observe.

'I now understand why my comrades used to meantion humans as intimidating creatures.'

"Now, talk." Ejekiel spoke in a demanding tone.

"I- uhh d-didn't.." Euwan struggled to speak due to nervousness specially since he wasn't really familiar with human emotions.

Deliah interrupted his speaking and decided to talk in his stead.

"He told me that he want to join that idol survival show."

'I didn't say that.'

"Hmm.." Ejekiel hummed before saying something.

"Hetold me that he didn't tho." He turned to Euwan urging him to explain.

"Yes I didn't." Euwan confirmed which made Deliah even more bewildered.

"You literally said that you want to influence people a few days ago? You obviously want to join since you're staring at their recruitment ad." Deliah smmarized the scenario in one go.

"Ah... yes I did say that I want to influence people but-" He stated honestly but he was cut off mid-sentece.

"Alright, I get it now" Ejekiel stared at both Euwan and Deliah alternately.

"Basically, Deliah just assumed that you want to join?



Both replied in unison.

Ejekiel's temples started throbbing from stress but despite that he kept a sweet smile for Deliah and Euwan.

"What do you mean "No" Deliah?" He questioned.

"I didn't... misunderstand anything" Deliah muttered in a small voice.

"Or did I? but he stared at the idols on his phone screen so passionately than ever so I thought... Oh!" Her eyes widened looking like she finally realized something.

"I guess you're right, Kiel."

"Alright now explain how it came to this. Hm?" He a questioned looking deep into the situation more.

"It's becausee I saw him staring at his phone, he was watching the recruitment ad for the idol survival show that's about to air.." She paused trying to remember what happened.

"Now that I think about it, I just assumed those because it looks like he wants to join."

"And you know it yourself! That he wants to become an idol. He even became a trainee at the Astrafterá."

She let out all her thoughts earning an understanding nod from Ejekiel.

Meanwhile, Euwan's busy indulging all of the information that was just mentioned.

'I'm familiar with television shows since I was visited the earth before and I algo got invested in intertainment industry but I have no idea about idols.' He thought turning to look at the flat screen television.

After some thought he then asked his parents something that made them completely blown away.

"What are idols?"

"What?" Ejekiel asked.

On the other hand, Deliah strangely glanced at Euwan causing Euwan to nervously break eye contact.

"You've become strange." Deliah said hinting something.

"It's because I lost my memories." He replied completely avoiding suspicions.

"Memory loss won't make people forget that much." Deliah retorted.

Ejekiel coughed and then he asked Deliah to leave the room.

Soon, after she left, he sincerely apologized to Euwan for her behaviour and Euwan brushed it off like it's nothing.

"So, what are idols?" He brought the topic back up but Ejekiel only laughed at him.

"Are you serious?" He asked almost wheezing.

"I am."

He stopped laughing to check Euwan's expression and yes, he can obviously tell that Euwan's serious.

"You're not Euwan." He blankly commented and Euwan immediately turned to leave but Ejekiel's next words stopped him.

"Just kidding, alright go on, Ask me anything no matter how weird it is. I'll just assume that it's because of your memory loss." Ejekiel suggested which annoyed Euwan instead of making him feel grateful



Euwan turned silent then asked for one thing first that's been bothering him for a while.

"Tell me about that box thing first." He pointed on something.

"The phone?" Ejekiel confirmed before bursting into a laugh.


Later that day, Euwan slumped on his bed appearing exhausted.

'Human interactions are so tiring.'

Earlier he asked Ejekiel mostly all of the things that he doesn't know about.

Right now, he can only hope that Ejekiel doesn't find him suspicious like how Deliah's starting to catch something.

He also discovered some of the basic life facts about humans, also, like what're the things around him, how to use those objects, and ...

This thing that he's holding right now.

It was a phone and he don't know how to use it but he asked for some basic instruction and he already know the simple ways to use it like.

For example, calling, messaging, and using some apps like Moonternet.

Moonternet was used for online interaction, Ejekiel explained that most humans use it for fast communications.

'I think I should look up for Idols.'

Euwan was catching up too fast with using the internet, well that's not shocking since he's literally a former immortal or an angel himself.

He immediately searched Idols on the search bar and there appeared some people singing and dancing.

'They're ridiculous.'

He watched some videos then skipped it. When he noticed something he clicked on it.

It was the video that he first saw on his first of seeing phone.

"Hmm maybe this is the show she's talking about." He uttered to himself.

He clicked on the video and before it played, an advertisement popped up.

Euwan frowned about to put the phone down but then the familiar video finally played.

It started with some few people dancing and singing however, after a few moments, the screen darkened which left him confused since his only his face reflected the dark screen.

'Now that I think about it.'

'This kid's kind of attractive.. but it can't even compre to my form.'

He turned busy admiring and comparing the original owner's looks to his original form but then the screen brightened up interupting his narcissistic thoughts.

After brightening up again, It showed some letters and thankfully he can read it.

[ Are you ready to watch the hardwork and struggles of these group of boys determind to achive their goals and dreams? ]

[ Do you want to support them until they succeed in their chosen path? ]

[ Or...]

[ Do you want them to let them go with their dreams? ]

After that the screen showed some boys sniffing and crying.

That's not done yet because a few seconds later, they showed one older guy criticising the other younger person.

[ You're full of passion yet you lack the talent. ]

The sound effects more got intense and dramatic. The screen zoomed on the lad's face catching hisreaction and the boy ran away in tears.

Soon after, it showed one guy biting their own lips in frustration, one even has their hands gripped so tight on their heads as if they're about to pull their own hair.

Next, the screen turned black again before showing another text.

[ We're still open for lucky participants who want to join before the official release. ]

'So it's like a short ad for the show..' He thought.

Then it showed some details about the time and place.

"That's one week from now.."

'It seems pretty sketchy, maybe it's best if I don't join but.."

it can be my only way out of this moral form..'

'It's best not to go because I don't know even know what kind of field I'm getting myself into if ever I tried joining.'

'Pretty sure there can be some other ways to help with my task.'

After some thought, Euwan made up his mind finally deciding not to join the idol survival show.

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