
I Became The Pope, Now What?

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What is I Became The Pope, Now What?

Read ‘I Became The Pope, Now What?’ Online for Free, written by the author MisterImmortal, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, ADVENTURE Light Novel, REINCARNATION Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Johnathan, an old man with an extraordinary past but an ordinary end, gets reincarnated in a dark fantasy world full of ...


Johnathan, an old man with an extraordinary past but an ordinary end, gets reincarnated in a dark fantasy world full of magic, darkness, and mysteries furled. However, he committed a grave blunder by taking the fiction he had read as a reference. Reborn as a baby, he hoped to be deemed gifted by speaking early. One thing led to another, and tragedy struck. The villagers declared him a demon-possessed and called the church. Johnathan, now known as Sylvester Maximilian, realized that he had messed up. When the church's inquisitors came to judge him and burn him on a pyre. As a last resort and to welcome his soon to arrive second death, he started chanting holy hymns as his last breath. Overwhelmed, they kneeled, thinking he was a messenger of Solis. From there, the story of how Sylvester Maximilian rose through the ranks to sit at the top began. But his life won't be ordinary, as he uses his cunning and the tag of 'God's favored' to his advantage. Fighting treachery, unearthing secret plots and world mysteries, facing the darkness around him and creating his place in history, engraving his name in the annals to be forever remembered as the—Immortal Pope, The Young. [A/N: To not mislead you, the novel's name does not mean he instantly becomes the Pope from the start. The story will follow the life of MC. Though he will become the Pope at a pretty young age. 40% of the novel will be based around MC fighting to sit on the supreme throne. If you enjoy world building and lore building, then you will like this story.] ____________ ***Main Tags: FANTASY, ADVENTURE, MAGIC, DARK, STRONG MC(Weak at the start because he's a baby. Not an instant OP though.), WHOLESOME, COMEDY, KINGDOM BUILDING. MENTALLY OLD MC, Politics, Backstabbing, World Building.*** [WARNING: MC will not go around saving everyone. Absolutely not if it puts him in danger. But if he can save someone using his status or position in the church, he will. He will kill innocent people if he has to. MC is not crazy, cynical, or unsociable. The world at some times may seem very DARK.] _____________ [DISCLAIMER] The religion will be fake. I won't make it similar to those existing in our world not to trigger anyone. However, the Church terminologies and designations may feel identical as they are simple vocabulary words. Again, everything you read in this novel is fictional and has no relation to our world. I hope you enjoy my work. Stay safe and eat healthy bananas. ______________ Join the Monke Family - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn

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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1 :School of Dawn
Volume 2 :Servant of Faith
Volume 3 :The Brightest Light
Volume 4 :The Grassroots
Volume 5 :I Became The Pope
Volume 6 :Now What?


  • Overall Rate
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  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background

I have survived Corona-chan's vicious attacks with the help of daily bananas and praying to Lord Harambe. So, after 2 years and 3 months, this Gorilla has decided to write an original again. The plan is simple, my fellow Monke friends. I write, and you vote. I get rich, and you all—cough! Anyway, the MC of this fic is mentally old, as he was an old man before being reincarnated. He is not an evil character, but not an overly righteous guy either. But since I'm a simp for wholesomeness, there will be some fluffy moments. But the major focus will be on MC's road to power. Which will include a lot of fights, plotting, backstabbing and friendships. The plot speed will depend on arcs. Though I will try to keep you all entertained with some high cliffs. Now, don't forget to stone me. I don't mind being hurt. Ah, here, take some Monke bathwater for good luck. Gorilla out.


A hidden gem. Writing Quality: Smooth. Almost zero grammatical errors, and the rhyms are clear, crisp and with good phrasing. they don't break emersion from the story. Stability of Updates: Long chapters, 1ch/d as of writing this review. Author has said that he will increase it in the coming weeks. Story Development: Unexpectedly Interesting. Set in the medieval era with magic, church and knights, it's a fresh take on an old genre. Worth reading. Character Design: Strong. MC was an old man in his previous life and is reborn as an infant in a fantasy world. He has the wit of an old man, and the curiosity of a newborn. The side character add flesh to the novel. World Background: Stable. Author has it all planned, and the writing style gives clear visualisation of the novel world. I also like the fact that author makes the language of the world something other than english, which most of the authors fail to consider or just don't bother. Language is a big factor in creating the realism in needed.


So, as a loyal reader and a friend of the author, i could read this novel before you WN readers. This means i can give you my honest review and what i actually thought of those chapters. The novel starts off with a little backstory before actually starting which is pretty great imo, we don't see this often in here. The chapters keep you focused and distracted while giving you informations on the world our MC got sent to. Which is a key quality for novels. The story combines comedy and action perfectly imo, i really liked that. The only things the author has to keep reminding himself of is to not use the habits of a fanfiction writer in this novel, we had to correct him sometimes for him to not f**k up. But besides that this novel started great, i'll comment on this review another little review to say if the novel is still good or not based on the WN community's view of things. Have a good day and good luck Gorilla. - By LOF


Hmm... Who are you?! MIRAJ?! IS THAT YOU?


Interesting story... Chracters are kinda 2D though. Also a lot of useless chapters & words where absolutely nothing happens. I would be fine with that but it is not like we get to read something interesting. Worst of all. Nearly 60 chapters in and the author did not describe even a single light spell or application of runes. He is a master but thus far has not performed a single spell. Nor did we get to hear about spells. The few battles we read about at this point are extremely dumb too. It is a nice story but the author clearly does not focus on the magic or combat aspect of his story which I personally think is the most important thing. The rest is all very interesting though and I may read on for a bit more...


Welp, I am just gonna be an *ssh*le and write a spam review. I won ’t say anything because I don’t trust my ability to not spoil. Just know I read it before you and I love it. Gorilla always writes good content. Don’t forget to spam him bananas, stones, good reviews, and love or you will have a monke protection department following you.


I like the concept of this novel. It reminds me slightly of “the holy emporer is my grandfather”. And the idea that the mc can launch crusades and create a holy empire is very appealing. Currently it’s just him as an infant but it’s already developing very well. My only issue with this novel is the believers may not have much depth. For example the mother or the inquisitor. I’ve seen a couple of such novels where it has the side characters be really fanatical. And because of that they don’t even have their own personality. But it’s still too early to say anything about this novel so I wish the best for you author.


I have no words to say. This Gif tells everything.


“I became the Pope, now what?” It is a wonderful beginning for a novel, capturing your attention and pulling you in immediately. The novel is about a man named Sylvester Maximilian, who becomes Pope: The greatest power there is to achieve, but what then? read his journey of how he became the Pope and deal with the many challenges that come after it. It is an adventure story, with many twists, and some serious moments. I loved the writing style of this book, it was so easy to read and keep scrolling for more. Can't wait for more chapters.


A well-thought-out story. The story clearly shows that the author thinking long and hard before writing the story, instead of just doing work count writing. The poems/Rhymes are well-made and precise. The best, thing is that the MC is smart and knows what to do. He is not naive.


I'm still surprised I read a story by author where MC isn't an old man, I love his other novels so it was a given I would read this...but a young MC, you had me at a young MC, I also don't know if I reviewed this earlier, maybe not but it's here now...or maybe I was thinking of my chapter comment..yea, don't think I reviewed it but this story is good


Author you said that there will be romance in later half of the story after mc becomes the pope ? but how can that happen if they are not allowed to have a wife, children ? how will mc have romance and make babies with the future fl ?


ape together strong - a wise mentor world building is peak , keeps you wondering, speculating and intrigued consistently, delves into the remorse greif escape of the mc in such both minimal yet masterfully descriptive wording, +1 star just for chonky , the hidden narritive and expostitionsare all subtle enough it leaves you theorizing yet enough to still keep you suspecting for a singular planned narritive to which when it is revieled you feel proud in some level keeping you emotional / phycological tuned to the novel such great work needs to be shared and commented on, as a avid reader of this novel as well as often with other novels if the author doesnt post for days it would be understandable because of their lack luster skills but for highly skilled authors you would accept the idea of them taking days to post a single chapter but no not when it comes to this great novel and its author , to which if he were to not post for even 2 days i believe me and many other readers would feel concsernd not for the upload delays but because we would assume the author to be unwell etc , that is how consistantly the author posts to the point the readers would be concerds not for the novel but for the author, in short stella job to the author pls share this novel to grow the community :D


i shall trust the author not to drop it and give us a gem 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Reveal spoiler


Reveal spoiler


I am the EXP of my sword... EXP is my blood... and EXP is my body... I have created over 1000 useless reviews... Unknown to death, nor know to live... I have withstood the pain of creating many more useless reviews... Yet, those hands will never write anything useful... And so I pray... UNLIMITED EXP WORKS


I started reading it as a joke but I don't know when I became addicted to this novel. The author knows his work as his dialogues and way of writing soothes the mind. For example : "I am no God. I am what you all were supposed to be." What a good line. I will forever hate myself for the fact that I wasn't the one who wrote this line. Sylvester does things exactly in a way in which a man of his past will do. It is a great novel and I recommend every one to read it. Forget all those harems and fan service novels for a second and dive down in some real fiction novel. This Ape is with you.


I only came to leave 5 stars because I am enjoying the novel :)


i loved every single bits of this, its my first time reading and i really enjoyed it


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