
I become Satoru Gojo but in Black Clover

I find myself walking while I'm thinking, but then I see an old man who seems familiar to me, offers me a new way of living my life, I accept it without giving importance, but I wake up and find myself in a world of magic where everything is new for me . . . . . . . . The characters, scenery and stories are not my property, all rights to their respective authors, this story is created as a hobby, also do not expect much of grammar or sense in the story, you may find several mistakes but I apologize.

Darknight558 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Vol2-Chapter 3-Almost there

Hi I'm the author :D, well for starters the characters and scenarios are not my property, the right to their respective authors, this story is a fanfic that I do it for hobby, don't expect to get chapters in a row or per week, it can take me days, weeks or months for a chapter, But if you want it to come out fast, then give power stones, please vote and give a good review.



Now this story is written in Spanish and translated to English, so don't expect everything to be correct, because my English is not perfect and I can be wrong, I hope you like the story>.




I will be updating the story slowly due to some issues I have but I will keep writing.




This time I use chatgpt to translate the fanfic, so sorry if there are mistakes


*Previous Chapter*

"You may interrupt my plans every time, but I have all the time in the world, I can wait to accomplish the great change in the world" he shows a smile of victory and turns around to look at his desk then he opens a drawer and takes out a sheet where there was a list of people then with his left hand he injects mana and the list that was there changes to an image of a box

"But soon you won't be able to interfere anymore, thanks for everything Satoru Gojo" the image changes again and now there is the list of people, he puts it in his drawer and closes the drawer, he sits on his desk and then closes his eyes, his hair and the tattoo on his forehead change place and color, then he opens his eyes again and the magician king carves his eyes with tiredness and returns to his work.


A peaceful and quite beautiful day, people strolling through the city, stopping to buy things in the shops, going out to eat, or simply chatting with others. Everything was calm and cheerful, but within this tranquil day, there sits a tall person on a wooden bench, dressed in black, with white hair and a blindfold over their eyes. This is our dear Satoru, sitting with hands together, looking down at the ground as if deep in thought.

This continued for quite a while; people passed by, seeing him sitting there unmoving, lost in thought. No one approached to inquire about what might be going on, they simply continued on their way. Satoru was contemplating that sensation he had when he was at the top of the castle, feeling as if he had lost something very important, although he doesn't know what it is. He sighs, unable to identify the feeling, and gets up from the wooden bench.

He walks around the kingdom and buys some food, then leaves the city and observes the landscape. After finishing the food he bought, he teleports to a village. Upon arrival, he sees people going about their activities, and as he strolls around, he receives various looks some curious, some cautious, and others amazed. Satoru doesn't pay much attention and continues with his own business.

He spends some time in that village and then moves on to another. Satoru has been doing this for a while staying in one village and then moving on to another. He knows the entire continent of Black Clover by heart, although there are still some parts he hasn't explored. However, he can teleport wherever he wants.

Satoru is sitting at a restaurant table, eating his food. He glances at the restaurant's clock and looks out the window, realizing that the sun is starting to set. He pays for his meal and leaves the restaurant. Then, he stops and remembers, "I think today is when he faces those soldiers," and teleports away from the location

Moments later, Satoru appears on the roof of a house some distance away. He suppresses his magical power and begins to watch the fight of the Black Bulls' rookies. Satoru sits on the roof and watches as Asta is sent flying after taking a hit of ice magic and falls to the ground.


*Black Bulls' Fight*

"Asta!" Noelle shouts upon seeing Asta injured and falling to the ground. The enemy starts approaching the water dome that Noelle created to protect the villagers. "Such incredibly strong magic, but one person might be able to break through this," he says as he puts him hand on the dome. Using him magical power, he begins to freeze the water dome. "25 seconds should be enough. You're stealing too much of my time; you know the price for that is high."

He intensifies him magical power to freeze the water dome even faster. Noelle is nervous, unsure of what to do against the enemy. Magna is anxious and worried; he understands the difference in magical power between them and the enemy. He starts lamenting in his mind, thinking it's all over, but something interrupts his thoughts. "I'M NOT GIVING UP YET."

Magna looks up and sees Asta behind the enemy with his sword ready to strike, but the enemy reacts and launches an attack towards Asta, who fails to dodge and takes the hit. Asta falls to the ground and rolls a bit. "Asta," Magna sees Asta getting hurt again, but Asta gets back up and rushes towards the enemy once more, only to be injured again by another attack.

Asta falls to the ground, blood dripping; everyone can see how injured he is. Despite being hurt and bleeding, Asta gets back up. "I'm not giving up yet," Asta declares with determination to keep fighting. "You don't stand a chance because you won't give up already."

"Give up? I will protect them. Now I realize it's not just about a single promise to protect everyone. I will become the WIZARD KING!" Asta shouts at the top of his lungs, expressing his desire. Noelle is confused about him becoming the Wizard King, but Magna, seeing all this, feels his determination resurface. "Noelle, my attacks can pierce through your magic, you know."

"Yes, why?"

"Hehe, you take care of the villagers."

"If you want to kill him, you'll have to kill me, I am his senpai. Come on, Asta, this is your debut." Magna smiles and takes out his grimoire. "Take all the magic I have left." Magna launches several fireballs in all directions towards the enemy, determined to end it.

The enemy sees all the fireballs and raises his right hand, creating an ice shield to protect himself from the fireballs heading straight for his body; the rest of the fireballs pass around him. "It's useless."

"It's not useless." Asta's voice sounded behind the enemy, who could only turn his head to see Asta holding his sword. Asta uses the flat part of the sword to hit the fireballs, sending them back towards the enemies. None of them could react in time, and they get hit by the fireballs.

The enemy sees his comrades lying on the ground, severely wounded. He notices his chest is on fire and tries to extinguish the flames with his ice power, but it's not working. He starts to panic and sees Asta standing in front of him with his sword ready to finish it.

"I'm not giving up yet." Asta delivers a vertical strike, hitting the enemy, who falls to the ground badly injured, leaving a trail of blood from Asta's cut and his mouth. Everyone cheers for witnessing his victory. Magna wastes no time and uses his fire magic to bind the enemies so they can't escape. However, he sees one of them manage to escape. "Damn it, I let one get away."

"Well, go after him," Noelle tells Magna while still inside the water dome. The dome then collapses and disappears, soaking everyone inside. Asta, who had defeated the enemy, falls to the ground from exhaustion. However, a bird emerges from his cloak, flying towards the village church in search of something. After a moment, it finds a very conspicuous stone. As it is about to grab it, a voice is heard

"How long it's been, my dear friend." The bird turns around and sees a tall adult, dressed in black, a black blindfold over his eyes, and white hair. The bird immediately identifies him and raises its wings in a greeting. "Haha, it seems you do remember me. You've come for that stone, haven't you?" Satoru points to the stone, and the bird nods its head.

"Well, I won't hold you back. It's better if you take it. Sooner or later, they'll notice, but for now, not yet. After all, I already took care of the one who escaped." Satoru says in a calm tone as he rises from the wooden bench in the church. "By the way, you might have already figured it out, whether through the sword or the grimoire, but let me confirm it for you. Yes, they're his, and why he has them... mmmhh, I can say it's a sibling thing. I helped him with that issue with his brother or stepbrother. Anyway, it's a pleasure to see you again, Secre." Satoru bids her farewell and disappears from there.

Secre stays there, watching everything, lost in thought. She shakes her head, looks towards the stone, grabs it, and flies back to where Asta is. Satoru is back in the house where he witnessed the enemies commit suicide and saw their sorrow for the old man. "I could have tried to change it." He turns around and disappears.

A moment later, he appears in a hallway with several doors and columns. Satoru walks for a moment until he reaches a specific door. Satoru stands in front of the door and knocks.

*toc* *toc*

"Do you want to die or something?" The person inside began emitting a murderous aura. Satoru paid no attention and kept knocking. "Even if you try, you won't be able to, but if you pay me," Satoru continued knocking on the door, disregarding Yami's anger at having his bathroom time interrupted.

"Go to the back room, turn down the hall, and grab your payment there."


*knock* *knock*


"Hehehe, I know, that's why I'm doing it." Satoru stopped bothering Yami and started walking towards the room Yami had mentioned. He turned the corner and reached the back room, opened it, and saw several money bags. "Here's the payment for the rookies. Where's mine?" Satoru looked around and saw another quite full bag. "I think this is mine," he said with a wide grin.

Satoru grabbed the bag, exited the room, stowed it in his inventory, and started walking down the hall. Suddenly, he bumped into a person carrying towels. The person he collided with was a slim, medium-built young man. He had droopy eyes and brown hair that was somewhat unruly. He wore a loose light green tunic with long sleeves and long tails at the back. He also had dark pants and a pair of wide knee-high green boots that tied at the front. He wore the short Black Bulls cloak, and his grimoire was on his left hip. He also had a pair of green earrings.

Satoru immediately recognized who this person was. "Finral Roulacase," he said in a low tone. Finral was carrying towels for the men's bathroom but felt something to his right. He turned and saw an unfamiliar person with a blindfold, hands in his pants pockets, and his grimoire on his left side.

Finral didn't know who the person was or how he got there, so he dropped the towels and opened his grimoire. "I don't know who you are, but how did you get in here? Let me tell you, Captain Yami will be here in a moment." Finral said in a warning tone, but internally, he was quite nervous about the unfamiliar person. "Yami spends his whole life in the bathroom, by the way. I confirmed it a while ago. Hehehe."

Satoru was calm because Finral wasn't a threat for the moment, so he walks a bit in front of him. Satoru was taller than Finral, so Finral had to look up. "Relax, kid. I'm not an enemy. I'm from the squad. If you have doubts, ask Yami about the magnificent and splendid Satoru Gojo." Satoru pats Finral's shoulder.

"Don't worry; I'll be back to the base soon. But for now, don't tell Vanessa." Satoru bids farewell and disappears from there. Finral stands still, unsure of who this person is and why he doesn't want him to tell Vanessa. He immediately runs in search of Yami but returns to pick up the towels that were on the floor.


*Next day*

"A beautiful day and a magnificent morning to start the business," Satoru was excited to start making money, so he went to the city, specifically to the area where all the food stalls, goods, clothing, etc., were located. However, that's not where he was heading. He went to a closed alley but approached the left wall and walked through it without hesitation.

Upon passing through the wall, there were various stalls selling different things. Satoru kept walking until he reached his destination. He entered the place, and it was quite crowded with many people. This was a casino, and Satoru was ready to make money. He looked for a place to sit but noticed two people who caught his attention.

"Who would have thought, the wizard king and the other guy whose name I sometimes remember." Satoru walks towards that table. "Excuse me, may I join your game?" Satoru asks with great excitement. "Of course, sit down, young man," the old lady welcomes him to play with them, while Sekke looks at him strangely and focuses on his cards. Satoru grabs a chair, puts money on the table, and then takes his cards. "Well, ladies, I hope you don't mind, but this handsome fellow is about to become a millionaire."


"Hey, Vanessa, this place is pretty cool."

"Hey, Bakasta, don't wander too far."

"Don't worry, Noelle. I just want to check out this place; it's filled with so many things."

"Noelle, come on, let's find something that can help with your magic."

Asta separates from the group and starts to look around with excitement, observing things he hadn't seen before. Then, he returns to the group of girls and asks, "That place seems quite lively; what is it?"

"It's a gambling house, but you guys are too young for that. For a novice, they could lose everything they have in that place. But let's keep looking," Vanessa explains to Asta about the place before taking Noelle to check out the stalls, while Asta goes to another booth.



"And with this, gentlemen, victory is mine!" Satoru drops his cards on the table as the winner. The old lady and Sekke, who see this, only sigh and put on angry faces for losing again. Satoru takes the money from the table and puts it away. "But how fun it is to make easy money."

"You're quite the player, young man," the old lady compliments Satoru. "Haha, I know, I'm great. But you're good too, especially at not being recognized. A genius at going unnoticed," the old lady looks at Satoru while raising an eyebrow. 'Seems like she found me out; no wonder she's the vice-captain.' Satoru and the old lady continue chatting for a while.

Meanwhile, Sekke was desperate; he just lost all his money to an old lady and a blindfolded man. In every round, either the old lady or the blindfolded man won. Sekke didn't know what to do, but then he turned his face to the side to distract himself. In doing so, he observed two beautiful women talking, one with long silver hair and another gorgeous woman with wavy pink hair reaching halfway down her back.

Sekke saw an opportunity to impress a beautiful girl, so he stood up, ready to flirt with them. But before he could move away, something grabbed his wrist. He turned to see the blindfolded man holding his wrist. "I'm sorry, friend, but you're terrible, and I won't let you go near her."

"Huh?? Is one of them your girlfriend? If so, I can flirt with the other one." Sekke tries to free himself from Satoru's grip but can't. "Soon, my friend, soon I will. But the other girl already has her partner, even though he's an idiot, he's her partner." Satoru squeezed Sekke's wrist firmly. "And if you still want children, you stay away from that beautiful girl with pink hair, understood?" Sekke nods his head in fear at the threat. Satoru releases Sekke's wrist and gives him a warm smile. "Well, now that everything's fine, go stop that thief."

"Huh? Which thief?" Satoru points to the side; Sekke and the old lady turn only to see a thief flying away with a bag of money. The old lady turns to the side and realizes her money bag is gone. "Thief! He's taking my money!"

Sekke sees the thief, so he takes out his grimoire, activating his magic to create something like a motorcycle and goes after the thief. But he sees Asta in front of him. He draws his sword and throws it at the thief, who falls because Asta's sword cut the cloud he was escaping on. Just as the thief is about to fall, Sekke catches him on his motorcycle. 'Fu ja, I'll take all the credit.'

But before he could do anything, the thief stabs him in the foot with a poisoned dagger, causing him to lose control of his motorcycle and end up crashing. Sekke falls to the ground, thinking he was about to die. Asta approaches to see how he's doing, but Vanessa arrives, assures him that he'll be okay, and that it's a paralyzing poison. She gives him the antidote and tells him the antidote's recipe to apply it himself.

While that was happening, Asta grabs the money bag and returns to the old lady. "Here you go, grandma, your money that the thief took is complete." Asta shows a big satisfied smile for helping the old lady. "Thank you very much, young man."

"It was nothing. This is the duty of a Magic Knight."

"Well, well, starting your journey towards Wizard King, Asta, starting off well." Asta hears a voice and turns to his left to see Satoru standing there eating bread. "Ah, it's you, Satoru, from before the exam, right?"

"That's right, Asta. Pleasure to see you again." Satoru smiles at this encounter, then raises his head and sees Vanessa talking to Noelle. He then turns to look at Asta, who was talking to the old lady.

"Hey, Bakasta, have you already delivered the money?"

"Oh, Noelle, yes, I already did."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go."

"Yeah, yeah, let me say goodbye to the grandma and Sat... " Asta looks around for Satoru but can't find him anywhere. "Bakasta, who are you looking for?" Noelle sees Asta searching for someone and becomes curious.

"Well, someone tall, with white hair, and a blindfold over his eyes." Noelle looks at him with a confused expression at this description. Vanessa, who was approaching, hears this and becomes curious. "Asta, how did you describe him?"

"Well, he was tall and had white hair, and also..." Before he could finish, the grandma interrupts him. "That young man went that way; he saw his sister leaving, so he followed her and sends you his regards."

"Ah, okay, thanks, grandma."

"You're welcome, dear." The grandma watches as the group starts to move away. Asta and Noelle talk about the things they bought while Vanessa is a bit behind, observing the grandma again, who winks at her and nods. Then, the grandma goes back into the casino and heads to the table where she was playing.

"Why don't you go with them if they're your squad? Besides, that girl seems to know you." The grandma sits in the chair and looks at Satoru. "I know, but I want to make an epic entrance as vice-captain." Satoru gives her a big smile. "Oh, by the way, what did you think of young Julius?"

"Amazing, really. It turns out he's anti-magic by chance." Julius was excited with stars in his eyes.

"Yeah, totally correct. Well, I'll leave you; maybe we'll play next time." Satoru gets up, pats Julius's (grandma's) shoulder, and leaves the casino. He goes to a stall, buys something, then stores it and teleports away from the place.


<Author: Hey, I'm back, my people, here's a new chapter, so>




<If you're enjoying the story or not, let me know if I should continue abandon it. You guys decide>