
I Became the Knight's of Hell

Hyun Kim Woo. A unawakened person got appointed by the Demon Lord as a knight of Hell.

Pehm · Action
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15 Chs

Hunters assembly

The earthquake past, there are no aftershock, because it is an earthquake that the dark tesseract made.

The dark tesseract is still on its place, most of hunters tried to take it solo, even though it'll risk their life.

Meanwhile, Kim Woo didn't care about that much, he didn't know that he is the reason why the dark tesseract appeared.

"Alright. I just need to master Aura control."

Last night, Kim Woo was learning the Aura control, he succeed but there's also one thing that he needs to learn, that is how to undo it nor absorb the Aura back. Nevertheless, his Aura is dangerous, it's an Aura of a Demon Species, an Aura of a Demon Knight.

"Does the old barista know how?"

The old barista from the coffee shop, the barista who gave him mask.

Kim Woo went downstairs and told his mom "Mom i'll be right back, don't worry im just visiting someone."


'Please old man, you're the only strong hunters in the past generation.'

He's hoping that the old barista know how to absorb Aura.

He open his inventory and saw his sword, covered by a Demonic Aura. "Please."

He was desperate, he knew that his Aura is dangerous. If he doesn't absorb his Demonic Aura in time, he might not use his sword along with his subordinates.

"Oh im here."

He's at the front of the coffee shop. He entered it and saw many customers. He didn't expect that, also.

"Uhm where's the old barista here?"

He asked the female staff at the cashier.

"He died not too long ago sir."

Kim Woo's eyes widened. He didn't know that the moment where Kim Woo left the shop, the old man collapsed. Kim Woo was lamented after hearing the shocking news.

"Oh... Ok."

He didn't say anything, he is speechless after that. He leave the shop.

Kim Woo was looking down while walking, he took the mask that the old barista gave.

"I don't even know his name."

This is the second time he felt like this again.


"Im home."

JinHee was standing at the kitchen, he approached her and ask. "JinHee. Do you know how to absorb aura?"


"Teach me."

"It is easy. It's just like you're flowing it outside your Aura core but backwards. it's just like you did yesterday."

Kim Woo was surprised, as far as he know, they're all asleep when he did it.

"Did you see? Hehe."

"Of course. After that moment when Chae scream on your room, i made a task by myself."

"What task?"

JinHee smiled at him.

"Watch you, everytime you're in the house."


JinHee winked at him.

"I've a skill that can see through anything."

Kim Woo's eyes widened, he thought something weird.

"Don't tell me... Even in my bath?!!"

JinHee face suddenly flushed red.

"Wh...What.... No! Of course not!"

She denied it. The truth is. 'Im sorry, but i can't help myself.'

She peek once, she can't tell it. It might damage their current relationship. But there's one thing that keep her mind reminded. 'Why do my mind keeps reminding me of that giant worm?!'

Yes. She saw Kim Woo's giant worm.

"Hey are you ok? Your face."

JinHee can't fix her gaze. She glance around the house just like a dog who's looking for its owner. Then a sudden question came out at Kim Woo's mouth.

"Hey JinHee. Do you like me?"

The sudden question made JinHee fix her gaze at Kim Woo.

"What if yes."

"Then let's go on a date."

Kim Woo was straight to the point. It was hard for him too. The courage that he built-up after so many days. He finally said it.

It was so obvious for them, of course for Kim Woo too, that everytime Kim Woo's around, she suddenly a ting weird.

Luckily, there's no one in the kitchen. Chae is on her room, Kimchae was buying some ingredients.

If they're around, sure they'll gonna tease them again.



JinHee was so happy, she didn't expect that. For JinHee, this was the happiest moment of her life.


So many hunters assembled in one place. Lead by Kyun Toe. The man who's so greedy of having the tesseract. This is the assembly for hunters to help him take the tesseract.

"So many fools."

He's looking at them. Yes, the hunters are foolish. They're just being used by Kyun.


Kyun stand at the middle of stage.

"This assembly is for you to help me, take the tesseract."

Of course, there's a reason why the hunters didn't refuse to help.

-"Did you see the quest rewards?"

-"Yes, it's outrageous. 500k won plus A rated items."

-"Let's start quickly!"

Items, and money. They didn't know that it'll risk their life. They even forget about vampires. The Vampires is still active, they're just busy preparing for the upcoming war.


"Hey, do you know?"

At the US.

Tom Ted. The strongest hunters in usa.

"Yes the tesseract?"

"The Koreans are having an assembly for that."

Tom was sitting on his desk.

"Let them be. We're having that soon though."

His assistant was the one who's speaking with him.

"Ha. They say that, it'll drain your mana."

Tom smirked, he was confident about having the tesseract.


( Breaking news! Japanese strongest hunters just died recently.)

The people at Japan was lamented, as their strongest hunter died.

( It is said that he died from raid.)

-"This is really f*ck up!"

-"He was our strongest."

Hyiro Taketado. A strong Swordsmans, he died from raiding the S rank Monster/Gate alone.

Meanwhile at the Hunters Association in japan.

"He was meant to take the tesseract, but why?"

A hunter's spoke.

"What about me? I am the second strongest you know."

Hirota Mikami. The second after Taketado.

"Mikami - san. Can you?"

"Of course."


"Kim Woo?"

JinHee knock at his room.

"How's your Aura?"

"I did it."

He absorbed it?

"Ok then."

"Saturday ok!?"


She then walked at her room.

Kim Woo was having a hard time on absorbing his Aura, but somehow, he did it,

Not a while ago. He did the same way before but backwards, the Aura covering his sword was suck inside his body, flow to his Aura core.

"Now. Status window."

Is he about to go on hunt again?

[ Name: Hyun Kim Woo

Class: Demon Knight

Health: 26,000 Mana: 5,000

[ Strength: 620 Agility: 592

Intelligence: 600 Stamina: 590

Leadership: 225 ]


"Wow. My health and mana increased."

His health increase because of his strength and stamina. Every 50 points that was added to Strength and stamina, his health will increase by a thousands. His main stats here is intelligence, strength and Agility. But for now, he wants to focus on raising his mana, because of his favorite skill, fire sphere.

His class is a Demon Knight, and it's a Magic Swordsman.

"By the way. I wonder if i can hunt in hell? Hehe."

Hunt in hell? Is there's any monsters in hell?

There's no monsters in hell. They'll be burn in any second if there is.

"Nevermind. Should i go hunt?"

Since there's no school for now, he is free to hunt every time. No he's not free. Kimchae strictly watch Kim Woo's every move. Not only Kimchae, but the whole Hyun family.

"I guess no."

It was Kimchae, she open the door of Kim Woo's room.

"Don't even think about it." And a smile.

"By the way. Is something happened when im not around?"

What does she means?

"What do you mean?"

"About JinHee." A mock smile was on Kimchae's face.

"Her smile never take off."

"Oh really. Dunno. Hehe."

Kim Woo smiled bitterly. He never expect that he really made JinHee so happy.

Then Chae entered his room.

"Mom, is something's wrong with JinHee?"

Kimchae gaze at Kim Woo

"Ask your brother."

"Oy Kim Woo."

"No i don't know. Why don't you ask her?"

They left the room and went to JinHee.


At JinHee Point of View.


Kimchae and Chae appeared at front of JinHee.

"Did something happened?"

"Ha. What do you mean?"

JinHee glance everywhere, she wanted to avoid their question. She knows that they'll gonna mock her if she tell them the truth.

"Nothing haha. It's just a good day."

"Hmm Suspicious."

"Yeah suspicious."

JinHee wiped her sweat at her face and said. 'Whoo. Close.'

She was so excited that she didn't notice herself smiling everytime. She went to her room and open her closet.

"What should i wear..... What should i wear."

She picked the fit jeans and the white t shirt.

Then someone open the door.

"Is it a date?"

It was the two, Kimchae and Chae. They still didn't stop.


JinHee's body shook.

"Boss! Chae!"

Right now, she can't hide it. It was too obvious.

"Pick this dress!"

"Yess this dress."

The two took the White dress out.

"Date by who?"

Kimchae asked.

"Boss, you'll find out."

Then Chae.

"Hmmm." Chae was thinking. She knew that her brother's a dense person, so Kim Woo was out. Same for Kimchae.

"Does Kim Woo know this?"

"That you're about to go on a date with another man?"

JinHee was baffled. She didn't expect that.

'Thank God.'

What a relief for JinHee.

"Anyways that dress look fits for you, wear that."

"Then see you."

Then Chae went to Kim Woo's room.

"What is it again?!"

"Kim Woo it's ok. There's many girl around there."

Kim Woo was baffled.


"JinHee. She's going for a date, with other man."

"Oh ok."

What with his reaction? Does he knew this coming? Yes.

He heard their conversation in JinHee's room.

He felt relief after hearing that.

'Thank God. They're dumb haha.'

But he heard that he's a dense too.

'Anyways. I'm not a dense person! You Chae.'

Chae left the room.


"Ah today is Friday."

He's lying on his bed.

"Im nervous."

This is his first date, same goes for JinHee.

Of course they're nervous, even though they've seeing each other every day. That's the good thing in their upcoming relationship.

For now. Hunting is not on his mind, their date is the one on his mind.

"Imma go to sleep."

The nervousness was still on him even in his sleep. Tommorow, he needs to calm himself.

Sorry, one chapter for now.

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