
People who have a deep yearning for comfort.

At the main mansion of the Everglen Family, Kadita and I found ourselves on the balcony, seeking respite from the crowded ball.

"Your dancing is truly impressive for someone who learned overnight."

"Oh, you're giving me too much credit. I did step on your feet a few times, and you had to guide my stiff movements during our dance."

"Well, consider it the challenge of leading a younger sister in a dance. Isn't that a plus?"

"Ugh, younger sister..."

"What's the matter? You're only a few months younger than me, right? Oh, is your face turning red? You seem to get embarrassed easily."

"Y-yes, I admit it! I do get embarrassed easily. But being suddenly faced with a situation like this can make anyone feel this way, you know!"

"We discussed this with Father and Mother, didn't we? From now on, you're a part of the Everglen family. Well, I admit I was wrong. You still need time to adapt."

"It's not that I dislike it. I'm grateful for what you, Lord Damian, and Lady Isabella did for me by adopting me as their daughter. B-but to think I'm now your little sister..."

"There's no need to rush. However, it would make me very happy if you started calling them Father and Mother. I'm sure they would appreciate it too."

"...I'll try."

Observing her blush like a tomato, I decided to cease teasing Kadita. Shifting my focus, I gazed at the captivating night view of the Everglen region.

As soon as our dance concluded, applause reverberated through the ballroom. Whether it was an acknowledgment of our performance or simply a reaction to Everglen's royal status, I didn't particularly concern myself with the distinction.

Dancing with Kadita served the purpose of solidifying her position in the noble structure. Witnessing the Everglen family genuinely embrace her would serve as a deterrent for other families contemplating any ill intentions toward Kadita.

'I mean, witnessing a younger sister being bullied would undoubtedly infuriate any older brother.'

Since Kadita is now my little sister, this marks the initial stride in establishing a defense for her.

'I truly am a great big brother.'

"Hey Fawwaz, tell me, if I had never encountered a sukma, would my fate have taken a different turn?"

As I internally boasted, Kadita uttered those words, her gaze fixed blankly on the scenery outside. The emptiness in her eyes seemed to mirror her current emotions.

"What are you talking about?"


Kadita was taken aback by my unexpected response.

'I mean, contemplating something like Kadita never having a sukma is akin to pondering if I had never entered this world. It implies that dwelling on such matters is futile.'

Yet, I couldn't provide such a response. I needed to offer an answer that would alleviate the anxiety in her heart.

"I honestly don't care if you have a sukma or not. The moment I saw you in the mansion, I was determined to rescue you. If parallel worlds exist, I'm certain that in every conceivable world, I would still save you, regardless of the circumstances."

Upon hearing my response, Kadita gasped. Startled, she turned her gaze downward. I noticed tears trickling down her face, and in a hoarse voice, she asked me.

"Why... why did you go to such lengths for me?"

Experiencing a sense of déjà vu with this question, I pondered a fitting response before answering.

"There's no particular reason; perhaps the only reason is because it's you, that's all."

Upon hearing my response, her gaze, previously fixed downward, swiftly met mine. Her sea-blue eyes, still damp with tears, stared directly into mine, conveying a mix of excitement and confusion.

"What kind of ambiguous answer is that? Are you saying your reason is solely because it's me?" Kadita spoke with a mocking smile on her face.

"Well, you can think of it that way."

"I'll take it that way, hehehe."

"What's wrong, why are you suddenly laughing?"

"No, nothing."

And so, our conversation stopped there, and we gazed at the night view with a companionable silence.


Amidst the lively ball, a silver-haired girl found herself encircled by children of her age.

While the occasion was ostensibly meant to celebrate Fawwaz's birthday, the ball organically transformed into a spectacle of noble children seeking connections with one another.

Gatherings of this nature represent one of the myriad ways in which the nobility forges connections within their circles. It stands as an unspoken tradition that these events cater specifically to the teenage offspring of the nobility.

In befriending peers of their age, these young nobles also become acquainted with each other's families, establishing various relationships, whether they be of equal standing or not.

Olivia Van Astralia, the silver-haired girl, was no exception to this tradition. As the first child of a Duke, she needed to network as extensively as possible.

"Truly, Lady Olivia, you appear absolutely stunning. The beauty you radiate truly befits the aura of a Duke's daughter."

"Ahaha, you flatter me too much."

Compliments continued to pour in, each person offering their admiration to Olivia. All the while, everyone exchanged their warmest smiles with her, and Olivia reciprocated in kind.

Engaging in mutual compliments and conducting themselves with grace was the customary routine of noble children, establishing a circle with various underlying purposes.

'They're disgusting.'

Olivia, already seasoned in socializing with them, was well-versed in the situation. She discerned the hidden meanings behind the smiles of those around her.

'The stares they cast make me sick, resembling nothing more than fawning dogs.'

Olivia was acutely aware of her status—the first daughter of the Duke's family, one of the two forces safeguarding the empire. Moreover, her swordsmanship talent was acknowledged as a genius level.

She possessed not only a graceful stature and a well-maintained physique but also excelled in comparison to her peers, boasting a captivating and charming face that rendered her a living masterpiece.

"Speaking of hobbies, do you have one, Lady Olivia?"

A girl, who had been engaged in conversation with her friend, directed the question toward Olivia.

"I'm not sure if it qualifies as a hobby, but I adore reading books and hosting small tea parties with friends."

Olivia responded with a graceful gaze, her voice flowing smoothly, captivating anyone who heard it.

"It would be delightful to attend one of your tea parties, Lady Olivia."

"Of course, I would be delighted to have you."

'Boring. Interacting with sycophantic dogs like them only drains my energy.'

Olivia, concealing her feelings of disdain, continued to smile, adept at deceiving everyone. In this kind of environment, Olivia had learned to adapt to the habits of the nobility, molding herself to fit in.

'To achieve my goal, minor inconveniences like this can be overlooked.'

Olivia harbored a grand ambition—to secure the Astralia family inheritance from her younger brother. Born into a distinguished martial arts family as a girl, it proved challenging for Olivia to claim inheritance rights, especially with a younger brother in the picture.

Given the traditions of Aetherion's imperial family, inheritance rights predominantly passed to sons. Olivia believed that cultivating a wide network of connections would enhance her chances of obtaining the inheritance rights over her younger brother.

However, despite her lofty aspirations, she remained a mentally immature teenage girl.

Constantly putting on an act eventually sapped her mental energy, with the sycophantic gazes being the most draining to endure.

In this weary state, Olivia longed for someone who could serve as a refuge, a place where she could reveal her true self.

'Yes, that person's gaze... a gaze unlike any I've encountered before. He didn't regard me with fawning admiration, nor did he feign interest in me.'

In a reverie, Olivia's thoughts centered on one person—the individual who never regarded her with a disgusting gaze, someone uninterested in her merely for her visual appeal.

He was Fawwaz, her prospective fiancé. Through their previous interactions, Olivia discerned a distinction between Fawwaz and the others she had encountered. There was an unusual sense of comfort when conversing with him.

Glancing towards the balcony, she spotted Fawwaz, previously with Kadita, now alone, gazing at the night view. His bright blue eyes seemed like a beacon to her.

Seeing Fawwaz brought forth a mental image of him dancing with Kadita. Witnessing Fawwaz's graceful smile and Kadita's flushed face during the dance stirred an uncomfortable feeling within Olivia.

'What am I thinking? I already know that Kadita was adopted into the Everglen family, and in this case, she will be Fawwaz's sister.'

Olivia brushed aside the negative thoughts that had surfaced in her mind. Quietly, she left the circle and made her way towards the balcony where Fawwaz was.

'I don't know the reason, but I feel like I should talk to him. I also want to understand this uncomfortable feeling.'

As if seeking answers to the complex emotions she was grappling with, Olivia arrived right behind Fawwaz.

Sensing Olivia's presence, Fawwaz turned his body to meet her gaze.

"Uh... do you need anything, Lady Olivia?"

Hearing Fawwaz's question, Olivia fell silent, as if frozen. She just stared at Fawwaz.

'Ugh, what am I doing? Why didn't I answer his question? But what should I say? There's no way I'm admitting that I feel the need to talk to him.'

"Ah... Congratulations on your birthday, Mr. Fawwaz."


A/N: I sincerely apologize for failing to upload the chapter yesterday. Unfortunately, my health has worsened, and the act of typing this chapter exacerbates my discomfort. Nevertheless, I assure you that I am dedicated to consistently releasing more chapters in the future.









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