
Chapter 102 Xi Jianrun Can't Sit Still!

In fact, Kohei himself doesn't know much about spices.

Even Xinghei Chuangzhen of the original body, his understanding of this thing is still at the introductory stage.

But now Xingping has a system!

For Xingping, some others can't study thoroughly in their lifetime, isn't it just a matter of spending some gold coins?

Don't understand? It doesn't matter, buy buy buy!

No? It's okay, krypton gold krypton gold again

Krypton gold!

So, after spending some gold coins, Xingping exchanged the advanced skill book of spice usage skills from the system skills section!

At the same time, the system also considerately attached an experience book on the knowledge analysis of the in-depth development of modern spices by Xingping.This time, Xingping is amazing.

In just a few seconds, he changed from a little white with spices to a god-level existence.

Some seemingly ordinary spices, in his hands, can exert ten times, or even hundreds of times the power.

Take this dish as an example, it can jump from a B-level dish to an SS-level dish_ The fundamental connotation lies in the in-depth development of spices.

Caraway seed can be regarded as a medicine, but the real killer is actually kuming!

The scientific name of cumin is cumin. It is also a kind of spice that is rarely used, because its taste is a bit like the taste of squeezed celery juice mixed with cumin powder. For those dishes that need to use cumin-like spices To say that the taste of this celery juice is simply a failure, so more people choose to use cumin with a purer tasteTherefore, among the many spices, cumin and caraway are classified as the kind of spices that are not loved by cooks.

After digesting this experience book, Xingping realized how superficial those cooks who focus on the research of spices really are.

Any kind of spice has unique existence value, but you can't develop it in depth, and you can fucking classify it as a spice that can't be used. No wonder there is no phenomenon-level spice in the world until now. , Legendary curry dishes, even if there are, most of them are because those cooks with SS level strength abruptly use their own strength to forcibly upgrade curry dishes to SS level deliciousness. This method is not an in-depth development of spices at all.

I have to say that this situation is really an insult to spices!

However, it is extremely difficult to develop any kind of spice in depth.The coriander basil coffee made by Xinghei uses caraway seeds as the main ingredient, but in order to deeply develop caraway seeds, he adopted very incredible means.

Take out the dried kuming, boil it purely to collect the juice, and then put it in the refrigerator for refrigeration. In a low temperature environment, the essence of the juice boiled from kuming will gradually sink in the water due to its high density , That part is the real essence of Kuming.

At this time, after freezing it quickly, cut off the sediment of the frozen cumin juice at the bottom,

Then crush it to turn it into ice slag, and then spread it under the caraway seeds for smoke treatment, so that the concentrated extract of cumin is smoked and naturally attached to the caraway seeds,

In this process, we must also pay great attention to the proportion and collocation between the two. If there is even the slightest omission, the final result will be flawed.

Xingping also concentrated all his attention, and only then used this method to develop the taste of caraway seeds beyond the limit

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that caraway seed is the introduction and kuming is the essence.

Let those mediocre guys, like Ye Shan, study it, and I am afraid that they will not be able to develop caraway seeds in their lifetime.

It is really a compliment to say that you are just getting started in the field of spices.

After all, even this in-depth development method of caraway seeds is only a short-lived flower in the vast spice field, and there are more wonderful spice development methods that Xingping has not used yet, and even some methods can be used abruptly. To raise a dish to the level of sss, one can imagine how advanced the research in the field of spices is.

Unfortunately, that level of depth development

special skills are required to do so,Xingping wanted to exchange it, but he was poor..

When you have money, you must exchange it for some advanced skills.

After all, krypton gold also needs to have high-grade krypton points, and there are compelling things to come out, right?

Always krypton formula, krypton cuisine, also very good


Put on something eye-catching

Pretentious, how good?

Although Ha Shanliang couldn't understand what Xingping said, he suddenly felt that this guy seemed to be very awesome.

Just when he was about to speak and continue to ask Xingping,

The embarrassing voice of the host came."Well, five adults... It's been more than ten minutes, you guys, can you give me a score!"

Hurry up and call it a day after scoring the score, this lady has been standing here for several hours!! I'm going to be exhausted!!!!

"Oh, I almost forgot the business!! Unfortunately, I only have the right to rate 20 points, otherwise..."

With a regretful expression on her face, Qian Taro Natsume scored 20 points on the screen without any doubts.

Followed by another 20

points light up.

In the end, Xingping's final score was displayed on the large electronic screen.


"100 points!!"

Immediately, the audience resounded the thunderous version of"It's actually 100 points!! We all witnessed a miracle?"

"No! We have witnessed a piece of history, a legend!! Although I still hate this transfer student, his strength has completely convinced me!!"

"This hateful transfer student must be cheating!! I don't accept it, I refuse to accept it 10,000 times!! If you want me to be convinced. Please send me the link to buy the cheat"

"Hey? Professor Xijian, where are you going?"

Chapelle, who was sitting in the auditorium, saw Jun Shiomi stood up and was about to go out, he asked curiously.

"I'm going to talk to this freshman. His understanding of spices is so advanced. If I can't share my experience with him, I won't be able to sleep at all tonight.of!!"

Jun Shiomi picked up his coat and put it on

Afterwards, he chased after Xingping Chuangzhen.

Awesome life, no need to explain!

All voices, no matter positive or negative, all originate from the recognition of Lao Tzu's strength!

A real man, just a man!!

If Xingping is given a plaque now, he will definitely write a row of big characters on it!