
I Believe In Idols (PAUSED)

Euwan is an immortal being (guardian angel) who is in despair specially since his powers is getting weaker and being weak means being removed from the heavens (they'd be deprived of immortality) Powers of dieties or any fantasy or mythical creatures are formed from their believers, if no one believes them anymore they'll be banned from the heavens and slowly they'll disappear into particles. Euwan was fortunate because he was given another chance but he 's thrown on earth as a human, he was tasked to make people believe him as a human but how can he make any believers if he's a mortal? Eventually, later on he gains believers by being an idol.

Camgiynia_Author · Sci-fi
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4 Chs

Chapter 1 - Immortal to Mortal

Somewhere in heavens, one particular lord stood in front of an angel.

That Lord is in charge of promoting immortals and disbanding them from heavens.

The Lord shook his head at the guardian angel when he noticed the little amount of the light energy that the lad possesses.

Light energy is accumulated from the love of their supporters and believers, having so little amount of this energy means danger.

"Nowaday, I noticed that the amount of humans who harbor belief in deities and angelic beings is now limited, I daresay."

The man spoke with a cold tone then he paused for a second causing more tension to the atmosphere.

"Do you know the repercussions that will befall us, if no one happens to believe us anymore?"

He stopped and looked at the other guy in front of him, the other was kneeling while having his head on the cold ground.

He was trembling not because of the floor, it's probably because of the person talking in front of him.

"You, being one of the divine guardians, shall be stripped of your immortality as a result of the scarcity of your believers." He stated with a cold tone.

The angel suddenly raised his head with a hint of desperation written on his face.

"L-Lord Astrius! please give me another chance!"

The Diety called Astrius, sighed and then he gazed at the man.

"Alright." He agreed with a smile, but that smile seemed to held no emotions at all.

"I'll give you a chance since you're looking so pitiful, Euwan" He acknowledged Euwan's begging but it seems like he only did it for some other motives.

On the other hand, the person named Euwan has his eyes lit up hoping that Lord Astrius will let him remain as an immortal despite almost all of his supporters turning to none.

"Prove to me that you can influence others despite your mortality, If you ever succeed, I shall grant you your cherished immortality once more."

Astrius commanded Euwan but deep inside Astrius thought something else.

'That would be an impossible task, considering the advancements of human technologies.'

Euwan suddenly became anxious.

"That's unrighteous and unfair! How can I gain believers if I'm a mortal myself?!"

The god placed his hands infront of Euwan's eyes covering his entire view and giving Euwan no chance to argue.

"That's for you to find out." He emplied.

All Euwan remembered was his view turning dark then when he opened his eyes, he was in a white room with two strangers.


The man exclaimed seeing him open his eyes.

Euwan is confused and it's visible to his expressions but despite that the man still appeared happy.

"I'm glad you're awake!" another person exclaimed while suddenly embracing him.


He uttered only one word because he can't seem to grasp about the scenario.

He remained still but deep inside he's full of questions.

"Are you okay? Any discomfort or pain? Tell me honey." the person hugging him looked overly worried but he only remained dazed.

Seeing Euwan look so empty, and blank they decided to call for a doctor which Euwan didn't even notice happening.

"How do you feel Euwan?" The doctor asked.

Euwan slowly looked back and he flinched when he spotted more people appear into the room.

"Uhh-" When he's about to respond he paused and frowned because he remembered the events that happened to before appearing in this place.

Euwan didn't respond because he's in disbelief but because of this the other people in the room became even more worried.

"Is he okay?!"

They both asked panicking.

The doctor the sighed before examining Euwan's condition for a short moment.

"How are you Euwan? Do you remember everything?" The doctor questioned again.

"I don't know." He uttered gloomily.

"Can you tell me what you feel?" The doctor tried to attain more information but he only got a weird reply.

"I seem to have no knowledge about all of these things you're asking..." Euwan answered in a mumble and in an inaudible tone.

The doctor then paused seeing how off the way the guy talked.

"It looks like he lost some of his memory, this must be because of his head injury."

The doctor explained looking unsure but the two person in the room gasped exaggeratedly as if they believed him.

The woman cried hugging Euwan again

"How can this happen?!"

The man proceeded to comfort the woman by circling his palms on her back gently.

"It's okay, Euwan is strong. I bet he'll recover quickly." The man consoled her dramatically.

"Don't worry, he'll gain his memories soon." The doctor interrupted just so the two could calm down.

He then advised the two person to discharge Euwan from the hospital the very next day.

After a few days of staying in their house, Euwan learned that the original owner of the body he's currently residing in is a dropout Trainee of Astrafterá Entertainment Company.

He don't know what that word is but he knows some of the terms that humans are using specially since he visited the earth once before, but still he couldn't understand most of the things that

they are saying.

In spite of that, he still tried to remember everything that revolves about humans since he will be living on earth while he to achieve his task.

It's also because he knows that intelligence are what's the most efficient thing in the world.

Furthermore, he noticed that so many things changed since his last visit. In addition to that, he figured out that the earth almost got ruined because of global warming 300 years ago.

Luckily, the scientists found a way to solve this matter because if they didn't, it's the end for the humans and for all of the mythical creatures who needs their believers to survive.

Right now, Euwan is in his "room" watching someone dance and sing inside a thin box

"Are they trapped in there?" he whispered to himself in sympathy.

"How can they be so cruel to dwarves?" He mumbled under his breath.

Suddenly someone barged into the room, it was the woman on the hospital who hugged him.

Euwan flinched seeing her.

'Oh it's her.'

"Euwan... Do you want to go to school tomorrow?" she inquired while avoiding eye contact.

"I don't want to." Euwan responded blankly.

Euwan disagreed because he came into conclusion that it'll be dangerous if he suddenly went to somewhere he wasn't familiar with.

The woman's eyes widened in shock hearing his reply and worry became evident in her eyes, ofcourse that only lasted for a second.

"Alright, If that's what you want...I'll respect your decision" She admitted defeat then she stopped for a moment.

"You know, we can transfer you to another school If you're having a hard time." She said while smiling.

A forced smile to be exact.

"I don't want to." He refused her suggestion once more.

The surrounding immediately became cold and gloomy as if even a drop of a pin can be heard.

He broke the silence by sighing and he pointed at something.

He opened his mouth but he decided not to

talk since it'll seem like avoiding the topic.

Well, he actually want to ask about the dwarves inside the box thingy that he saw but he decided not to since he's too tired to ask.

On the other hand, the woman saw all of the boy's movements and she gritted her teeth seeing the idols singing on the screen where he pointed at.

She want to say something but she instantly stopped seeing the boy's expression containing a hint of sadness.

"Fine I'll let you." She sighed and she slowly smiled at him.

"Let me what?" He asked genuinely curious.

"You may have short term memory loss right now but you still have that same dream don't you?" She chuckled.

"The audition for that idol show program is I think will happen for about 1 week from now." She continued.

She knows that her sonn's dream is to be an idol even before the accident so then she assumed that he wants to join the show.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He said confusedly.

She sighed then spoke "Choose now, what do you want to be?"

"I want to influence people." He confessed honestly.

He wants to influence people so that he can gain his immortality back and he's determined to succeed because his life is on the line.

The woman chuckled bitterly "I knew you'd say that but are you sure that's what you want? What about you're studies? You'll definitely get into good universities because of your grades. She

queried for more answers.

"I have no idea about what you're talking about but I totally want to influence people." He confirmed.

After all that talking Euwan felt tired specifically since he have no idea about what's going on and he's hating this feeling of being clueless about his environment.

The woman left earlier after saying that she needs to discuss this matter to her husband or his other guardian which is called as his 'dad' in earth first before making the final decision.

Euwan was so oblivious about the misunderstanding that's about to occur.

He slumped back on the bed while analyzing the black box then he tried touching it using his index finger only for him to be shocked because the small humans that are dancing inside the box also stopped.

'What the-'

Then he threw the black box thingy across the bed only for it to bounce back on the ground causing it to make a loud crash.

"That thing... is dangerous."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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