
I Became the Villain in Attack on Titan

Shiniro gets transported into the world of his favorite anime, Attack on Titan. And he becomes a warrior of Marley ————————- Join my Patreon for early access and bonus, nsfw chapters!!! https://patreon.com/ShiniroYang

Shiniro_Yang · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Survivor Camp

Chapter 4. Survivor Camp

Finally, the warriors managed to reach the Wall Rose survivor camp.

The air was thick with the sounds of people moaning and crying for their lost loved ones.

The sight was harrowing and filled with despair.

Shiniro looked around at his comrades.

None of them were in good shape, likely due to the horrible things they had done and the terrifying events they had witnessed.

Bertolt sat with his legs pulled to his chest, his head buried in his knees.

Reiner lay on his back, pillows covering his ears as if to block out the world.

Even Annie, who had her hood pulled low over her face, couldn't hide her mental turmoil.

Shiniro noticed her glancing at him occasionally, her eyes betraying a flicker of something more than just concern, though she quickly looked away whenever he caught her gaze.

Despite their poor condition, the warriors began collecting information in this new place.

They knew that gathering intel was crucial for their mission.

"They say we're going to be sent to the north to work," Reiner said, his voice laced with bitterness. "Those devils are trying to freeze us to death."

"It might not be so bad to go north," Shiniro replied, trying to sound optimistic. "It's closer to the center wall."

Shiniro gathered all the warriors together.

"We did well on our first mission to breach Wall Maria," he said, his voice steady and reassuring. "You all did great. Our plan from now on is to infiltrate their military, join the Military Police, and get closer to the king. That way, we can gather more information."

"Wait, wait," Reiner interrupted. "Do we really have to wait that long?"

Shiniro looked at Reiner.

Despite their hardened exteriors, they were still just kids at heart.

They wanted this mission to end as quickly as possible so they could return to their families.

"We must," Shiniro said firmly. "It's for the world. In order to save this world."

Annie shifted slightly, her eyes lingering on Shiniro for a moment before she looked away, pretending to adjust her hood.

Shiniro knew that to survive, he needed to retake the Founding Titan.

It was the key to their mission and the survival of himself.

He could feel the weight of his responsibility pressing down on him, but he also felt a strange sense of resolve.

With his comrades by his side, he believed they could succeed.

As the group dispersed to rest and prepare for their next steps, Shiniro noticed Annie lingering near the edge of the camp, her gaze occasionally flicking towards him.

He wondered what she was thinking but decided not to press her.

They all had their burdens to bear, and he respected her need for space.

For now, they had to focus on their mission.

* * *

It was nighttime at the shelter, and Annie laid down, trying to sleep.

The sounds of the camp—muted conversations, distant cries—faded into the background as she closed her eyes.

Bur suddenly, she felt a poke from behind.

Instinctively, she turned around and got into a guard position, ready to defend herself.

But the person standing there was unexpected.

"Whoa, chill. It's me," Shiniro said, raising his hands in a non-threatening gesture.

Annie's eyes narrowed for a moment before she recognized him. She lowered her guard. "Shiniro..."

When the warrior candidate training began, Shiniro was just a nobody.

He was the lowest of the candidates and always fell behind.

Yet, he kept pushing forward, and now he was the leader for this mission.

She couldn't help but feel a twinge of admiration for his perseverance.

"What are you doing here?" Annie asked, her voice a mix of curiosity and suspicion.

"You're good at hand-to-hand combat, right? Can you teach me?" he asked, a hopeful look in his eyes.

Annie hesitated, her mind racing.

She could feel her heart beating a little faster, though she wasn't sure why.

"No," she finally said.

Shiniro looked taken aback. "What? Why?"

"Because if I teach you, you'll become a monster. A monster that nobody would be able to surpass," she replied, her voice steady but her thoughts swirling.

She knew that once she taught him, he would greatly improve his skills—maybe even enough to beat her.

That was the Shiniro she had seen up till now: relentless, determined, and with an untapped potential that both intrigued and unsettled her.

Annie sighed, feeling a strange mix of reluctance and resolve. "Fine. Follow me."

As they walked to a more secluded area of the camp, Annie's thoughts drifted.

She knew they needed someone with Shiniro's potential for this mission.

But there was something else, something she couldn't quite put her finger on.

Every time she was near him, she felt a strange pull, a feeling she didn't fully understand.

"Why do you want to learn hand-to-hand combat?" she asked, trying to keep her tone casual.

Shiniro looked at her, his eyes earnest. "I need to be stronger. For the mission. For everyone. I can't let anyone down."

His words struck a chord with her.

She admired his dedication, his willingness to improve for the sake of others.

It made her feel... something.

She wasn't sure if it was respect, admiration, or something deeper.

She shook her head slightly, trying to clear her thoughts.

"Alright," she said, stopping in an open area away from the others. "Let's see what you've got."

As they started training, Annie couldn't help but notice how quickly Shiniro picked up the techniques.

His focus was intense, his movements sharp.

She found herself drawn to his determination, the fire in his eyes.

It was inspiring, and it made her want to push him even harder.

"You're doing well," she said after a particularly good sequence. "But you still have a long way to go."

Shiniro nodded, wiping sweat from his forehead. "Thanks, Annie. I appreciate this."

As they continued, Annie's thoughts kept returning to the same place.

She didn't fully understand her feelings towards Shiniro, but she knew one thing: they needed someone like him.

Someone who could rise to the occasion, someone who could lead them to victory.

And maybe, just maybe, she needed him too.

I think someone's in love...


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