
I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

(This story take place in different timeline and universe) This is the story about boy named Karan getting recarnatated in the time of Mahabhrata as a Karna. Biggest war at that time. What will happen if he become karna in it? What will happened if as a boon he ask System? What will happen if he get to meet those characters? Is he able to chnage their destiny or it will turn worse? Let's find out what will happen when he born into age of God's. Do he able to achieve what he wanted to or something else's. What if this world is as not as simple as he thought, Let's find out. (Note: I find that there is no mahabhart time novel with system. So I decided that take that task on myself and introduce system in the age of God's.) Disclaimer: Remember this is fanfiction of Mahabhrata. Not "Orignal" Mahabhrata. I have no intention to harm anyone's religious belief, I am just writing what if story in my perspective. If you don't like it, So i kindly request you not read any further, and if you do take it with a pinch of salt. Also, remember I don't have any intention to hurt anyone's belief. This is a fictional story with taken little source material from the epic with my creative touch. Karna is going to be super Over Powered in this story. Discord : Formanaga#5883

ForManaga · Fantasy
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191 Chs

54. Start Learning

Shakuni and Karna looked at Gandhari not knowing if they would be proud of her that even being in the court her thinking is this simple or sad for her as she still has not learned from the events that happened to her.

One alway learns from their mistake and she did but her soft nature no matter how hard she tried to suppress it always comes out making her think of giving forgiveness to those who should not even deserve her audience.

She is right they are many people there in kingdom for to protect Duryodhana if some outside force wanted to harm him, He does not doubt it even if not for the protection of Duryodhana this hypocritical royals of Hastinapur will fight to protect him for to keep their honour and authority.

But what will happen if the threat to him is from inside their own house? He already knows how many hungry people are staring at them like a group of hyenas waiting for them to make a mistake, So they can eat them whole without leaving even bones.