
I Become Handsome After I Died

James Lee, a plain looking 30 year old man have got rejected 149th times. He decided that if he still get rejected he will suicide. He woke up unconsciously and thought he was in heaven. But no he’s in the hospital and he turned into a handsome young man! Let’s watch James Lee as he enjoy his life being a handsome man.

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Chapter 3: K University

It was back-to-school James Lee has prepared everything notebooks and a pen. According to the media K High is where most of actors, athlete, singers study. The people who are studying at school didn't say anything at all.

He was heading to the school but he found a dude getting beat up by students. He saw them wearing the same uniform as him so he tried to save the guy that is getting bullied. He was able to dodge all the punches bullies throw at him. He then told the guy who was getting bullied to run.

He then realize that he was against five people. He then did his boxing form.

"You do some box huh?"

They thought that he was only doing BullShido as they rush into him. He thrown jab, hook, uppercuts he was shock that it only took him a seconds to beat them he wasn't sweating at all.

He was in front of school gate when he heard that the welcoming had started. He then run as fast as he could people were shock as how fast he is. James Lee was able to get into the auditorium.

"Good morning Principal, teachers and fellow students, On behalf of the Students' Union, I'd like to welcome all of you to our school. I am sure we all want to achieve success and have an enjoyable school life, so this morning I'd like to give you some advice"

Then she started giving advise. Most of the freshman were blushing as how beautiful the Student President is. She also look like Nora so he despises her. Then the welcoming has ended.

He was heading to the classroom he was designated into. He looked at the room and there was no one so he was the earliest. After few minutes no one is still entering and decided to take nap.

He then heard noises coming from the door. He raised his head he saw those bullies from earlier. They were also shocked as they see the one that beat them. He also saw the guy who was getting bullied.

"Hey you the guy earlier come sit with me!."

As the guy approaches him. James Lee pintroduces himself, "I am James Lee and you are?"

"I'm Peter Sung." His body looked like he hit gym everyday but he was getting bullied?

Few minutes later... everybody has arrive so is the teacher. Then they started to introduce theirselves. It was James Lee's turn as it was his first time for a very long time to introduce himself again.

"I- Erh.... I'm James Lee nice to meet you all."

It became very quiet for awhile his classmate thought he was a gangster as he look like those handsome gangster in movies. Everybody was scared of him at that point even his new friend Peter Sung was scared of him.

First day, he only read books. Second day, he only read books again. After few days everybody thought except those bullies that he is a bookworm and is a loser. The girls was disappointed as how he acts. James was ordered by their adviser to bring this to their music teacher.

He was in front of music teacher's door when he heard a moan inside the office.

"Ugh.. SOMEON-E.. Ugh.. Help!"

He then opened the door and saw a man trying to remove her clothes while kissing her neck. Then suddenly the teacher suddenly shouted. "GET OUT!"

James ran away leaving the documents in front of the door. James couldn't stop thinking about the music's teacher voluptuous body. His man down there reacted and couldn't get low at all.

He went to the bathroom to beat his thing to make it low but he couldn't. So he ran away covering his lower abdomen with his bag. While he was running in the corridor he suddenly trip one of his classmate whose name is Amelia saw him fell. She pulled him up then his thing accidentally touched her stomach she was about to shout but he covered her mouth and whispered.

"I'm sorry please I need your help."

Amelia had calmed down and is finally open to listen. "What?"

"I couldn't make my thing turn down help me."