
I Became the monster that I hunt.

A ruthless monster hunter died at the age of fifty. During his prime, Oliver exterminated all living beings as long as it is a monster. He is not one to show mercy, and this never changed until his death. Arising on a new planet, the merciless hunter soon noticed that he has a new body and mind. Nature played a joke on him by transferring him into a new but similar world, a world where monsters and humans battle each other. There is one problem... ...Oliver is now a monster, one of the most dangerous that every hunter seeks to destroy.

InTheDark · Fantasy
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26 Chs


"What do you know about this?"

Dwayne placed a letter on the table. Sitting on the opposite side is Anchor, a companion.

"Oh that. It's self-explanatory," said Anchor.

"What am asking is_"

"Yeah, yeah, I know what you're asking.

...It is legit,"

Dwayne still has his doubt...

Otherworldly missions are usually set by either the military or powerful guilds like the HQ. This is not the case with this mission.

"Who is the Handler?"

"How would I know? I have never met the guy before, but from what I've heard, his quest brings great reward.

"How do you know this?"

"You asked too many questions,"

Anchor stood on his feet and was ready to go; "Look, it's your choice man, whether you wanna come or not,"

Having said that, Anchor walked away without a word.

Dwayne could only bite his lip. He didn't get the right answer. He doesn't want to make any mistake.

His curiosity got the best of him. On that very day, he was present and was surprised to meet Anchor.

"Didn't think you had it in you," Anchor said.

"I was not expecting you here,"

"Why? You think I'll let you have all the fun,"

Behind him, there are three hunters, all of them possessing an intimidating aura.

Anchor proceeded to introduce them;

"This is Combust, 0_Bone, and Boaz... They came with me as you can see." He said.

"You must be Dwayne," said Combust, a bald and large man.

They both shook hands together. Dwayne felt some sense of belonging, he did not regret coming here, especially since he's got some powerful backing.

"We do not care about the mission. Our top priority is gaining all the riches we need," said Anchor. He felt that this is the perfect time to disclose his intentions.

"Unlike other quests, the Handler doesn't seem to care about what we do as far we get the job done."

"How do you know that?" Questioned Dwayne.

"Well, I spoke with him... I mean, I spoke with his messenger, and from what I've derived, that seemed to be the case," said Anchor.

Everyone knows that by the law, the government will always claim the right to every treasure found on every hunt. All portals leading to the other world most certainly belong to the military or sometimes powerful guilds who found it first. Still, there is some controversy concerning that.

Hunters are paid well for their job but we all know that whatever was found far surpasses what they were paid.

Many hunters don't have a problem with this so long as they get paid and can leave their life the way they want to. There are a few, however, who just can't leave with it. They feel cheated.

They noticed the arrival of a new member, a masked hunter accompanied by the Khalim.

"Can't believe he's here," said Combust, "Of all people, the hunter who has no name will be joining us,"

From their point of view, they could see the Nameless Hunter speaking with Khalim.

This group of hunters thought about adding him to their group but Combust disagreed. The Nameless Hunter doesn't seem reliable, he's more of a liability, too weak to be of any help.

After they reach location, all five of them were the first to venture into the otherworld. The plan is to find valuables and keep most of them to themselves. No, they are not greedy, this is just how it works. If you are confident in your strength, then you are free to do whatever you want. Take whatever you want before everyone else.

In front of them is a hefty gate many times bigger than normal. They looked like ants compared to the size of this entrance.

Behind them, you will find several corpses of the monsters they had slain. It didn't seem like they had any trouble killing every one of them.

They tried to push the gate open but it wouldn't move. This thing is seriously heavy, leaving them wondering how it was created and how the hell are the Orclins able to open it.

Combust, who had been standing behind finally stepped forward. With his might alone, he was able to push it by a bit. Now there is a small but sizable space for them to go through.

"This place is so different from the other entrances," said Dwayne.

Indeed, he was right on point. The structure of the buildings, pieces of furniture, wall, and many many more looked so high in quality and had a great design. Of more note is that it is super large.

"I have this feeling, telling us to wait for the others to catch up," said 0_Bone, skinny but a formidable hunter.

The area was oddly quiet. Every sound they made echoed, even their heartbeats.

"Welcome, you weird creatures,"

A voice came to their earshot. In the distance, they found a human figure but could not make out what it was, not yet.

"I was hoping your kind will gladly visit us, albeit, you were a bit late," it said.

"What are you?" Boaz asked.

The strange human figure ignored that question. It had other worries to address.

"Please, don't tell me this is all that was sent to us? Tell me there are more of your kind coming here.

What is this thing talking about? And why does it sound disappointed?

"Nevertheless, we will make do with what we have," it said.

Right after its word, more of its kind came out of their hiding, all of them from all directions.

"Don't try to fight, you will not win,"

This was a trap, a realization that brought them despair. Yet, they refused to surrender just like that. Who knows, maybe they still have a chance to escape, maybe warn the others of their finding.

Boaz was the first to attack. His physique changed to that of a wild beast. He roared at his enemies and then launched at them. This encouraged the others to engage.

* * *

"Please, tell me you are joking!"

Brad could not believe his ears. Angus's revelation is too much to take in.

"So that thing outside is a product of_"

"Lethal_Mutators," Angus finished Brad's words.

"What do they look like?"

"Lethal Mutators do not have a definite look," said Angus.

"Damn it, Angus, I know that. What do they look like,"

Angus had to pause for a second before opening his mouth to speak.

"Monster Boar. It took the form of a Monster Boar, a whitish monster with immeasurable power."

Lethal Mutators are an existence many would wish was extinct. These beings from another world are known to speed up the growth process of any life form, giving whatever comes close to them too much power beyond what they should have. A tiny mouse can become a raging beast the size of a storey building. A human can turn into a god, a monstrous god with only the desire to destroy.

There is a catch though to attaining such abominable powers, the new mutant will be under the command of the Lethal Mutator, the one that had granted the power.

At this very moment, hordes of Monster Boar that had been attracted to this beautiful version of the same specie. They are growing stronger, bigger, and perhaps even more aggressive.

The lowly Boars who are still awaiting their turns used the nighttime to hunt and feed their new leader, the new leader which is now a Lethal Mutator in form of a Boar.

"No no no, this can't be happening," said Hannah who is in panic,

"Do we inform the town?"

"Yes, that's best,"

"You couldn't be more right," said Brad in support of his son.

"In the main time, I must return. My coming back here will be to execute all of them before they are ready to attack...

...please, I am hoping that everyone would have left by the time I come back."

"You can count on me, son,"

First thing in the morning, Angus went back home in his car. While on the road, a call came in. His ex-wife had dialed his number.

"Hey," he said.

{"Your parent told me you were leaving for the city,"}

"Look, I know I promised to visit but something came up," said Angus, "I'm sorry,"

{"It's fine... I just thought,"}

She did not finish her sentence before ending the call.

She is without a doubt disappointed. Once again, Angus had let his work get in the way of his family life.

Angus sighed. All he had to do was stay away from work for two weeks, yet, even this simple task isn't as simple as he had hoped.

"I will make it up to you. Please, just give me time," he muttered, speaking to himself.

Hours later he had arrived at the city, heading straight for the military base. The first one to notice him is Udilia. Ryland is absent.

"Angus? Does your body crave work that resting for two weeks is too much trouble?" said Maximus.

"It's not like that. We have a problem, a big one at that,"

Udilia and Maximus were alarmed by this. Whenever Angus says there is a problem, there is always a problem.