
I became Zoro's Sword

What if Zoro finds a demonic sword? A sword that has the soul of a reincarnated person. Will this devil corrupt Zoro? or perhaps befriend him and join the Straw Hat crew adventure?

MrITookAnotherL · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Straw Hat vs Priests

"Where did the fruit go?" inquired Zoro.

"It doesn't matter where it is," replied Baal casually.

The fruit in Robin's hand mysteriously vanished as she displayed it to Zoro. Confused, Zoro simply shrugged it off, suspecting that Baal might have had a hand in its disappearance.

"So, when are you gonna teach me that technique?" Zoro questioned eagerly.

"You aren't ready for it," Baal responded bluntly.


"Listen, Zoro. The technique I was going to teach you was Haki. Watching your recent skirmish with those guys we encountered, it's clear you're still far too weak. You need to push past your limits before I even think about teaching it to you."

[You're great at lying] remarked the system.

"Not strong enough, huh?"

Baal's words triggered a sudden flashback for Zoro, recalling his defeat against Mihawk, the world's greatest swordsman.

Suddenly, a distant voice echoed through the air, breaking the contemplative atmosphere.

"Hey!!! Hey, guys!!"

The Straw Hats turned their attention to the source of the exclamation and witnessed Luffy and the rest of the crew sprinting towards them.




After the meeting and discussions among the Straw Hats, they all heard a laugh coming from the direction Luffy and the others had arrived.

"Hahahaha, I told you they would be meeting up," said Gedatsu.

Frowning, Zoro remarked, "It's those guys."

"You know them, Zoro?" asked Luffy.

"Yeah, they attacked me earlier."

"Is that so?" said Luffy, a mischievous grin forming on his face.

Luffy and the priests exchanged glances, and suddenly, Shura, one of the priests, leaped forward, attempting to pierce Luffy's neck with his spear. However, Luffy's reflexes kicked in, and he swiftly dodged to the left, narrowly avoiding the deadly attack.

The atmosphere grew tense as the Straw Hats faced these uninvited guests, their crew now confronted by a new challenge.

As Shura's spear missed its mark, Luffy grinned, ready for action. The air crackled with tension as the Straw Hats faced off against the four priests.

"Looks like we've got some guests," Sanji quipped, his legs assuming a fighting stance.

Gedatsu, the laughter still echoing, stepped forward, cracking his knuckles. "You guys are in for a divine beating!"

Without a moment's hesitation, Zoro unsheathed his swords, eying the priests with a determined glare. Nami stepped back, preparing her weather staff, hiding behind Zoro, while Usopp frantically tinkered with his latest invention.

Shura, undeterred by his failed attack, lunged at Luffy again, his spear slicing through the air. Luffy dodged effortlessly, weaving between the strikes. Meanwhile, Satori, another priest, focused on Chopper, anticipating a smaller target. Chopper, however, swiftly transformed into his larger, more formidable form, ready to take on the challenge. Chopper wasn't alone; however, as Sanji joined in the fight with Chopper.

Satori, the fourth priest, smirked as he confronted Sanji. "Prepare to be poisoned by the deadly kiss of my snakes!" he declared, unleashing serpentine projectiles toward the cook. Sanji elegantly danced around them, his legs a blur in a breathtaking display of agility.

As the battle unfolded, Nami summoned a whirlwind, creating a barrier to shield the crew from incoming attacks. Usopp, having completed his invention, aimed it at Gedatsu, launching a surprise projectile that exploded into a burst of distracting lights and sounds.

Robin, ever the tactician, utilized her Devil Fruit powers to create extra limbs, engaging multiple opponents at once.

The clash intensified, each member of the Straw Hats showcasing their unique skills. The priests, though surprised by the Straw Hats' resilience, were far from backing down.

Amidst the chaos, Luffy grinned, reveling in the thrill of battle. "This is gonna be fun!"

The skirmish continued, neither side giving in as the confrontation between the Straw Hats and the priests reached a crescendo. The outcome remained uncertain, leaving the air charged with anticipation and excitement.


Meanwhile, in an unknown place in Skypia

"Hmmm, those guys can fight against my priests? Interesting."

A man can be seen laying down on his side and eating an apple. The man looked bored; he is wearing a bandana that covered his blonde hair. At the back of the man lies 4 drums that have 3 magatama symbols on them. The most distinguishable part of the man was his long earlobe.


The battle raged on, each member of the Straw Hats engaging their respective opponents with unwavering determination. Sanji danced gracefully in a fierce duel against Satori. Chopper, in his formidable monster form, clashed with Satori, the two exchanging powerful blows that sent shockwaves across the battleground.

Zoro faced the mighty Ohm, determined to overcome his earlier weakness. The clash of swords echoed through the air as Zoro unleashed a relentless barrage of sword slashes, pushing Ohm to his limits.

Luffy, fueled by his adventurous spirit, confronted Shura with a Gomu Gomu no Jet Bazooka. The battlefield trembled as the two clashed, their powers creating shockwaves that rippled through the air.

Meanwhile, Robin, Nami, and Usopp teamed up to face Gedatsu alongside the formidable dog Holy. Robin's devilish limbs entwined with Gedatsu, restricting his movements, while Nami used her Clima-Tact to manipulate the weather against him. Usopp, strategically positioned, fired precise shots to keep Gedatsu off balance.

Holy, the loyal companion of the priests, proved to be a formidable opponent. The trio of Straw Hats had their hands full dealing with the combined forces of Gedatsu and Holy, but their coordination and teamwork prevailed.

As the battle unfolded, Sanji, with a flourish of fiery kicks, delivered a powerful finishing blow to Satori, leaving him defeated on the ground. Chopper, using his monstrous strength, incapacitated Satori, ending their fierce clash.

Zoro, with a determined gaze, executed a masterful three-sword style technique that overwhelmed Ohm. Luffy, with a triumphant grin, propelled Shura into the air with a Gomu Gomu no Rocket, leaving the priest stunned.

Robin, Nami, and Usopp continued their relentless assault on Gedatsu, using their combined skills to outmaneuver the priest. Holy, though formidable, found it challenging to withstand the relentless teamwork of the Straw Hats.

As the dust settled, the Straw Hats stood triumphant, breathing heavily but with smiles of accomplishment. The defeated priests and their loyal companion lay incapacitated on the battleground. The Straw Hats, united and victorious, prepared for the adventures that awaited them on the horizon.

Then suddenly, a thunderous sound came from the back. As the Straw Hats looked, they saw a tall figure looking at them; they saw a God.