
Nothing to feel guilty about.

Joan is smoking, and Saint Agatha is watching me. I stared at them gratefully; the kind of face that isn't ill-intentioned but more business-like and formal. 

"Once again, thank you for helping me," I said, using a tone I usually work with when I'm managing people that aren't my friend nor my enemy.

"Told you not to mention it, kid," Joan replied, exhaling a smoke, grinning helplessly.

Saint Agatha nodded with her expressionless face. I nodded, still with a business-like face looking formal but casual. Neither friendly or unapproachable.

"Well, I know that the two of you need something from me," I said to them.

Joan glanced at me with a little surprise in her face, hanging her mouth open as the smoke came out of her mouth. Saint Agatha remained calm and expressionless, but she still averted her eyes. 

Silence hangs between us aimlessly. 

My eyes narrowed slightly at this.

Sure enough, they indeed needed something and had other intentions in helping me. This explains their willingness to assist with my revenge. 

I don't mind this, at least, they didn't try to scum me or deceive me. They also didn't use force and instead tried to get on my good side. Nevertheless, I'm still not sure if their goals with me are good or not. My brows creased, feeling that everyone always has other intentions in approaching me. 

Joan cleared her throat; a little awkward. "Ahem, kid, if you could hear us out then we'll explain it to you."

Saint Agatha nodded, staring at me with her expressionless face.

I sighed exhaustedly, pinching the bridge of my nose. "I don't mind hearing the two of you out, but…"

I walked to the couch, picking up Pula with my left hand as gently as I could; afraid that with one mishap, she would break. "I need to arrange Pula's funeral first, so I will have to ask the two of you to wait until then," I stated softly.

Joan and Saint Agatha both nodded understandably. 

"I will pray for Pula's safe journey in the afterlife," Saint Agatha said in the gentle tone of an elder.

My stiff face softens hearing what Saint Agatha said. I smiled genuinely. "Mm," I hum in response, hugging Pula to my chest. "Thank you."

Joan cleared her throat, getting my attention.

"Ahem, my superior and I are staying in the same room where you first woke up in this mansion, so if you need help, don't hesitate to ask us," Joan said, puffing out a smoke.

I nodded as I replied in a soft tone. "I see, thank you."

"Then we'll be on our way, remember that you can ask us for help anytime," Saint Agatha said.

I nodded again. "I will keep that in mind, don't worry."

Saint Agatha nodded back with her expressionless face, then she looked at Joan and said, "let's go."

Joan waved goodbye, and I bid both of them farewell as they both left the room. Meanwhile, Alexandra and the two guards entered with dumbfounded faces as they saw the room.

The bloody guy is lying unconscious on a floor flooding with red sticky blood. The room also smells of rotten rusty metal.

The gladiator woman glared at them. "Who told you to enter? Go back and guard the room," she commanded.

The two guards nodded at the same time, walking out stiffly as they closed the door again. On the other hand, Alexandra stayed, looking at the scenery in the room.

'Well, the scenery is bloody beautiful,' I thought in my head as I ignored her, turning to look at the slug woman. 

"Your first task is to detain this man on the underground floor of this mansion," I said in a casual tone.

"At your command master," the gladiator woman replied obediently.

I furrowed my brows, hearing what the gladiator woman called me. I glanced at her and calmly said, "you're not allowed to call me master."

"Then what does the lady prefer to be called?" The gladiator woman asked respectfully.

I sighed, feeling tired. "Call me boss or whatever, anyway, I want you to continue torturing Jabez, and don't make him eat but don't let him starve as well. I would prefer it if you give him other forms of creative torture, but the point is, you have to make him suffer good, so you can't let him die as well, do you understand?" I said.

"Understood, boss," the gladiator woman nodded, hanging her head down respectfully.

"Mm," I hum, then I glanced at the white blade that was dripping with blood. "And I want a towel, and make sure to clean up this room."

"At your command, I'll go get it now," the gladiator woman replied, going to her drawers, then she took a white towel bringing it to me.

"Clean my white blade," I said, extending my right to the gladiator woman.

The gladiator woman then started cleaning the blade, wiping the towel on it. In my peripheral vision, I can see Alexandra's shock face. Her mouth is hanging open, looking at me and at her aunt flabbergasted.

"What in the bloody scene is going on here?" Alexandra questioned, looking at me and at her aunt. 

I didn't bother responding. I didn't even look at her. 

"Can anyone explain to me?" Alexandra asked again. "Lass…? Aunt…?"

The gladiator woman sighed in resignation. "Niece, I can't tell you anything, and it's better for you to know nothing," the gladiator woman answered solemnly, cleaning my white blade.

I briefly glance at Alexandra, then I look at the gladiator woman again wiping down the white blade. "When you're done, lead me to where Bakunawa is," I said.

The gladiator woman became stiff, but she soon relaxed as she nodded. "Yes boss."

"Lass," Alexandra called again.

I turned to her and said, "what?"

Alexandra furrowed her brows. "What happened here?"

"I don't need to explain anything to you, well, do I?" I said, tilting my head in indifference.

Alexandra swallowed, pursing her lips. "Lass, I know that you're upset that I brought you here and that—"

"I don't care about that," I cut her off with a bored gaze. "I no longer care about that."

Alexandra hung her mouth loose, looking speechless.

"It's clean, boss," the gladiator woman said beside me.

I ignored Alexandra, turning to my slave. "Arrange someone to guard the bloody man on the floor," I said.

The gladiator woman nodded, calling the two guards outside. The two men entered with solemn faces as they picked up the unconscious man on the floor; almost drowning in blood. Meanwhile, the gladiator woman came to my side again.

"They will clean this room and watch over Jabez," The gladiator woman reported.

"Good, let's go to where Bakunawa is," I said in a satisfied tone.

"Yes boss," The gladiator woman said as she started walking. 

I followed behind her, letting the gladiator woman lead me.


Alexandra's loud call made me and the gladiator woman both stop as we stood in front of the door.

I turn around, looking at Alexandra.

"Last time I recall, you're still my assistant, so technically speaking, you still need to explain everything to me as your superior," Alexandra said.

Crossing her arms in her chest, Alexandra threateningly continued. "If you don't give me answers, then I'll have to use my position and expel you…"

"Do you want that?" Alexandra asked, raising her brow at me, and my lips slowly twisted to a scornful smile. 

"Heh," I snorted, chuckling at Alexandra, then suddenly I stopped with a bored expression. "You're playing the superior card after not…" I trailed with a disdainful smile. "...taking the responsibility to help me in the Dregs Arena?" I questioned.

Alexandra pulled up her brows, looking at me with sympathetic eyes. "Lass, listen…"

"No, thank you," I interrupted. 

Alexandra sighed, rubbing her temples. "Lass, if this is the reason that you're doing this then I…"

"Professor," I called, cutting her off again. I bent my body, lowering my head to my waist. "Thank you for everything, but I'm now resigning as your assistant, so from now on, you and I don't have anything to do with each other, please take care of yourself, goodbye," I said in a business-like voice, standing up straight again.

Alexandra widens her eyes. "W-why? I didn't mean it lass," she said, taken aback by my attitude. 

"You can now fail me as a student and expel me from the academy," I said, hanging my head again. "Thank you for everything, I wish you all the best."

"No, wait." Alexandra hurriedly walked, stopping in front of me. "Lass, I didn't mean it, I won't really expel you, you don't have to go as far as to resign," she said.

"Well, I mean what I said, I'm resigning as an assistant, and you're free to expel me if that's what will make you happy," I said, shrugging indifferently.

Alexandra shook her head. "No, I won't expel you, I'm sorry lass, I just really want to know what happened," she said worriedly, looking down at the smudge of blood on my clothes. 

"Mm, but I'm still resigning as an assistant," I said, distancing myself from Alexandra.

Alexandra sighed. "Please think about it again, but if your mind is already set then I won't force you to stay as an assistant," she said.

I only nodded. "Thank you, but my mind is set," I said firmly.

Alexandra furrowed her brows, nodding her head understandably. "I see, but I won't expel you."

"If you say so," I mumbled.

Alexandra heaved a sigh of relief, and I turned around about to leave. 

"Wait, I have something more to tell you, lass," Alexandra said, making me stop as I turned to her again.

"I was planning to tell you this after coming here, but so many things happened that I only found the time to tell you now," Alexandra said solemnly.

My brows creased. "What is it?"

"There's a competition for every freshmen student of the Mystic Academy, and all freshmen students are required to join. If the students fail to register then they will be automatically expelled. And I'm the person in-charge of you as a student admitted to Mystic Academy, so I'm also the one responsible for submitting your name on the list of participants…"

"And…?" I tilted my head to the side.

"I have to ask you now while you still have time, are you joining this competition?" 

I knitted my brows. 'Competition?'

I don't have time for it. I think I rather live a hermit life in a faraway forest. Somewhere nice and peaceful.

The scene of the flower field where Kendra, Pula, and I went; just suddenly came to mind. In this scene, Pula was still alive and healthy. Kendra and I are both reading a book in comfortable silence and surrounded with flowers.

This memory made me remember what Pula said about Kendra. The pink bunny said that Kendra is a light-bringer, and that Kendra might perhaps be the same as me, a soul wanderer. I frowned more as my thoughts became complicated.


I remain silent, gazing down at Pula. I think Pula will not tell me about Kendra for no reason. But the question is what is that reason? Why did Pula talk about Kendra before she…

I swallowed hard.

"Lass, if you don't want to join then it's fine, we can just stay here or travel the world," Alexandra said with a hopeful smile.

I ignored her delusional comment as I opened my lips to speak. "About the competition…" 

"Yes?" Alexandra beamed. 

I took a deep sigh, hugging Pula with my left hand near my anxious chest.

If I join this competition, then I might end up being swept up with what happened in the book. However, I just feel like I still need to go back. I need to understand why Pula spoke about Kendra in her last breath. Furthermore, I haven't properly thanked Kendra yet. 

So I have to go back there again. 

Not just because of Pula. But also because of Kendra's handkerchief. It suddenly came to me.

I haven't washed her handkerchief yet. Kendra might think that I'm the type of person who doesn't return borrowed goods. That wouldn't do.

'I need to wash that handkerchief,' I thought to myself as my brows weaved together in concern. I have to go back, so I could wash it clean. 

Don't get me wrong. I'm going back for Pula's sake, and not because of the handkerchief.

I clench my jaws as I faintly mutter, "I'll join..."

Alexandra tilted her head in wonder. "Really? Why do you seem…"

I narrowed my eyes on Alexandra. "What?"

She shook her head. "Nothing, anyway, the competition will start before the new batch of students enters the academy, so you have to train hard with me before then," Alexandra said.

"Mm," I hum, nodding my head. "Anything else?"

Alexandra shook her head. "No, that's all…"

"Then I'll go now," I muttered, turning around.

"Wait," Alexandra called, making me glance at her with peering eyes. 

"What is it?" I asked, annoyed.

"I want to accompany you, please?" Alexandra asked in a pleading tone.

"No," I said flatly.

Alexandra frowns, hanging her mouth open. "Why?"

"I don't want to," I said, averting my eyes with a grim expression.

I heard Alexandra sigh. "I'm still the person in-charge and responsible for you lass, I can't just leave you alone," she said, sounding helpless and worried.

My brows crossed together. "Just don't get in the way, professor," I said.

Her dark eyes lit up. "I won't, don't worry," Alexandra replied.

"You better keep your word this time, professor," I said as I turned around. 

"I will." 

I heard Alexandra replied seriously from behind. I glanced sideways at the gladiator woman. The slug woman has her brows pulled up together, looking with guilty eyes at her niece. 

I raised my brow at this, looking amusedly at the gladiator woman.

I don't know what this woman is feeling guilty about. Whether it was about the matter she did on the Dregs Arena, or the matter about her becoming my slave; I don't care the slightest bit.

She and her niece are both hypocrites anyway. And I'm also the same. We're all just a bunch of trash and hypocrites. That's why it doesn't matter. 

Because feeling guilty about it will only make oneself even more of a hypocrite. Furthermore, caring is too luxurious to give to this damn world. So, I refuse to feel guilty into turning Alexandra's aunt as my slave. Nor would I feel guilty about torturing that slug man. 

'Nope, there is absolutely nothing to feel guilty about,' I thought as my eyes narrowed at the slug woman. "Hey, let's go," I beckoned.

With a deep sigh, the gladiator woman nodded at me, then we all left, leaving the bloody room.

Next chapter