
I Became the Strongest Awakened

Surviving in the back alleys and sleeping with insects crawling in his skin. Always being beaten by people bigger than him. Being treated as a slave and not a normal human being. What could possibly make Night's situation much worse? Becoming an awakened? Getting a stronger system than what everyone has? Being in the spotlight of the strongest Legions? No, that was not worse. It was the best possible situation that Night could have hoped for, if only not for his secrets that even himself doesn't know.

Skazu19 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Second Wave of the Cataclyst


A deep frown appeared on Liam's face. However, his face remained as handsome as it was.

"An invitation?"

The head officer mumbled after reading the contents written in the hologram.

'So even ordinary people can see that.'

Night, unfazed as he had been since the beginning, stared at the hologram for a moment before heading towards the officer who put on the metal bracelets. The officer stared at him with an eyebrow raised, although his eyes still showed caution and wariness.

"What is it?

The officer asked, lowering his head with eyes that looked uncertain. He looked towards his superior. Liam, who was alerted by the sudden chill running down his spine, looked at Night without uttering a word.


Night stretched his hand toward the officer while the latter had a complicated look on his face before slipping another glance to his superior.

The head officer of District 8 nodded his head, and his colleague immediately rummaged through his pockets, looking for the key.

It was not long before Night was freed from the metal bracelets. In the short time that he wore those metal bracelets, which were heavier than his arms, left a bruise on his pale vampire-like skin. Night rubbed his wrist and frowned after feeling a sharp pain.

"Should I call a healer to heal you?"

Liam noticed the change in Night's expression and offered to call a healer for him, which made Night genuinely astonished. Healers were rare to find in the whole world. However, they were more common than the other classes that fit into the trait 'Deviant'.

Just like how Legions, who were awakened ones called and granted with the system called Sage, every Legion have their own trait which could either be Augmenter, Conjurer, and Deviant. Every Legion's overall strength can be classified by ranks and ranks have their own tiers.

An augmenter was a Legion who used his or her inner mana to reinforce his or her physical prowess. Conjurers circulate their inner mana and use it to create skills either to attack or defend. And lastly, deviants, were Legions who do not fit in the other two traits. Some Legions who have this trait are either healers, tamers, and in the rarest case, a necromancer.

'I wonder what my trait would be.'

Night wondered as he shook his head in refusal to Liam's proposition. He had no plans of getting help from someone who had hidden motives. Night trod the way to the door with no care of how the other people looked at him.

"Where are you going?"

Liam asked Night with a frown on his face. He had no idea why Night was heading for the door even though there were still too many things for the two of them to settle.

"Out of here."

Night answered as if it was obvious. He didn't mean to sound sarcastic as he spoke so. Night knew why Liam was asking him and what was the real meaning behind that question, but Night had cared less about the answer to it.

"You can't. No matter what you do or say, you are still an awakened one. You are my responsibility. And besides, we don't know what this Chaos Dance that the Sage is inviting us to join is."

Liam looked like he had already decided to take Night with him. Although Liam's resolve amazed the officers, Night just thought that he was stubborn. And though Night didn't want to admit it, Liam was right when he said that they didn't know what would happen if ever the Chaos Dance would commence.

General information about the Chaos creatures, abilities, traits, Legions, Awakened ones, and the Sage were shared with the public for safety purposes and also as general knowledge, which was why Night was aware that in the past decade since the cataclyst befell on earth, there were no mentions of a Chaos Dance at all.

'It's a new phenomenon that could be treated as a major threat that could result in the second coming of the cataclyst.'

Night thought to himself. He found his thoughts sensible because of the scenarios that were currently happening. Before the cataclyst had occurred, the Sage appeared with the invitation of granting humans power which resulted in the birth of the Awakened ones and Legions.

"It is too dangerous. I know that you might think that you'll be fine because you have built your cores, however, you must remember that you haven't been called by the Sage."

Liam tried to convince Night once more. Emotions of worry and concern masked other emotions such as curiosity.

"You need to think rationally—"

Liam could not finish his sentence after a silent ring of a bell that they all knew too well echoed in the room.

[Seekers! Thank you for accepting the invitation for the Chaos Dance. From this moment the Rifts will appear in different areas in different Districts. Be careful and good luck!]

Another hologram had appeared in the room just as the one from earlier disappeared. The officers stared at the contents in horror.

"What is going on?! We haven't even accepted the invitation!"

Liam could not help but shout at the ridiculous situation they have been put in.

"How... wh-what should we do now?"

One of the officers grabbed his head with his quivering hands. Beads of sweat appeared on his forehead and his back uniform turned darker as it became wet with his sweat.

"We're all going to die!"

The other commented, scared for his life. Fidgeting in his place with his teary eyes, the officer fell on his behind.

"Why did the Sage suddenly...!"

Liam who was less antsy in the crowd of four people racked his brains for an answer to his own questions.

Meanwhile, Night stood at the corner of the room studying the scenario unfolding in front of him.

'We don't have the time to be standing around.'

He thought as he took a glance outside. Several spots outside, either on the road or near the abandoned park, had been having mana fluctuations since the Sage sent the message informing them of the acceptance of the invitation.

Night who had considerable knowledge of the history of the cataclyst because he had nothing better to do when he was still living in the slums, read all of the papers, articles, and magazines that he could find about the cataclyst. His past actions might be the reason why Night knew that the thing called Chaos Dance just might be the second wave of the cataclyst.

Night sighed and stood straight from leaning against the wall. His long and skinny legs strode toward Liam. The latter noticed Night's presence and faced him. With Liam's face looking like a crumpled paper, Night thought that he might have looked a little uglier now.

"Rifts have started to appear outside. I know that Mr. Louis is strong, however, what can you do alone fighting Chaos creatures while protecting four civilians by yourself?"

After finishing his sentence, Night realized that he had been talking more than he did in the past seventeen years.

Liam's eyes widened in realization and turned toward the officers who were in a state of panic. He shut his eyes and pressed his nose bridge before taking a deep breath.

"Alright, we will now go towards the nearest Central Awakened Station and join the other Legions and evacuate to the Awakened Association Headquarters."

Liam informed them as he looked at the map taped to the wall of the room. His eyes gleamed after realizing that the nearest central station was just a few days away.

"If we start moving now we might be able to make it there in two days. We should leave as soon as we packed everything that is needed."

Liam said and walked over to the head officer. He whispered something that Night couldn't hear even with his heightened senses. After whatever Liam had said to the head officer, the latter calmed down instantly as if he never was anxious before.

Hastened movements but silent actions. The group packed everything that they might need be it edible foods and beverages, blankets, flashlights, and even weapons. It all summed up to five military bags. One of the officers walked to Night, his legs looked heavy as he lifted them, and his head down and eyes that often avoid Night's but had no choice but to meet it.

In the officer's hands was a military bag, although it was smaller and looked lighter than the others it was still full of their necessities.


The officer averted his gaze from Night's direction. Night stared at the military bag in the officer's hands before glancing up at him. Coincidentally, their eyes met and an awkward atmosphere surrounded the room enough to catch the other three's attention.

"Give it here."

Night reached his hand and grabbed the bag and wore it on his back. Liam and the others stared at him, their gazes containing emotions that Night didn't need.

"If you're all done packing let's go. The Rifts are almost open."

Night went straight to the door, he didn't need to look behind just to check if they were following from behind.

'Being awakened really is convenient.'

A small smirk appeared on Night's face but he soon wiped it off of his face. Liam placed a hand on his shoulder stopping him from taking the lead.

"Move to the middle. We don't know what might come and attack from either the front or the back."

Liam applied pressure on his grip and Night didn't like it one bit. As thin and frail as he was, Night hated being overpowered by anything.

'I'll do so for now.'

Night obliged because no matter how much he hated it his situation just didn't allow him to fight back.

'I'm still weak.'

Night might be jaded most of the time but he was rational. He knew when to back off to save himself from death. Night only needed to do what he has always done.

The Central Awakened Station was just near the abandoned park. That place might be abandoned but it was still one of the largest parks in District 8. Although, its size might be the reason why it was abandoned.

Upon entering the park, the group had already passed by a few Rifts which were starting to crack little by little. Night's eyes were as stoic as they were but a deep frown has settled itself on his forehead. He had never seen so much Rift in one place.

'Did the Sage say that Rifts will appear in different Districts?'

Night's thoughts were chaotic just from envisioning the sight of the Rifts spread in the Oasis and Chaos creatures pouring out of them. He became too preoccupied with his thoughts, but his senses didn't let the sound of breaking and a cold wind biting his skin go unnoticed.