
Chapter 17-With my family

Hi I'm the author :D, well for starters the characters and scenarios are not my property, the right to their respective authors, this story is a fanfic that I do it for hobby, don't expect to get chapters in a row or per week, it can take me days, weeks or months for a chapter, But if you want it to come out fast, then give power stones, please vote and give a good review.



Now this story is written in Spanish and translated to English, so don't expect everything to be correct, because my English is not perfect and I can be wrong, I hope you like the story>.





Please give me good reviews so I know how many stars my story will get, if not, then why do I continue it?


*Some years later"

<Base of the black bulls>


We are at the base of the black bulls, where you could hear a lot of noise, several people talking, but inside the base, you can see a beautiful girl sitting on a chair while having her head on the table and playing with a bottle of alcohol and looking towards the entrance of the base, while sighing sadly-"Hey Magna-senpai, why Vanessa-senpai is sad and stares at the entrance of the base" who said this was a dwarf with hairy hair-"I don't know Asta, I have asked her about that too, but she just says that she is waiting for him to come back after finishing his work" both Asta and Magna looked at Vanessa out of concern since she almost always did this.


While they were worried about her, Vanessa was immersed in her thoughts, then she lifts her right arm and sees a beautiful bracelet on her wrist-"When are you coming back Satoru" she says in a very low tone, but also with sadness, while this was happening outside the base of the black bulls, at a far distance, an adult with a dark shirt with long sleeves, black baggy pants, black shoes and a black bandage on his eyes, plus a snow white hair, this person was sitting looking towards the direction of the base, but he was quite far away, but he just smiles and then stood up-"I think it's time to make my epic entrance".

[But in order to understand the latter, we must first go back a few years, when Satoru said goodbye to Vanessa and went for a walk in the forest and then disappeared].


*A few years earlier*

<Satoru pov>

After Satoru left the base of the black bulls, he went to walk a while in the forest where he began to reflect on various things, and then disappear from there, then Satoru appeared in a mountain where he could see a village, Satoru smiles at the sight of the village and then down the mountain, he walked for a while until he reached the entrance of the village, and then continue walking, he was walking around the village and saw several familiar faces so he greeted them, then he went to buy some fruits, vegetables, some meat and bread, he said goodbye to all the people and continued his way, Satoru was walking for a while he left the village and continued walking, he felt the breeze of the air in his face, the smell of fresh air, some birds flying by, he was enjoying this tranquility, some time passed and Satoru could see not far away a simple house, when he saw the house a smile of nostalgia came out of his face.

Satoru was getting closer and closer to the house, until he saw a man coming out of the house with some wooden planks, the man started to arrange them in front of his house because he was fixing the fence, but then he lifts his head and sees a person, the man stares at him a little, Satoru also hugs his father since he hasn't seen him in a few years-"Haha, I didn't know you were coming I would have prepared something" his father starts to laugh while patting him on the back-"Haha it's better to come as a surprise right, By the way I bought this while I was coming" he hands the bags of food he bought to his father-"Oh by the way son, your mother might not take it very well" his father tells his son in a scary tone-"Hey, why do you say that dad? Satoru was confused by what his father said-"Just come in and see" Satoru decided to enter his house, so he opened the door and found his mother walking into the living room, she was carrying a few shirts in her hands as she was going to fold them in the living room.

But when she heard the door open she turned to see her husband enter but she saw a tall young man with a white bandage on his eyes, the lady was Satoru's mother and she immediately identified him, she left the clothes she had in her hands in a chair to run to her son, Satoru saw his mother coming towards him so he opened his arms to hug her, when his mother was close to him to hug him Satoru was quite happy to see his mother and receive a hug, but what he didn't expect was to receive a hard slap that left a red hand mark on Satoru's face- "And why was that?" Satoru reacted and was rubbing his cheek because of the slap his mother gave him- "That's for having us worrying so much". "His mother was really angry with her son-"But I did send you several letters" Satoru who was still rubbing his cheek started to argue with his mother-"Which letters we didn't receive any".

"Yes look here are the cards" he took out several cards from his storage and showed them to his mother-"See look at the cards" the mother looked at the cards and then looked at Satoru with a dark smile, Satoru did not know what was happening and even more with that smile of his mother, so he looks at the cards he had in his hand and then he sees his mother who had a dark smile, at that moment Satoru's brain started to work and he realized what was happening, he started to tremble and sweat because he knew what he did wrong-"This mom, you know I love you very much" he says with a lot of fear towards his mother-"I know son, but don't worry, we are going to solve it" his mother started to walk towards him and put her hand on Satoru's left shoulder-"So let's talk a little bit" Satoru was so scared that he turned to all sides for help, then he saw his father enter the house and begged him for help but his father just started to back away and close the door, when he saw his father leaving, he turned to see his mother who was still with a smile-'Not even infinity can save me from this' Satoru gave up with escape since he knows that facing the anger of a mother nothing saves you, and in this way a very manly scream was heard.


After the scolding that Satoru's mother gave to her son, we found ourselves in a living room where Satoru was sitting in an armchair with a cup of tea while he had several wounds on his face that were starting to heal, his father who was in another armchair with another cup of tea and his mother who was walking towards the living room with a tray with a jug of tea, a serving glass and some cookies-"Well son, sorry if I went a little overboard, but why didn't you send us letters? but why didn't you send us the letters" she says as she grabs the letters to open them and start reading them-"Well I was quite far away and as I was enjoying myself for everything I forgot that the letters couldn't arrive"-'It's the most obvious thing I can't say I was in another continent and how would a pigeon from another continent arrive to this one' Satoru just sipped his tea while sighing-"This is what I meant son" his father with a tone of pity at his wife's anger with his son-"Well let's change the subject, tell us how you are doing".

"Well the truth is I'm doing pretty well, now I have a job as vice-captain of an order and I see-" he could not finish because his parents reacted when he said vice-captain-"WAIT IS THAT TRUE SON" both his father and his mother were quite surprised-"Yes it's true I am vice-captain of the black bulls, Satoru started to tell them how his order was, of course changing certain things, his father and mother were only listening how their son is vice-captain, they were so happy and excited for their son that they decided to make a mini party in their house for this-"By the way where is my naughty little sister?

"Son, I have to tell you something" his father approached his son and put a hand on his shoulder, Satoru was confused about this-"The truth is a strong news even I was shocked but I accepted it and I hope you too" Satoru was still confused about this since he had no idea what he was talking about-"What are you talking about" Satoru was now very confused-"What your father means is that your sister is on a date".

"You mean she went to do something, like pick up clothes, food or something no" Satoru asked curious about this-"No son your sister is having a date with a boy" when he said this something inside Satoru's mind snapped, seeing his sister with another boy, Satoru was frozen in front of his parents, and then he lowered his white bandage and opened his eyes and looked around, then he stopped to one side-"I found her" and disappeared from the house, both his father and mother, knew that this would happen because Satoru takes care of her, so much so that he taught her how to use her magic power both in defense and offense, he appreciates her so much, after Satoru disappeared, in a hill near the town there is a beautiful girl with white hair while she had a blue dress, this was Celena, Satoru's younger sister and she is with a guy who is lazy to describe who he was so let's say it was a random.

Celena is having fun, she had a date with the guy, they went for a walk, to eat, he took her to see a beautiful mountain landscape, she was having the best time while she was with the random guy, then they were about to go back to town until they saw a white haired adult with black clothes and a white blindfold, Celena knew who he was and she got excited, she wanted to run to him to hug him, but she couldn't because the random boy stood in front of her while she was on defense and one hand free to cast a spell-"Who are you" the random boy asked Satoru but he didn't say anything-"Hey friend I ask you who are you or what do you want" he kept asking but he didn't get an answer he was ready to defend Celena, who was just watching the scene, but then Satoru started to walk towards them, and was a meter away from the boy while he was looking at him, then he started to take off his blindfold and saw the boy with a face of contempt and anger-"And who the hell are you" he said in an angry tone while looking at the boy, when the boy looked at Satoru he started to tremble as he felt a strong pressure on him and as if his body was telling him to escape, but he didn't want to leave Celena alone, Satoru who was looking at the boy then raised his hand in the form of a gun and pointed it towards the boy, when he did that the boy started to tremble more but he still didn't leave and kept protecting Celena.

"Cursed ritual: Inverse -" Satoru was about to launch his technique until he felt some arms on his waist, he looks down and sees his sister hugging him-"Please brother" when Satoru saw this he felt bad and canceled his technique under his hand while he patted his sister's head, then he looked at the boy who fell to the floor sweating a lot and with fear, then he put the white bandage back on his eyes-"You saved yourself boy" to start walking away with his sister, the boy kept pulling without knowing what until in front of him some water words appeared and left the boy with a smile, while with Satoru and Celena this stops making Satoru turn around and see his sister with an angry face-"Well aren't you going to ask for forgiveness" he says in an angry tone towards his brother-"But".

"No buts, you interrupted my date and almost killed him" Celena was angry with her brother-"But Celena" Satoru tried to excuse himself for his action earlier-"No buts it's my date and I decide ok, besides I won't be like this when you get a girlfriend" Celena was scolding Satoru, who simply lowered his head-"It hurts me to see my little sister growing up, I still remember the little girl who had fun being there with magic and now on a date".

"You just want to annoy me because you don't have a girlfriend no" Celena questioned Satoru-"Most likely but going back to the above if it hurts me to see my sister with a boy, but it's your life and I'll leave you alone tell me if he does something to you and I'll disintegrate him from the world" Satoru gave a smile to his sister-"Done but for the moment don't try to scare him to death yeah"

"Alright I won't scare him to death, but if he does something to you he will " when he says it his sister nods her head at the idea-"Well now changing the subject aren't you going to greet your brother" he says while extending his hands to receive a hug, Celena went to hug Satoru-"It's good to see you again brother".

"Same here sis, well let's go back home to celebrate that I'm a vice captain of an order" he says with a pride while inflating his chest for this, besides his sister when she heard this was so surprised-"How did you become a vice captain in only two years, it's not supposed to take you long to do that".

"If you want to know let's go home and I will tell you everything, besides I will tell you what I was doing during this time that I was not at home" and so the brothers began to walk while they talked about their day and how it was during this time.

They arrived home where they scolded Satoru for interrupting his sister's date and promised not to do it again, so they decided to have dinner as a family and celebrate their son who is now vice captain, they were happy to be all together, besides Satoru told about their adventures they had, then they went to sleep and spent several days, where Satoru stayed a while with his family, talking and helping around the house, besides going to town to talk to the people of the village, all cheerful and exciting.


*Several days later

"Satoru was outside his house hugging his parents and sister because he had to go- "Take care son and please send the letters yes" His mother gave him a warm smile but with a scary aura around her that made Satoru shiver a little- "Sure mom, I won't forget" he says in a nervous tone.

"His sister is hugging Satoru-"Sure I'll bring you a souvenir" while hugging his sister, then they separated and Satoru was about to leave until his father spoke to him-"Hey Satoru, don't go do anything stupid or mischievous at work will you".

"Oh how do you think dad, you think I'm capable of doing that" he says while putting a pure sincerity, but his family simply remained silent while looking at him-"Okay, you're not bad at all, well I'm leaving now" he says goodbye to his family and then disappears from there-"You know I'm still not used to my brother can teleport like that".

"Celena and her mother enter the house while her father stands there looking at where Satoru was a moment ago-'Who would have thought that after so many years someone finally inherited the magic power of the ancestor, hehe, that's my son' he thought while a smile appeared on his face and then he turned around and entered the house.


*Meanwhile with Satoru*

After Satoru left his house, he appeared near some mountains where he was walking for a while, he saw several wolves, rabbits, foxes, birds, different plants, but he kept walking until he reached what looked like a cave.

"Let's see what I find here" he says with a smile on his face and then he starts walking and enters the cave.


<Author: I hope you like the chapter and please give good reviews support story, just a warning I'm close to finish first volume of I'll take short break continue with another story or break, then start second>.





help, I have a lot of homework, college life is not what I expected.

Next chapter