

Alexandra hung her lips open, looking at me with hesitant eyes. "Lass…"

My brows knitted as I whispered, "professor, don't be too loud, you'll disturb Pula."

Alexandra pulled up her inner eyebrows, staring at me helplessly, and with cautious steps, she approached me like I'm some wounded animal. 

Seeing her posture made me frown, however, since

Alexandra isn't disturbing Pula; I decided to ignore her as I held Pula near me, remaining seated on the ground. 

"Lass…" Alexandra called softly, sighting. Her arms wrapped around my shoulders, hugging me sideways. "Pula is…dead."

I became paralysed, feeling my heart stop beating. It only lasted for a second as my face crumpled distortedly, looking at Alexandra with a glare.

"That's not a good joke, professor," I muttered in a low, dangerous tone.

Alexandra didn't respond, but only sighed more as she embraced me tighter. 

I frowned as I held Pula tenderly in my left arm, shoving Alexandra with my right elbow, scooting further away from her. "Professor, I told you that Pula is sleeping, she isn't…"

Biting my lower lip hard, my sore eyes started to wet again. I swallowed, feeling a huge lump on my throat. "Pula is not…"

I look down at Pula, feeling her lifeless body in my arm. "...dead," I finished, feeling empty and cold.

Tears poured out from my eyes, staring down at the small pink rabbit in a state of trance. No beating pulse or comforting warmth and only a body without a soul.

I inhaled sharply. I took deep breaths. 

I swallowed again, feeling my intestines twisting and churning; causing storms inside my stomach. I look at Alexandra, kneeling a few distance away from me. 

The red haired woman approached me again, wrapping her arms around me, patting my back comfortingly. "I'm sorry, lass…"

I didn't respond as reality slowly sinks in. 

Like a paper being ripped into tiny little pieces; I felt my heart aching in pain. 

Like glue to my paper; I held Pula's freezing body near me as if it was the only thing that could keep my heart together in one piece.

However, the glue has already expired, and a glue that is past the expiration date will not provide the appropriate bonding properties. 

Which means no matter how much I hug Pula, she will no longer be able to comfort me. 

Pula will never wake up again and for eternity. She went on a sleeping journey, taking a piece of me with her. While I'm left alone with grief, sorrow, and memories. It's a warm memory, but the more warm it was, the more cold I felt. It tears me apart and into tiny little pieces.

Despite feeling the chilling body, I embraced Pula for comfort as I cried hard, sobbing loud. Alexandra hugged me even tighter. 

After a while, the liquid droplets grew weak until there was nothing more left to give.

Sore salty eyes; numbing freezing body; stuffy nose. All of it makes me feel exhausted as I breathe in through my mouth. I looked up and saw Alexandra, giving me a gentle smile similar to my mother. Her brows were pulled up, staring at me in distraught.

My nose felt sour again, seeing Alexandra's pale complexion and comforting smile. Yet, it didn't give me the slightest of comfort as I remember another person to her face.

"Professor," I called, sniffing as I stared down at the pink rabbit. "I want to give Pula a proper funeral."

"By all means, we should," Alexandra replied affirmatively.

I nodded as I softly caressed Pula's pink fur. 

"Lass," Alexandra called softly.

I didn't look up as I focused on Pula. "Hmm?"

"I'm sorry," Alexandra said in a serious tone.

I looked up and saw sincerity in her eyes. However, everytime I see Alexandra, I could also see the similarities of that bloody woman to her face. Her aunt looks so much like Alexandra, and she also looks similar to her aunt. 

"I'm sorry," the red haired woman repeated. 

I averted my eyes, staring down at the pink rabbit. "Let's not talk about this in front of Pula," I mumbled calmly, standing up with Pula in my left arm.

"Right," Alexandra replied, also standing up. "I'll speak with my aunt and arrange a formal funeral, so why don't you go and rest first?"

"No," I said firmly as I started walking. 

"What do you mean no?" Alexandra questioned, perplexed. "Do you mean no for the funeral or resting?"

"I'm coming with you," I stated nonchalantly, looking forward as I walked. "I have something to talk about with your…aunt."

Alexandra sighed helplessly. "But with your condition—"

"I won't be reckless again and attack your aunt," I interrupted, then I glanced at her. "If that's what you're worried about."

"I'm not…that's not what I meant," Alexandra replied, rubbing her temples frustratedly.

"Professor, I don't care what you meant, and whether you're with me or not, I'm still gonna meet with your aunt," I explained indifferently, walking steadily to the exit. "Like I said, I have something to talk about with your aunt."

I heard Alexandra sighing deeply beside me. "Alright, but I'll accompany you," she said, a little frustrated.

"Mm," I hum, not bothering to care since I will still go to that bloody woman even if I have no one with me. I have something to settle with that…gladiator woman. 

As Alexandra and I walked to the exit, the door creaked open then Joan entered.

"24 hours have passed, so Saint Agatha said to check Nasrin," Joan asked, looking at us as she smoked with the pipe in her mouth. 

I didn't respond as I walked, caressing Pula's cold body. In my peripheral vision, I saw Alexandra looking at me. 

"She refuses to…" Alexandra paused, glancing at me as she continued, "...nevermind."

Joan stared at me then at Alexandra with a raised brow. After a while, Joan shrugged and said, "well…Saint Agatha is healing the old hag on the fourth floor, and she told me to get the two of you to join the gathering."

"What gathering?" Alexandra asked.

Joan shrugs again. "Who knows? If you're curious then just go ask her yourself," she answered.

"Alright, the lass and I are going there anyway," Alexandra replied. 

I nodded silently. Afterwards, the three of us went together to the fourth floor. When we arrived there, Saint Agatha had already finished healing that gladiator woman.

The two guards I saw at that time were also inside the room standing beside the gladiator woman. The gladiator woman who was seated on her office chair, stared at me with a glare.

I stared back with no emotion. Her face was healed up, but her broken teeth weren't. There is also a scar on her left biceps. 

While Saint Agatha is seated down on the sofa. "Seat down first," she said, gesturing for the empty couch opposite to her.

Alexandra went to sit down obediently, and I frowned but also sat down. While Joan stood beside Saint Agatha like a guard.

"Master…Joan said that you called for me and the lass, why?" Alexandra said inquiringly, calling Saint Agatha as master.

Saint Agatha stared at me then at Alexandra. "We're missing one more pers—"

Suddenly, the door to the room opened slowly, and the familiar face of the silver haired man entered inside.

"Am I late?" The silver haired man said, looking around with a smirk on his annoying face.

Seeing that man's face made me frown instantly. My eyes narrowed, not liking the situation. 

'Something is wrong with this gathering.'

The silver haired man roamed his eyes around with a smirk, but when his eyes met mine, the smirk on his face instantly disappeared as he frowned. I remained seated as I stared back, hugging Pula in my left arm and resting the slightly trembling white blade on the side of the couch. 

But the man didn't continue staring at me anymore as he went to greet the gladiator woman. He planted his one knee on the floor, lowering his head as he placed his right palm on his chest near his heart. "General, this soldier was told that ye summon me to yer office," said he.

The gladiator woman didn't answer as she narrowed her eyes, gazing at me in a trance.

"Perhaps, you might want to start with the compensation that you promised?" Saint Agatha said to the gladiator woman with her usual expressionless face. 

My brows creased in perturb, but I feel like there is a deeper meaning implied behind Saint Agatha's words. On the other hand, the gladiator woman glanced at the two guards standing beside her.

"Talon and Paxton, go out and guard the door, don't let anyone in no matter what their business is with me," the gladiator woman commanded.

"Aye general," the two guards responded, bowing respectfully, then afterwards, they both went outside, closing the door.

As soon as the two walked out, Alexandra sat up straight, looking at Saint Agatha with inquiring eyes. 

"What compensation are you talking about master? Does my aunt owe you money as well?" Alexandra asked in concern. 

Saint Agatha glanced at Alexandra. "Not quite, but…" She trailed, looking at me with her inexpressive face, then she turned to Alexandra as she continued, "well, you'll know soon enough, right Amana?"

Alexandra and I both casted a glance at the gladiator woman. The bloody woman gritted his teeth with squinted eyes, glaring at Saint Agatha. Meanwhile, the silver haired man still remained kneeled down throughout the conversation. Probably waiting for the gladiator woman to make him stand at ease. 

"Come on, Amana, don't make us wait, you know what will happen if I lose my patience, right?" Saint Agatha said with no emotions, but it sounded like a threat to my ears.

The gladiator woman cleared her throat as she stood up, then she glanced at the kneeling man. "Stand at ease, soldier," the gladiator woman muttered solemnly. 

The silver haired man stood up straight. Afterwards, the gladiator woman took a whip on her drawers, then she walked stopping in front of me. With a deep sigh, the gladiator woman glanced at Alexandra with a guilty face, then afterwards, she stared at the silver haired man again with a solemn look. 

"Soldier, come here," the gladiator woman beckoned.

The man nodded as he also came and stood in front of me. He stared at me with a smirk. "General, are we going to continue with this criminal's punishment here in this office?" The silver haired man asked, glancing at the gladiator woman with an expectant gaze. "Is this a personal entertainment show for the two saints and for yer niece?"

"What are you talking about? This lass is no criminal!" Alexandra raises her hand in front of me protectively. "Aunt, what is the meaning of this?"

The gladiator woman didn't respond, looking at me with narrowed eyes. The man only snorted at Alexandra, seeing the gladiator woman not answering. I hug Pula's cold body for comfort, feeling even more uncomfortable in my heart recalling how this all started. It was because this silver haired man thought that I stole the pouch of gold coins.

Hold on, that's not quite right…

My eyes narrowed, remembering the conversation of those two soldiers who escorted me to the Dregs Arena. They said that their Captain already knew that it was the little girl who stole the pouch. Which means that this man in front of me already knew from the beginning that I'm innocent. My eyes widen at this dumb realization. I felt my blood surging in my veins as my heart throbbed. I heard a ringing in my ears, a loud ringing of dark noise, whispering with evilness in my mind.

I furrowed my brows, staring at the silver haired man as I felt a thirst for blood.

I glance at Saint Agatha and Joan with narrowed eyes. "Is this why you called for me here?" I questioned, trying to sound calm, but the low growl at the end of my voice betrayed me. "Answer me."

Saint Agatha stayed calm as she gaze at me with her expressionless face. "No, child, I won't let anyone in this room hurt you," she said in a tone full of sincerity.

Joan nodded as she released smoke through her nose, grinning at me. "Trust us kid, as long as we are here, no one in this room will be able to lay a finger on you," she said.

For some reason, their comforting words warm my heart even though I only met them yesterday, and the ringing in my ears slowly disappeared. I knitted my brows, looking at Saint Agatha and Joan in puzzlement, then I glanced at the two people standing in front of me. The silver haired man, on other hand, is no longer smirking. His eyes narrowed, frowning at me and at the two saints as if also confused with the situation. 

Meanwhile, the gladiator woman had a solemn expression on her face as she stared at me in a trance.

"Oy old hag, move your ass and get on it," Joan said, crossing her arms on her chest with the pipe in her mouth. "Don't make the kid wait."

The gladiator woman stood up straight as her body flinched, jolting like someone threw a bomb on her. 

Lowering her head in a 45 degree angle, the gladiator woman started to speak, offering the whip in front of my face. "As the Knight Commanding General, I made a grave mistake of offending a high ranking noble, please accept my whip and exact punishments to this soldier and to this general," the gladiator woman said.

"Ge-general…?" The silver haired man mumbled in utter shock.

The gladiator woman glanced at the stupefied man while still remaining bowed down to me. "What are you waiting for? Bow down to the daughter of the duke! You idiot!"

The silver haired man frowned, hearing what the gladiator woman said, then he gazed at me, clicking his tongue. 

"Tch." The man reluctantly bowed to me, but not as respectful as the gladiator woman; only crouched his head down a little.

Seeing this reaction, the gladiator woman grabs the man's head, forcing the silver haired man to bow even lower than her. "You disrespectful little shite!"

As a result, the silver haired man had his head hanging down, his face almost touching knee in an awkward posture.

Right after that, the gladiator woman handed the whip in front of me. "Lady Nasrin, please settle the compensation," the gladiator woman said in a very respectful tone, making me feel creeped out with her duality. 

I stared blankly at the two of them with a flabbergasted face.

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