
One last time.

I sat there alone in the empty dark place while my body moved on its own. 

The white blade on my right quivered. It dash straight to the gladiator woman's torso. The gladiator-woman dodge, gripping my right wrist with both of her hands, and restraining the white blade from rampaging in frenzy. 

The gladiator-woman's eyebrows frown as her mouth opened, muttering something I couldn't hear. 

My left hand clenched, pounding the face of the gladiator woman, and little by little, her face started to swell. Blood oozed on her broken nose and shattered golden teeth.

The gladiator woman didn't fight back, and she couldn't retaliate. Both of her hands were still restraining the white blade. It became easy for my body to attack her with my left fist. 

Gnashing her broken teeth at me, her chest pushed up as her mouth opened as if yelling something. No matter how much the gladiator woman opened her mouth, I still couldn't hear a thing, nor can I do anything to stop my body moving instinctively. 

It's like I'm watching a soundless movie. Like I'm alone in the cinema, and the scene in front of me is the film. The scene played on a huge screen, while I sat in front of it alone, surrounded with void and blackness. 

I felt nauseated watching it.

I only wanted the film to end, but I have no control of my body. Nor do I want to control my body. 

It's like my body has been yearning for this moment. I felt a burning crave inside of me; like a longing for blood, violence, and chaos. 

I felt disgusted watching the scene in front of me, and at the same time, I couldn't take my eyes away as the gladiator woman was beaten up to a pulp. I smiled in delight, seeing the gladiator woman in pain, then I frown realising my own repulsive thoughts. 

I curled my knees to my stomach, hugging my legs as I watched the scene in silence. 

The more I watch the scene, the more I feel detached from my body. Bit by bit, I felt myself gradually getting further and further away from the film whilst the huge screen slowly became small until there was only a dot of light left. 

The only light I had became so small as darkness enshrouded everything in sight. 

"Kid, hey wake up…" 

My eyes burst open as I gasped out of breath, and my first sight was welcomed by Joan's worried face, tapping my cheeks with her big rough hand. 

Seeing me staring at her, Joan retracted her palm from slapping my face. "You…alright?"

I blink, narrowing my eyes at her, then I glance around seeing the familiar painting on the ceiling. 

"You seem to be having a nightmare, so I woke you up," Joan explained. 

My brows crossed together, still panting for air. 

I sat up, and Joan gave me space. She sat next to me on the bed as she offered the pipe to me once again.

"I don't smoke," I said in a hoarse voice. 

Joan shrugs as she put the pipe back to her mouth.

I looked down at myself, and I noticed that I'm still wearing the same clothes before I fainted. I felt an aching pain behind my head. 

I frown as I felt a throbbing headache on my temples, trying to remember what happened. 

That gladiator woman being pummelled and beaten up is the last thing I remember. I gulped as I stared at the reddish wounds on the knuckles of my left hand. While the white blade on my right has a little dried up blood smudge on it. 

My brows creased as I felt worried and delighted at the sight of blood. These contradicting emotions colliding inside my heart made me frown even more. 

I took a deep shaky breath as I exhaled heavily. 

"Tell me what happened," I said in a faint calm voice as I stared at Joan with urgent eyes. 

Joan glanced at me as she put the pipe between her lips. "Long story short, Saint Agatha told me to look for you. I found your trail leading to General Amana's office, and when I found you inside, you were smashing your fist to the old hag's face." 

Inhaling and exhaling a mouthful of smoke from the pipe resting between her lips, she continued, "well, she's still alive, but you were still out of control because the dark attribute is controlling your emotion, so I whacked the back of your head knocking you off, then I brought you back here…"

Hearing that the gladiator woman is still alive, my eyes narrowed as something within my consciousness wished that she had died, and at the same time, my heart also felt relieved that I didn't become a…murderer.

"And that's the end of the short summary," Joan finished. 

"Mm," I nodded as I hummed in response, then my brows furrowed as I asked, "how long have I been out?"

"Not that long," Joan replied, taking the pipe out of her lips as she emitted smoke from her mouth. "You slept for the whole day and night."

"What?" I asked as I stood up in shocked. "You should have woken me up sooner!"

"Calm down, kid, the ritual is not completed, oh hold on, I think…counting the hours that passed, perhaps we should go?" Joan said, glancing at me.

"We really should," I said as I exited the room in a haste.

Afterwards, Joan and I went to the underground floor. When we arrive there, Saint Agatha is kneeling beside Alexandra's body lying on the stone-floor.

My brows wrinkled together seeing Alexandra's pale complexion. Next to the red haired woman is the pink rabbit who became small again. No, more like, Pula returned back to her original size.

Her eyes were closed then it shot open, and our eyes met. [Master…] Pula called weakly to my mind.

My heart thump, feeling my anxious heart as I froze on the spot. 

"Go kid," Joan said, pushing me inside. 

My knees felt feeble as I walked trembling to Pula. 

[Master…] Pula called again with a hint of sadness as her voice transmitted directly to my mind.

Hearing Pula's sad voice in my head brought pain in my heart. With a hurried pace, I walk almost running to Pula. I kneeled in front of her as I carefully and cautiously held her small body in my arms one more time.

Like a fragile porcelain, I held Pula softly and firmly in my left arm. Afraid that with the slightest touch, it would suddenly break and disappear like a bubble. 

In the corner of my eyes, Saint Agatha and Joan held Alexandra, carrying the red haired woman out of the basement.

But I ignored them as I kept my eyes focused on the pink rabbit, and after a while, I heard the door creaked open then closed again with a faint thud.

[Master…] Pula called, transmitting her youthful feminine voice in my head. It sounded sweet and young and delicate. [My eyes are blurred and my body feels numb…are you there master?]

"I'm here, Pula," I said, hugging the pink rabbit near my chest, feeling the warmth coming from her small body. "I'm sorry for not being a reliable person—"

[Master, I don't want this to become our last conversation, please…] Pula called again, interrupting me. 

My nose turns sour, hearing Pula say that this will become our last conversation. I wanted to say that we barely talk to each other before, and now she is telling me that this would be our last conversation. 

I wanted to complain and voice out the suffering I feel in my heart, but I swallowed them all as they became stuck on my throat. 

[Master, I don't want this to become the last memory of us, so please, can we not talk about it?] Pula urged me in my head pleadingly.

Sensing the helplessness in her voice in my mind, I felt my heart being pierce with needles. 

I nodded at her as I softly replied, "okay, we're not gonna talk about it again…"

[Thank you master.] Pula replied, licking my arm while holding her. 

"Mm," I hum faintly as my voice breaks; tears flowing out of my eyes, sobbing silently, and suppressing the whimpering echoes escaping my trembling lips.

[Can I request a favour?]

"Y-yes," I choked, swallowing hard, feeling a million words crumpled inside my heart.

I cleared my throat and said, "anything, I'll do it…" 

[Then master, stop being reckless anymore, alright?] Pula said, looking up to my eyes as I hugged her softly near my chest.

"Don't worry, I'm not reckless," I replied, comforting her.

[Master, I'm serious.] Pula said solemnly in a reprimanding tone. [To tell you the truth, I can feel your emotions and thoughts, and when you're hurting others, the one who is actually hurting the most is you, right?]

I swallowed as I remained silent. Warm salty liquids slid down one by one; I pressed my lips, containing my feelings and my suffering. I wanted to voice out all my complaints to Pula about this world, but I decided not to. I wish I could be willful and tell Pula that I'm scared of her leaving me alone in this world.

But I don't want to burden Pula and make her feel worried about me before she…

I frown, biting my lower lip hard, feeling a sense of helplessness in my heart. At this moment, I truly felt useless.

[Master, don't be reckless, promise me?]

"I won't…" I replied softly.

[Really?] Pula asked in disbelief.

"I'll try," I said, smiling at her even though she couldn't see me. "My little rabbit."

[That's good.] Pula replied. [Oh right, I have a lot of things to tell you master, do you want to hear it?]

"Yes, you can tell me anything," I mumbled as I sniffed. 

[Master.] The pink bunny responded with a guilty tone in my head.

However, just hearing Pula responding to me is enough to make me feel relieved. "What is it?" I asked tenderly, putting her on my lap as I caressed her pink fur. "I'm listening…"

[Master, the truth is I'm a halfling.] Pula said in my head. 

"I know," I replied, a little puzzled.

[Are you not angry?]

"Why would I be angry?" I smiled helplessly and confused.

[Because my mother, who is a sacred beast, taught me how to sense good souls, and so I know that your soul is not from this world, I could feel that you have a clean soul, so I trick you to become my master for my revenge.] Pula said, sounding guilty.

"Do you feel guilty?"

[Yes…sorry master.] Pula mumbled.

"You don't have to feel guilty, Pula," I said, sighing.

[But I tricked you, like what bad hooman do to my red rabbit's clan.] Pula replied, aggrieved. 

"Your clan? What did the hooman do to them?" I said, frowning.

[They tricked my clan to become their companions and I did the same to you master…]

"But Pula, you never tried to harm me like humans do, right?"

[Because master, your soul is so kind, and at first I wanted to use your ignorance and naivety to invade the hooman world, but master is so kind and gentle that I cancelled my plans of revenge.] Pula explained.

"Oh…" I replied, knitting my brows. 

[I'm sorry master for tricking you, really sorry.] The rabbit whimpered in my arms.

My brows pulled up in distress. 

"Pula, whatever your reason for approaching me, it still won't erase the fact that you became my source of comfort and security in this world, so you don't have to be sorry Pula, I'm thankful that you came to my life and became my family," I said with a soft smile.

The pink rabbit whimpered. And I caress its soft warm fur to comfort Pula.

[Master?] Pula called in my head. 


[What's your plan after I'm gone?]

My brows creased then softened as I hugged Pula for comfort. "I don't know…" I replied, sighing heavily. 

[Then master, how about going back to your own world?]

"I don't know Pula…I don't know what to do…"

[That's fine, just take good care of yourself master.] Pula said comfortingly. [The most important thing is that you're happy and healthy, alright?]

I smiled to myself, feeling warm in my heart, but then I frowned again as I remembered what Saint Agatha said to me. 

"Pula, can we really not do anything to save you? You must know a way or two, right?" I said, looking expectantly at the pink rabbit.

[Master…] Pula sighed in my head. [I told you not to talk about this.]

"But Pula, if there is a way, just tell me and I—"

[Master, there's no other way, the two saints must have already told you, right? I don't have much time to live and I can't be saved, it's also why I can risk my life to be tamed by you because I have nothing to lose.] Pula stated bluntly, which pierce my heart.

Her blunt words are like a sharp sword stabbing my chest. I sob, hugging Pula tenderly. "Pula, I don't want to lose you, I'm scared to be alone again in this world, don't leave me alone, please…"

[Master, this is why I ask you not to talk about this, now we're both crying and sad as our last memory.] Pula replied in my head, whimpering in my arms. 

Hearing what Pula said, I sniffed trying to restrain myself from crying, but tears fell uncontrollable from my eyes. 

[Master, I have a lot to say to you, you have to listen, I don't have much time…]

"I…I'm listening," I choked, sobbing as I bit my lower lip. 

[There is a way so you can return to your own world.] Pula said in my head urgently. 

"I know, the sacred bird told me that I need to become an enlightened one then talk to the heavenly beings," I said, sniffing as I hugged Pula. 

[About that master, be careful with the heavenly beings, they are not trustworthy, I don't know the reason why they brought such a good soul into this world, but whatever the reason is, I don't think it's good.] Pula warned solemnly. 

"Alright, I'll be careful," I replied comfortingly.

[Yes, but master, to become an enlightened one, you must also become a saint, and becoming a saint will make you choose which god or goddess to worship, then you might be forced with missions.] Pula explained.

"Oh…" I replied, crossing my brows together.

[Furthermore, my mother said that the heavenly beings only bring bad souls into this world to play games, so when I met you in the forest at that time, I was filled with both curiosity and shock that a good soul from another world was brought here. So master, be extra careful to who you trust. Also, hooman's are not the only bad in this world, there are many bad in this world, so really, be careful and take good care of yourself, alright?] 

I nodded solemnly. "Don't worry."

[One more thing, master. If you're going back to your original world then don't affiliate yourself with any heavenly beings impulsively, so think it through three times before deciding, alright?] Pula added hurriedly.

"I won't be reckless again, well, I'll try…" I said.

[I know that you don't like the world of Nucleus, so you probably want to return to your own world, and I can understand why, but you have to be careful who you trust in this world master. Especially if they are powerful beings who can control time, space, and life.]

"Okay, I'll be careful," I replied.

[That's all I have to say master,] Pula said in my head, sounding relieved then there was silence.

"Pula?" I called, staring down at the pink rabbit in my arms. 

Her eyes were closed tight. 

[I'm still here master…just a little tired.] Pula said in my head in a faint weak voice.

I didn't respond as I bit my lower lip, trying not to let out a sob. 


"H–hmm?" I choked, feeling something stuck on my throat as I found it hard to respond. 

[Do you remember the first time we met?]

"Mm," I hum, nodding even though Pula's eyes were closed.

[That pretty lady, do you remember?]

"Ke…Kendra?" I replied with a quivering voice.

[Yes, her…]

"What…what about her?" I asked with difficulty, suppressing the sadness in my throat. 

[That hooman…she is a light-bringer.] said Pula in my head. [And her soul felt old and didn't match her appearance, so I think that she's probably also like you…?]

"You mean a soul wanderer?" I asked. "Is that why you growled at her at that time?"

[I'm not sure if she's a soul wanderer, but I thought she discovered what I am and will tell you about me since you know…my intentions with you at first were not good, and now that I think about it, I guess I'm just overthinking.] Pula explained weakly.

"I see…" I mumbled, frowning because to be honest I also felt Kendra's strange behaviours, but I trust the novel I read so much that I ignored those signs.

[Master…I feel tired, I want to sleep…]

My eyes widened at what Pula transmitted in my head. Her voice was barely audible and sounded faint. I felt terrified. I feel so scared than the time I was facing Lilith's sword to my neck. Even more anxious now than that time I was receiving those whips and attacks from the gladiator woman.

I held my breath, feeling the warmth in the pink rabbit's body diminishing bit by bit; slowly being replaced by something freezing. 


The pink rabbit didn't respond, making my heart stop as I swallowed out of fret. My eyes stings once more as my sight became a blur. I hugged Pula gently but only felt her cold chilling body. 

A whimper escaped my lips, sobbing as silent as I could. I sat there letting the time pass. From second to minutes, to minutes to hours, to hours and hours.


I heard a weak voice behind me. I turned around and saw the pale complexion Alexandra's face.

"Professor…shh, Pula is sleeping."

Next chapter