
Chapter 17

Tian Suohui also faintly heard the conversations of the people around him.

The little girl blushed and said a little shyly,

"Fortunately... Mr. Xingping, why don't you put me down, I can go by myself!

" I'm here, I'm not afraid, what are you afraid of! We're all classmates, so there's no shame in helping each other."

Hearing Xinghei's words, Tian Suohui was speechless.

She actually wanted to say something, you don't mind, I mind, after all, she is a girl!

You hug me so intimately, others will definitely misunderstand!

But in the end, Tian Suohui still didn't express his thoughts.

After all, she knew that Mr. Xingping also had good intentions.

Although Xingping Jun felt a little reckless, but at this moment, Tian Suohui really had a great affection for him.

After spending a little time, Xingping hugged Tian Suohui and finally returned to Jixingshe.

"This is the Jixing House?"

"Hmm! Xingping-kun, have you heard of the Jixing House?" "

I have, and if there are no accidents, I should live here in the future!

" Live in Jixing House?"

'Well, if I remember correctly, it seems that Yuanyue only has a student dormitory called Jixing House! "

Hearing Xingping's words, Tian Suohui was very nervous.

Xingping-kun actually wants to live in Jixing House?

No way! How should I face him in the future!

I should keep a low profile

... .

Holding Tian Suohui in his arms, Xingping knocked on the door of Jixingshe.

Mrs. Wenxu looked at Xingping, and said flatly:

"Who are you? Why are you holding Tian Suohui?"

Xingping put Tian Suohui on the sofa in Jixing House, and then said:

"Tian Suohui's ankle is twisted. , I couldn't come back by myself, so I brought her back. You should be the administrator of Jixing House. Nice to meet you. My name is Xingping Chuangzhen. I want to stay here, and I have completed all the procedures , This is the admission notice!"

Xingping said as he took out the admission notice and handed it to Mrs. Wenxu.

Mrs. Wenxu took it over, looked at it, and then said:

"Well, I see, since you are a freshman, then I will tell you about the rules of our Jixing house! I don't know if it is the other places in the school. What, but here in Jixing House, everything is up to me, so I have the right to decide whether to approve your move in or not!" "If you

want to live in Jixing House, yes, you must pass the assessment of my wife Wenxu! Otherwise , you can only find another place to live!"

"Oh, Mrs. Wenxu, what kind of assessment is it?" "

It's very simple, use the ingredients you can find in the kitchen, and cook a dish that will satisfy me , the time limit is within 1 hour! Is there any problem?"

"1 hour? How can it take such a long time! Please wait a moment, Mrs. Wenxu! I'm going to cook now!" Xingping said, and

then went into the kitchen.

Looking at his back, Mrs. Wenxu frowned, and couldn't help saying:

"What an arrogant brat, I hope you are really capable! Otherwise, I will definitely not agree to let you live here!"

Hearing Mrs. Wenxu's words , Tian Suohui snorted and couldn't help laughing.

This is also called arrogance, Mrs. Wenxu, you didn't hear Mr. Xingping's speech at the entrance meeting today, otherwise you will know what is arrogance!

Mrs. Wenxu heard Tian Suohui's laughter and glared at her:

"What's so funny, is there something wrong with my words?"


Before 5 minutes, Xingping held a A meal, walked out.

Looking at the dishes in Xingping's hands, Mrs. Wenxu's expression became a little ugly.

"I said kid, are you kidding me! This clear water noodle is the dish you made?" "

Mrs. Wenxu, why is this clear water noodle? Didn't you see there is a poached egg on it?" This is obviously egg noodles, okay?"

Hearing Xingping's words, Mrs. Wenxu almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Nima, what's the difference between egg noodles and water noodles?

In this dish, I can only see clear soup, chopped green onion, noodles, and a poached egg... You use this kind of dish to get rid of my poor old woman?

Can you put some soy sauce, sesame oil and the like on the table?

Just when Mrs. Wenxu was about to get angry, Xingping spoke up.

"Try it, you'll know how it tastes after eating it!"

Xingping handed Mrs. Wenxu a pair of chopsticks.

After Mrs. Wenxu took it, she took a deep look at Xingping:

"I have to say, my first impression of you is very bad. If this meal doesn't satisfy me, you should prepare to find a place for yourself!

" In her heart, Mrs. Wenxu didn't think that this seemingly extremely simple dish would taste delicious, and at most it might stop at the point where it was not bad. A mere unpalatable dish can satisfy my Mrs. Wenxu?

Mom, when I was brilliant in the culinary world, you didn't even know you were born! !

While thinking about it, Mrs. Wenxu began to taste the dish.

Tian Suohui looked at Xingping with some concern, and she said softly:

"Mr. Xingping, Mrs. Wenxu has eaten countless delicacies, and ordinary dishes will never satisfy her!" "

Student Tian Suohui, is this concerned about me? "


Tian Suohui stopped talking immediately!


Just one sip, Mrs. Wenxu's expression froze in an instant.

This clear noodle soup...how could it be so delicious!

Is this really tmd a clear noodle soup?

This... this is fucking unscientific! ! !

How could this kind of taste be created by noodles in clear soup! ! ! ?

Mrs. Wenxu stared at Xingping closely,

"How on earth did you do it? No matter how you look at it, this is just an ordinary noodle soup. Why does its taste... have such a shocking penetrating power! "

"Who the hell are you!!".