
I became Zoro's Sword

What if Zoro finds a demonic sword? A sword that has the soul of a reincarnated person. Will this devil corrupt Zoro? or perhaps befriend him and join the Straw Hat crew adventure?

MrITookAnotherL · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Lock Lock Fruit

With a sudden burst of speed, the unknown man lunged toward Robin. Upon seeing Robin's calm demeanor, he felt uneasy. Suddenly, a strong grip on his foot halted his charge towards her.

"Ah, this must be your Devil Fruit, the Flower Flower Fruit," said the man

Robin merely smiled in response.

"Robin, the demon child. Why don't you join us? We can give you what you have lost and what you desire. We possess knowledge of this world's history, and we promise to shield you from the World Government," the man offered, surprising Robin. She didn't understand what he meant by giving her what she had lost, and she remained unsure about the truth behind their claims regarding world history and protection from the World Government.

As she tried to think of an organization that could fulfill her desires, the only one that came to mind was the Revolutionary Army. However, she remained skeptical because the revolutionaries didn't seem powerful enough to completely thwart the World Government—at least, not yet.

"Who are you, and which group do you represent?" she asked, furrowing her brow.

The man in front of her grinned, effortlessly freeing his foot from the hands trying to restrain him. "You will know when you join us. For now, understand that we are powerful enough to turn this world upside down."

"Enough talking, are you going to join or not?" the second man in the back finally spoke. He stood tall, around 7 feet, donning an all-white coat and a mask that fully covered his face. Clutching a long sword, his most distinct feature was the chestnut atop his brown hair.

"Oh, come on, Qaphsiel, you can't rush these kinds of things," said the man who had lunged towards Robin. He was known as Malchediel, with spiky, tropical rainforest-colored hair and a white kimono. His white mask covered only his eyes and nose.

'Qaphsiel? I've never heard of him before. Who are these people?' Robin thought.


Meanwhile, with Zoro:

Zoro was perched at the back of a Pierre, a sky dot bird. Cold sweat ran down his back after being saved by Gan Fall.

"What was that?!" Zoro asked.

Gan Fall sighed, responding, "That was God's judgment."

"God's judgment? You mean that so-called God Conis talked about? I didn't think that was actually real!"

"He is real, and he can see and hear everything you do."

"I would've died if I was hit by that. Thanks, old man."

"Don't worry about it. Anyway, where are the others?"

"My crewmates? We all split up to find a fruit."

"A fruit?"

"Yeah, it's a bit complicated. Anyway, can you bring me to our ship? I need to inform others about this so-called God and those guys with Haki."

"Haki? What is this thing called Haki?"

"The thing that allows you to dodge better or something."

"Do you mean mantra? So you met them! The priests! We need to find your friends, or they might die when they encounter the priests."

"Right. The ship should be to our left. Go there," Zoro ordered.


After a few minutes of flying, Gan Fall realized they had been going in circles. When Gan Fall ignored Zoro's directions and ascended for a better view, they spotted the ship in less than 20 seconds.

"See, I told you we were getting closer," Zoro said with a serious face.

Gan Fall just sweated a bit and went in the direction where the ship was. Upon arriving, they saw two men confronting Robin and Chopper, while Usopp shot from behind, trembling.

"Who the hell are those guys?" Zoro asked.

Zoro quickly jumped off Pierre and stood between Malchediel and Robin. Chopper and Qaphsiel halted their fighting, with Chopper bearing bruises. Everyone looked at Zoro in silence, broken by Usopp.

"Zoro! You're finally here!"

Robin and Chopper sighed in relief, while Zoro observed Chopper's state. Bruises covered him, and looking at the swordsman, Zoro surmised he had gone easy on Chopper, as he saw no cuts. The injured Chopper still made Zoro frown, and he pulled out all his swords, preparing to face both swordsmen.

"Zoro... Qaphsiel! We're leaving!" Malchediel yelled while whispering Zoro's name.

"What?! Don't tell me you—"

"I said we're leaving!"

Zoro and the others looked at them dumbfounded.

"Trying to escape?" Zoro asked as he prepared to lunge at the two.

"Don't fight them," Baal interrupted.


Baal's POV:

I don't know why, but I have this weird feeling about those two. They seem familiar yet unknown. What I do know is they're strong, maybe stronger than those damn priests Enel's got. I certainly don't want to find out right now, especially since I saw an item that looked like a lock in Robin's hand. I'm guessing that's the Lock Lock Fruit.

When I saw this moron starting to get ready to fight, I instantly stopped him and said, "Don't be an idiot, Zoro. You can't even beat the priests. What makes you think they will be any weaker? We don't know how strong these people are."


Seeing Zoro put his swords back, I let out a sigh of relief. I asked him to go towards Robin and get the fruit. When Zoro held the fruit, a screen popped out in front of my face, making me form a wide grin.

[Ding! A quest has been completed! Rewards have been given to the host!]


This chapter have A LOT of foreshadowing. Can you guys guess what will happen in the future??

Please give my new ff a try! You might like it! Thank you guys for your support with this ff!!!!