
I Became the monster that I hunt.

A ruthless monster hunter died at the age of fifty. During his prime, Oliver exterminated all living beings as long as it is a monster. He is not one to show mercy, and this never changed until his death. Arising on a new planet, the merciless hunter soon noticed that he has a new body and mind. Nature played a joke on him by transferring him into a new but similar world, a world where monsters and humans battle each other. There is one problem... ...Oliver is now a monster, one of the most dangerous that every hunter seeks to destroy.

InTheDark · Fantasy
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26 Chs

They Know -3; two weeks...

Author's Thought.

The next chapter will be out a few hours from now.

...Look forward to it.


_"One had been injured and needed time to gather his strength again. We still planned to move on since we had only two more entrances to go"_

Declan doesn't believe that Hach can continue with them, he's now a liability, greatly decreasing their chances of survival.

"You can't come with us," he said. "You are a burden,"

"Watch what you say," said Waddell who did not appreciate Declan's manner of speech.

"I understand," said Hach, "You guys should move on, I'll catch up in no time,"

That wasn't what Declan meant. He wanted Hach to return, go back. He is weak and cannot defend himself when faced with danger. Reluctant as he may be, Declan had to wait. There is no other option at this point.

The team spent the night while Hach mended his wound. None of them fell asleep, all were wide open, on the watch for any incoming monster enemy.

Early that morning, after confirming that Hach can at least walk by himself, they set out.

After the last incident, the team was able to avoid any other difficulties thanks to last night's onslaught.

The third entrance is in front of them. This one had an old wooden door. Noting this, Waddell seemed worried.

"I see how this works," he mumbled, but loud enough for the others to hear.

All eyes were on him. Waddell must have come to a realization, and they all want to know what that is.

"The monsters we may face from here on out might possess some level of intelligence," he said.

"Some of the monsters who survived the Death Rivalry were able to do so because of their ability to think. Of course, there will be many who are as dumb as we know them to be. They depend on brute strength alone."

"So your point is?"

"We are gonna have a hard time in here," said Waddell.

Their expression became stern. There is no doubt, they can die if there is a mistake.

"We've come this far, can't go back now, can we?" said Hach, to which they nodded.

Josie scanned the surrounding with her senses, absorbing every detail in full. After she was done, Waddell took the lead as usual. He opened the door only to lock eyes with a monster who is just two feet away.

"F*ck!" Waddell jumped backward, slamming the door. All five of them prepared themselves for battle.

The monster opened the door to get a better glimpse of them. Hanged on its back, is a rod, most likely its weapon. It did not attack, not immediately. Something about this being set it aside from the other monster they've encountered.

It spoke to them but Waddell could not understand its word, after which, the creature acted like it never saw them and walked back in.

This creature had no reason to attack or become aggressive. As far as it is concerned, if they are not a threat, then it cannot be bothered with their presence.

Do not be misled into thinking that all intelligent monsters of the same specie act the same way.

After the creature had gone beyond their point of view, the team of five passed into the third entrance. This locale wasn't as dark. There were lights fixed on the wall on every corner.

The third entrance is also very spacious and has several routes or pathways, some of which were with doors. Waddell was lost, not sure which path they should take.

"Which way is the shortest?" he asked Josie.

"My senses could not travel that far," she said, "However, there are three possible entrances that would lead us right where we need to be,"

They voted among themselves, and the majority chose the entrance by the left. Hopefully, this choice will not be the end of them.

-"We were temporarily able to go unnoticed, those who did find us, we killed before they could raise an alarm. Our successful infiltration of the third entrance may have blinded us. We should have realized that the fourth floor will by no means, work out the same way.

Waddell and Declan almost died trying to distract a multitude of enemies who wanted us dead. Their number was not overwhelming, no, but their physical strength that can withstand most damages along with weapons that proved to be far more destructive put us at a great disadvantage.

We had to hide, but it is only a matter of time before we will be found again. As long as they know we are here, I was certain they will not stop searching."_

{"I miscalculated,"}

The handler was certain that Waddell's team was enough. Yes, they will meet a few difficulties, but not to this extent.

{"They've evolved,"}

"Isn't it too rapid?" said Khalim.

{"It is,"} replied the handler. His attention returned to Tabib.

{"You are alive... how?"}

_"We did not have a plan. We have been cornered and are just waiting for death as that is clearly inevitable. Hours went by, but our demise is yet to come. We stayed hidden, too scared to take any risk."_

_"Eventually, someone had to make a move,"_

They came out of their hiding and regretted it. Waddell received a fatal blow, an attack that might have killed him. The monsters that they came face to face with are nothing compared to what they've been running away from.

{"The only reason you are here is that they let you go?"}

"...Yes... I have only two weeks to give them what they want or it is game over," said Tabib. He also proceeded to explain in detail what they went through, the beaten and torture.

There was one monster who understood and can speak their language. This creature had translated their leader's words to Tabib.

The handler remained silent...

His was wrong, a mistake that has come back to bite him. It is marveling how he is still able to keep calm, acknowledging what he had done. There is no way to know if he is worried at all since his actual face had not been disclosed.

{"I have been beaten in my game,"} said the Handler. {"It seems our friends are trying to break through into our world,"}

"That is unheard of,"

{"...but not impossible,"}

"Such ignorance. They must have imagined a world where they are the rulers, dominating over mankind,"

The handler chuckled at those words; {"Perhaps, a little game wouldn't hurt so much,"} he said.

"What is your plan?"

{"Don't know... I'll find hunters, stronger and experienced ones, just to give these creatures a taste of what they'll be up against if they dare."}

The monster residing in the cave has had quite the number of human hunters who at every visit, will kill and steal their goods and treasures. At first, the higher creatures living in the deepest part of the cave were not bothered, they do not care about those who are below or weaker.

They soon realized that if this goes on for too long, there is a possibility that all of their mates may die off or go extinct. As much as they don't care about each other, extinction is never a good experience. Thus, they had prepared themselves, those standing at the top had prepared themselves for the visit of a new group of hunters.

They had hoped that the hunters will at least, be strong enough to defeat the fourth floor, and to make sure of that, every valuable, the treasure was hidden on the fourth floor. If the hunters can't find what they are looking for in the first, second, and third entrance, they will come try the fourth entrance.

Unbeknownst to them, their fellow specie, those below them had also been forced to evolve. Every tragic experience led to their rapid growth, one that had been going on for decades.

Just as the humans were able to warp themselves into their world, the monsters want to do the same. They are certain that they will stand at the top and acquire all that they desire. Humans are obviously weaker than they are, that is a fact they can testify to.

Tabib, after a few days has regained his color, looked a bit like himself but was still overwhelmed with guilt and shame.

He received his pay and had left the mansion. As a lower-class monster hunter, he was not accepted in many guilds. Those who did place him among the least paid combatants. The handler's payment was the biggest money he had received his whole life, and can not express how grateful he was even though he was the most useless on the team.

After completing a quest and walking out of the building, he bumped his shoulder with another person.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't see you," he said.

"That's fine," replied Oliver, who then walked away without a word.

"So cool," Tabib whimpered.

Many might have not taken it the same way Oliver did, some are just too dramatic.