
Chapter 64 Come to see you, my dear!

  Seeing Kazuru's disgusting smile, Naruto stopped in his tracks, knowing that if he didn't knock down this guy, he would not be able to overtake him and chase after Maki!

  Damn it, Moonlight Gale, I can only help you get here, it's up to you whether you survive or not! Damn it, I didn't expect your death date to be brought forward. It's really messed up. As expected, the real world is full of variables and unknowns

  ... After thinking about it, Naruto completely focused on the spy in front of him, who could almost be said to be the number one spy in the Naruto world!

  "Oh? Does Naruto-kun have any doubts? Why don't you tell me about it? Maybe, I can just explain it to you!" With the exclusive and iconic fox smile, he lightly stroked the scalpel a few times, carefully staring at him. Look at the dangerous elements on the opposite side!

  "Ha, that would be great! My question is——

  if I remember correctly, you probably won't be able to pass the second exam! Your team, it seems, didn't keep the scroll?"

  Yes, although Passed the first round of exams, but judging from the fact that Konoha Twelve Xiaoqiang passed the second exam, his team should have failed to keep the scroll! But now, not only did he pass, but he also got a bye with great luck and

  directly entered the final stage! This really surprised Naruto!

  "Hehe, who told you that I acted with the group? From the very beginning, I never planned to act together with those two idiots! Hehe..." Hearing Naruto's question, Kato grinned and continued:

  "I'm the same as that Li Locke, all the way to the third game!"

  "What? Impossible! None of the eight gatekeepers can be defeated by you!" Surprised, this guy is completely different from the original book's low-key, high-key!

  "Hehe, I have to ask you!"

  "Ask me?" Naruto was puzzled!

  "Yes, the gatekeeper I chose to fight is you Naruto! But unfortunately, when I arrived at the gatekeeper's place, I didn't see you! So I boldly guess that you should have gone to Sasuke That direction,


  The final result is that you were unconscious on the battlefield, and I couldn't find the gatekeeper! Speaking of which, you are the one who should be eliminated. You didn't show the examiner that you snatched I got the scroll, and I didn't go to the Forest Tower by myself!

  So..." "

  So you used this to blackmail the village and let you pass the second exam! In order to keep my exam qualification, the invigilators let you Your plot succeeded?" Soon, Naruto learned the real situation from Dou's words!


  Naruto-kun, I'm not threatening! It's just a complaint against unfairness as a low-level weak! As a gatekeeper, you are neither in your position, nor have you successfully passed the exam, so I naturally There is reason to believe that

  you have accepted the behind-the-scenes arrangement and deliberately acted like this so that we poor and disadvantaged ninjas will not be able to pass the exam! Hehe, don't you think so, Naruto-kun—

  " What about your style, Dou, Orochimaru's right-hand man!" Hearing Dou's explanation, Naruto suddenly realized that what he had done had actually helped this guy inadvertently!

  That's why he didn't abstain like in the original book, and there is no sign of exposure! Damn it, I actually fulfilled him...

  Crack! Snapped! Snapped!

  "I've known for a long time that you are very special and know a lot of things that I shouldn't know. Now I am amazed to have a friendly conversation with you!" His eyes flashed, and then he returned to his original state:

  "Since you already know my identity, I might as well tell you something more. Anyway, after tonight, you will disappear from this world!"

  "Hehe, so confident? I don't think you have the ability to keep me!" Naruto smiled. It seems that this guy really has a deep conceit hidden! Hehe, leave me here...

  "However, I am very interested in what you are going to talk about next! Then, come on, tell me, what other conspiracy do you have!" Seeing

  Naruto confidently accepted his challenge , Holding his glasses in his pocket, he let out a hearty laugh for the first time:

  "Actually, it's nothing, I just want to tell you! This Chunin exam is just a game carefully prepared by my adults for this child Sasuke! Among the more than 500 candidates, 80% of them are taking this exam under the control of adults!


  how is it? Surprised! Then, please take this exam with you Surprised, go to hell, my lord is not interested in you anymore, hahaha..."

  If you say do it, do it, this guy, who only revealed the horrifying inside story of the conspiracy a second ago, the next moment, he is already holding a death sentence Yan Luo attacked Naruto! If it were any other young man, he would probably have been killed in this terrifying conspiracy!

  However -


  With a flash of his sword, Naruto easily flew into the pocket again, cut off another scalpel of his, and said with a chuckle:

  "I knew you would attack me, did you think I would be unprepared? However, what you said , It really surprised me a little bit! Orochimaru, you really are a terrifying guy, so bold! Hehe...take the move!


  Naruto praised Orochimaru without hesitation, this one of the three ninjas One, the guy who runs through the whole story of Hokage is indeed a guy who is superhuman in all aspects such as strength, will, wrist, charm, etc.!


  this is not a reason for him to let go of the hateful spy in front of him!


  Naruto twisted his waist, and his whole body, including Shisong Songyue, spun like a whirlwind! In an instant, the air of the knife shot out all over the sky, split the air, and swept towards the pocket like overwhelming the sky!

  Ding ding dong,

  after a burst of wrong sounds, the pocket was already sweating profusely, his whole body was covered with blood, and his clothes were torn in pieces, what a ragged beggar's outfit!


  Naruto-kun is really powerful!" Although he was a little overwhelmed by Naruto's sudden attack, he was still confident and calm, without any panic on his face!

  "Hmph! Playing mysteries! Dou, your small knife has no deterrent effect on me at all! You'd better catch it without a fight. If you are restrained by me, if you continue to fight, there is no chance of winning. Why bother asking for trouble? !"

  Naruto launched a psychological offensive, trying to dismantle Kabu's fighting spirit! Although the effect is minimal, but it is better than nothing! With the winning ticket in his hands, he doesn't worry about a comeback! There is no way, without the pocket of fairy art, he is really not his opponent!

  As for what to say about Qiping Kakashi, hehe, I am afraid that this statement is also extremely watery! Besides, even if Kakashi came in person, the current Naruto really doesn't want him...

  "Okay, I'm not in the mood to talk to you anymore! Go to hell!" The so-called psychological offensive did not disintegrate the enemy's fighting spirit , but Naruto himself got impatient first! Being lazy by nature, he couldn't be in the mood to continue chatting with Dou, he

  stopped talking, and kept increasing his attack power, trying to cut Dou under the knife!

  After slashing the flying pocket again, Naruto leaped lightly, and the whole person flew into the sky!

  Immediately, he stretched out his arms, gripped the handle of the knife again, and leaned down. Immediately, the strong and incomparable energy of the knife was like a scented incense swirling an axe. Put a mask on your head! In an instant—


  The sharp saber energy tore through the space and appeared on the head of the bag in an instant! Under his feet, the ground that had been infused with saber energy had already cracked open, within a radius of several feet, there were nets all over, and earth and rocks were flying!

  Seeing Naruto's slash, with unparalleled momentum and vigor, he locked himself precisely! Dou quickly came to the conclusion that he - if he couldn't take it, he would die!

  Facing the crisis of life and death, he closed his eyes and shouted loudly: "Aren't you going to make a move? I know you're here!"


  at such an urgent juncture, the pockets uttered surprised words, Naruto in the air Can't help frowning! He didn't notice any dangerous aura, so he really didn't know who Dou was talking to! A helping hand...

  No, no murderous intent! That's...

  Just when Naruto's thoughts were spinning, a deadly knife fell on Dou's head. The cold light of the knife was only an inch away from his scalp, and the strong knife energy had already torn his body to pieces. Bloody, dilapidated!


  a strange wave, like ripples on the calm water, quickly enveloped the entire battlefield, sweeping away every inch of this space! Immediately afterwards, a terrifying scene appeared -

  the knife stopped, the air also stopped, and the surroundings fell into a deep silence! Whether it's the bag that finally changed color on the ground, with a face full of fear; or Naruto, who holds a long knife in the air and dominates the life and death of others, just maintains a rich expression, and all of them fall into a stillness!

  It seems that at this moment, the whole world was paused!

  Naruto, whose body was frozen but whose thinking continued, only felt a great fear rise up. This feeling of all things standing still and time and space frozen is really chilling! What's this? Sword Twenty-Three...or is time stopped?

  "You little bastard, every time I see you, you make a fuss upside down and make people feel uneasy! You really deserve to be hit!" With a voice of "

  should be hit", a slender hand suddenly appeared behind Naruto, unable to move his body Naruto was horrified, his pores dilated, his hairs stood on end, and an unspeakable feeling came over his heart,

  like fear, shock, and even more exciting!


  Accompanied by a crisp sound, Naruto's ass was slapped hard by that jade hand! At the same time, a strange fluctuation spread again, falling into a static world, and started to work again!


  With a loud noise, Naruto's life-threatening knife deviated from the target, slashed through the earknot of the pocket, went down along the surface of the clothes, and slammed an inch away from the feet! Suddenly, a pitch-black crack about tens of feet long and no more than three fingers wide appeared on the ground!

  Cold sweat,

  rows of cold sweat lined up from the head of the pocket to cross the border! Looking at the terrifying knife mark that pierced the ground to an unknown depth, Dou felt as if he had walked the Naihe Bridge again! Looking at the scarlet figure that suddenly appeared high above the sky,

  the pocket that didn't like her very much felt a sense of gratitude from the bottom of her heart!

  "Okay, get out of here quickly, don't let that sick man escape, leave this little guy to me! Remember, if you dare to be disrespectful to him next time, I will tear you to pieces myself without his hands!"

  Indifference His tone was full of murderous warnings!

  The visitor's position is so contradictory that it is difficult for people to discern what she means! But that doesn't include pockets! He has a deep understanding of the scary woman in front of him, and he knows who the "he" she is talking about is very clear!

  Unfortunately, after today, it is impossible to kill that kid again! Forget it, as long as he doesn't reveal what happened today, I don't need to take risks against him. After all, my lord has no intention of killing him... I have to say that

  Dou is definitely a qualified spy. He has quickly regained his composure, and after careful consideration of the current situation, he made the most correct decision:

  "That's natural, sir, you should know that I am not his opponent at all! The radical words just now are just I am worried that this plan will be leaked, so I will not speak freely! I will leave now, and please persuade him,

  our plan must not be known by the third Hokage!"

  After finishing speaking, he looked up at the still-immobilized Naruto looked at the new "adult" again, so he stopped staying and chased in the direction where Moonlight Hayate left!

  But here,

  Naruto, who was slapped hard on the buttocks by the visitor, only felt his blood rushing wildly, and his anger was unspeakable!

  It's unreasonable, a dignified man was spanked by a woman, the uncle can bear it, but his wife can't bear it! UU Reading www.uukanshu.com...

  Unfortunately, I can't move!

  "You little thing, you're still angry! Hehe..." Finally, the visitor turned to Naruto's front and no longer hid behind him! This also allowed Naruto to see who was coming, it was—Jiuxin!

  I saw Jiuxin stepping on graceful steps, walking against the sky as if relying on the wind! Naruto's heart was shocked, this guy, I haven't seen him for a few days, can he fly? Fuck, the ones that can fly in Hokage can be counted with a single slap!

  Damn, report, there is a cheating device here...

  Seeing Naruto's shocked expression, Jiuxin smiled and kissed him on the face, waved his right hand, and there was a strange wave again! Immediately, the two fell back to the ground! And Naruto also found that -

  he can move!

  "What are you doing here?" Realizing that he could move, the first thing Naruto did was to ask the woman in front of him why she came! There's no way, this guy is really cheating too much, and he doesn't know anything about it, so he can't calm down!


  Hearing Naruto's question, Jiuxin's almost perfect jade face instantly became pitiful, and her jade finger lightly touched her jade lips, and she said in a delicate voice: "You have no conscience.

  " , people originally wanted to come to you to be intimate, you... you actually..."

  Naruto: ...

  the thunder and thunder kept rolling, and Naruto's five senses were blown away, and he was unconscious. A stunning woman, a perfect woman The queen, to tell him so openly that she came to make love to him!

  This, this, this...