
I Became the Knight's of Hell

Hyun Kim Woo. A unawakened person got appointed by the Demon Lord as a knight of Hell.

Pehm · Action
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15 Chs


The whole South Korea is on crisis because of the Vampire outbreak. They sucked humans blood until they pale. This event cause a massive uproar to the whole South Korea. Citizens were blaming the Hunter's association for not making an act, but the thing is, the Hunter's association doesn't know about this, until now. In any case. They have to take responsibility for this incident. Vampires were decreasing the population of South Korea.

Yun Han Jee. South Korea top 10 rankers, was the first hunter to act. Yun Han Jee. A rank mage, with a SS mage Skill. Wandered around the city. He's waiting for the vampire to strike out.

"This people...."

He looked around and saw so many people, walking at the city and it's already midnight. Han Jee let out a sigh, and felt sorry for the next victim.

"Sigh... I guess i'll stay here."

He went to a dark shabby alley and leaned at the wall. He light out a smoke out of habit and waited.

"Sigh... I wonder what Daheo's doing."

Daheo is one of the Higher-ups of Hunter's association. He's the one who's in charge on gates and Monster Break Through. Right now. He'll be taking responsibility for this incident. So many people died and Paled out there.

Han Jee's smoking at the alley. He looked at his watch. It's already 2AM, and he's sleepy, until then.

"What was that?"

His sleepy state changed to alarming state, as he heard and saw the people's screaming and running. He ran out to the alley and took a look at the city.

"What is this."

He saw 6 vampires. Sucking people's blood. He's speechless as he saw it. His body couldn't move even a bit and fell on his knees.

His eyes widened as he saw the victims paled.

"This isn't what i expected."

About an hour ago. He's expecting only one vampire. In his mind, he think that he can take it. That was his expectation.

Taking at least one will give you a huge merit. Vampires are not monsters. But it was a threat for a human, so humanity considered them as a monster.

Vampires are considered as a special species, just like a demon. They're the second strongest around the world, first is the Demon species. Their ultimate goal is to take the place of the demon species and became the most strongest species in the world. But it can't be possible. The Demon Lord is the strongest around the world. The power of the Vampires ruler, is much inferior than the power of the Demon Lord.

The stone Han Jee, started to move and run away.


At the Vampire Kingdom

"We will rule the Human World!"


The Vampires had an urgent assemble. The Vampire Ruler, Dracula. Just now. Dracula declared a war against Human.

Vampires main place is on South Korea. They're living in a big cave. The cave has its transparent dimensional gate. Where only Vampires can enter. In normal human. They can only see the dark surrounding. Entering it doesn't mean you'll get into the Vampire Kingdom.

Vampire Kingdom was big as ordinary Kingdom.

Marci. Commander of Vampires Knight. Number one Knight of Vampires Marshal. Halu.

Marci was a pure vampire, unlike Helena. He had only one desire, and that is to be love by Helena.

Helena was born at Vampire Kingdom. Her mom is a Human, while her dad is a vampire.

Right now. She's the captain of Vampires Knight, and was being loved by Marci. But Helena doesn't want Marci. Actually, she's feeling disgust when Marci is on her side.

In the Castle Centre.

"War huh?"

Helena doesn't want war right now. Is it because she's carrying human blood? Yes. But even that. Human are still prey. Humans are only food for them.

Someone approached Helena to have some conversation, and Helena knew who is it. It was Marci. Helena formed a loathsome look, as Marci approached her.

"Helena, you're really a soft hearted person. Remember that Humans are just food, who's scattered around the farm."

The farm that he mentioned was South Korea. Even though, Helena didn't disagree with those words. That's the fact. And She's not a soft hearted person

Marci saw the loathsome look at him. He felt downcast.

"Are you still disgusted at me?"

The standing in a folded arm, Helena. Finally spoke.


She didn't even hesitate to said that. But why'd she feel disgusted when Marci was on her side? The reason is simple. Marci is a conceited and prideful person. Plus the fact that he kills whenever he wants.

"Is that so.... Im not giving up on you. In the future. You'll be my woman."

Marci went out and disappeared in the dark. The loathsome face of Helena disappeared as well.

"Eww. Not a chance."

Helena doesn't understand why Marci was so obsessed on her. She's only 18 years old. The thing that she doesn't know was her look. Helena's beautiful face, great body curve and her cold hearted attitude when she's on battle.

Helena's mind was set. Marci doesn't have a chance.

"By the way. I'm hungry."

She smiled after saying it, and put her one finger on her mouth.


"Vampire huh."

Kim Woo's lying on his bed, and looking at his hand. He's aware at the event that's happening right now. He kept thinking this all day long. He's worried on his sister that she might become a victim one day.

Kim Woo stand up and went at the fridge.

"Im craving for ice cream ahhhh."

He's looking for an ice cream but it seems that Chae ate it all.

It's already 1AM, this are the hour where Vampires strike out, but the thing in his mind is ice cream.

He grabbed his wallet and went outside. It was so dark, he can't even see one person. In their place, about 6 meters away. There's always a teenager hanging out, but now. They locked theirselves at home because of fear of Vampire

"I wonder if the cashier's not afraid of Vampires. Well, i guess job is a job."

A minute later. He arrived at the convenience store. "What?"

His eyes are widened. The convenience store is close.

Kim Woo felt lamented, as he saw the convenience store with no lights.

"No ice cream?"

By the way, this is f*cking weird. It's just a ice cream. But his sadness swallowed him up.

"I guess, I'll just go home."

He's walking while looking at the ground, and still, ice cream is in his mind.


"Ah.... I need more."

It was Helena. She's sucking people's blood again. No, She's eating food again.

There was 3 people, paled and lying at the ground. One of them is still breathing, but in any case. There's no way that the man can survive. His rough breath can heard loudly, but it's already 1AM.

Helena just stared at the man who's dying, while licking her fingers. Then someone's coming. A black hair boy.


Helena didn't say anything except "Ho"

She just waited at the boy who's just passing by.

Thump thump thump

The boy's getting closer. Helena's leaning at the dark alley wall.

'I guess, i'll go home after this.'

And then, the boy stop.


She didn't wait any longer, and went out at the alley.

"Boy.... Let me eat you."

She quickly jumped at the boy and aim her mouth at the neck. The boy didn't resist at first, but when her fang's about to pierce the neck, the boy hold her head.

'What is this?'

Helena was puzzled. She fan feel the huge amount of strength, being used at the boy's body. Then the boy spoke.

"Im in a bad mood today."

Helena was perplexed. In her mind 'So what. You're just a human.' But she can't say it.

The boy's face finally showed up. It was Kim Woo.

"Oh boy. Why are you sad?" She saw Kim Woo's downcast face. For real, she just teasing him. Helena doesn't pity Kim Woo. She's a cold hearted person not only in battle. It's her attitude. Especially, when taking her prey down.

"If that's the case. Let's end your life"

She charge at Kim Woo and again, aimed for his neck. The only thing in Helena's mind is blood, just like Kim Woo's mind, focusing at ice cream.

Helena charge him with a crazy speed, but it's not enough. The thing that Helena doesn't know is that Kim Woo is too powerful.


Helena failed again, because Kim Woo blocked it. at this time. She became seriously. She finally found out that her prey, is much stronger that expected.

At the same time. Kim Woo became serious too.

Helena charge Kim Woo again, but this time, she's planning to stab him with her sword at the inventory. She knows that doing the same attack, might not work.

It was 2 meters distance, and she immediately took her sword out.


She was shocked, as she saw Kim Woo, stopping her A rated sword, by his bare hand.

But still it didn't end well for Kim Woo. Kim Woo's palm was deeply cut. And blood are dripping.

Helena's gritting her teeth.

Helena is a prideful person. The pride of her was hurt. Her sword was stopped by a bare hand.

"You've injured me badly."

Kim Woo was hurt. He was looking at his wound and felt the pain. He gaze at Helena who's gritting her teeth.


Helena saw the blood, dripping at Kim Woo's hand. Her eyes are widened. Why? It was because of Kim Woo's blood. She raised her sword and licked the blood that stained on it.


This was her first time to taste a very delicious blood.

She cocked her head at Kim Woo. And felt satisfied, but she wants more.

Once again, she charge Kim Woo with her sword. Kim Woo just now took his B rated sword out. He formed a defensive stance. And then.


Their collided sword rang out so loudly. It was like a blacksmith hammering the sword in a anvil. And then


That was the second time. The fight between the two became epic, as their sword collided, as they evade each other hit.

The two who's still swinging it's sword, didn't stop. They began to feel something.

Kim Woo was smiling, he's not feeling some fear right now and his sadness because of ice cream disappeared. He's feeling some fun. It was the same for Helena. The anger for hurting her pride down, disappeared. She's feeling some fun now too. This was the first time for both of them.

All of this months of hunting, Kim Woo doesn't feel any fun. He just hunting because he wants too.

For Helena.

After all this years. She finally found a stronger opponent. Of course she doesn't feel this when she's in a sparring training with Marci. This was the first time.

The fun between the two made Helena forget about the killing. She didn't even notice that she's smiling, not until now. She feels her heavy gasp and her mouth was opened widely. She notice that she was smiling because of Kim Woo. She saw Kim Woo smiling while breathing heavy. She doesn't care about it. Her feelings right now is happiness, fun.

Then she charge again. But Kim Woo dodge it. He quickly gained his stance and swung his sword on Helena.


Their sword collided again. But this time, its different. It was only 1 second. Kim Woo was exhausted. Same for Helena, they're both exhausted.

Kim Woo's sweaty hand finally released his sword. And the both of them fell on the ground, as their sword fell on the ground.

It was an awkward position. Kim Woo was on the above of Helena. His knee and arm were supporting him, while Helena is just lying on the ground. It was like a lover's position.

The eyes of Kim Woo was chill. He doesn't care if their position was like that. But for Helena, its different. their fight was fun and made her heart pound, but the aftermath made it pounder even hard.

This was the first time Helena felt that.

'What's with this?'

The situation made her think something.

'My heart is pounding so hard.'

Is it love? Yes. It is love. Helena didn't expect that. In fact, she's not looking for love. But someone made her feel it. And that person is a Human. Not a Vampire.

After a seconds. Kim Woo finally lay off his supporting arm. He lie down next to Helena and said something.

"Hey, do you want my blood?"


Helena was shocked, as she heard the question. Just earlier ago, he's defending himself, preventing Helena to suck his blood.

But now, he humbly ask if she wants.

Helena didn't hesitate and immediately get above on Kim Woo and bit his neck. Kim Woo's body shook, as Helena's fang enter his neck.

"Hey, please leave a bit. I need to walk home, you know."


Helena felt it funny. Then she said something weird.

"Then i take you to my home."

Kim Woo's body shook again.

"So your kin will feast me."

"No.... You're only mine."

"Hey you suck to much blood."

"Because it's delicious."

"I might pale."

Then Helena stop her sucking. It's not because she's full nor fully satisfied, it is because she's worried that Kim Woo might pale.

"Well then."

Helena stand up. She wave her hand on Kim Woo as goodbye.

"Ahh. I guess i'll sleep here."

Why is that? It is because of Helena. She sucked too much blood, made him feel even more exhausted.

"Idiot. They might of me as a homeless haha."

He stand up and went home. It was one and a half hour of fighting. And he knows what would happen once he got home.


Kim Woo slowly close the door of the house. And then. "Mom!!"

He saw his mom once he turned back, no. He saw Kimchae JinHee and Chae waiting for him.

"Where did you go?"

A scary smile on Kimchae's face.

"Ah. I.. I went to buy an ice cream? hehe."

And then he got scolded. Kimchae saw the wound on Kim Woo's palm. She got worried and immediately use heal on it.

After that, he went on his room and lie at the bed, and wondered.

'I thought she's gonna kill me.'

And then grinned. Kim Woo thought that he's gonna get killed. But it's the opposite. Helena became friendly on him, and he doesn't know the real reason why.

The reason why'd she became friendly, because Helena fell in love on him. His charm that made JinHee and Hyemi fall for him, worked at a cold hearted Vampire.