
I Became the Knight's of Hell

Hyun Kim Woo. A unawakened person got appointed by the Demon Lord as a knight of Hell.

Pehm · Action
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15 Chs

Born of the White Reaper

After three months of hunting. Kim and Chae took a break, and focus theirselves on school. The weekend hunting was replaced by weekend studying. Why? Because of their upcoming examination. They still have 1 month before they graduate, so all they need to do enjoy their last school days. But their last school days was ruined, because of the Vampire outbreak. Most of the students locked theirselves at home because of the Vampires.

Meanwhile At Kim Woo's room.

"Huff.... Hufff... Hufff."

Kim Woo was working out. He's raising his strength stats. He became cautious, he didn't know that Vampire are a strong one.

"I wonder if the tip 10 rankers can handle them."

He only thought that Vampires are just strong as the top 20 Rankers. But he doesn't know that even Yoon Han Jee, top 10 Rankers, almost wet his pants by just seeing the Vampires sucking people's blood.

Yoon Han Jee is a A rank mage, with a SS mage skill. In fact, an A mage skill can kill a weak Vampire, but Han Jee's fear swallowed him.

Han Jee's life became a mess. After getting to the top 10. He became a bad person, he became a womanizer, became a cigarette addict, he even tried drugs, and wasting all of his benefits that he earned from hunting. After all this years of overenjoying his life. He regret it. And now he's changing. He erased the temptation on hid inside.


A beautiful girl was smiling while her arm's folded.


A man came to her and saw the smile on the girl's face. It was Marci. He saw Helena's wonderful smile.

"Looks like something is on your mind."

Marci's face became solemn. This was the first he saw Helena's smiling, and he knows that he isn't the reason. But he is determined that Helena i'll end up on him.

"Why are you here?"

Helena was on her favorite spot. Castle Centre. She already expect that Marci i'll come.

The smile at Helena's face disappeared. She stared at the beautiful ceiling of the castle just to avoid Marci's face.

"Same as usual."

He means that he wants to have a conversation on her.

Helena move her eyes at Marci. She just stared at him. There's one more thing that Helena hates about Marci. It was his fake attitude.

After a second of staring. She walkout and leave him in the middle of Centre. She talk while walking

"Marci, i already told you. I'm not interested in you."

Marci clenched his fist as he bit his lips.

Helena doesn't care if Marci is the Knight Commander. Even though she's only a Knight Captain, she's still stronger than Marci. If she just joined the Vampires Knight earlier than her Knight debut. She can replace Marci at no time.

Subsequently, Helena's thinking about Kim Woo again. She can't forget the taste of his blood and of course, the fight that made her heart pound, the fight that made her feel love.

Helena place her hand at her jaw, and think.

'I didn't even ask his name.'

Yes. They didn't even exchanged name. But Kim Woo's unforgettable face, made her feel easy.

"Should i go often to that place?"

Right now. Helena was dead serious. She really wants to see Kim Woo again.


The night fade out and the sun rose up.

Kim Woo was thinking of hunting and raising his stats ratio. Right now. His stats ratio is 1.2, he's planning to raise it to 1.4. Raising your stats ratio by one is hard. 0.1 is equal to 150+ total points. This means that his main stats will gain 40+ points and plus his additional points which is the automatic points investment.

In any case, raising the stats ratio by 0.2 will be easy, if he raid 3 or 5 gates.

"Should i sneak out? Hehe."

It's 9AM morning. Kim Woo told his mom that coming to school is dangerous, for now. So they absent. In fact. The school advise the students to absent. In any moment, the school will decide that they'll suspend the class if the Vampire outbreak get worse.

'All right.'

Kim Woo open the window of his room and sneak out. He did the same thing back then. Before running out, he prayed first.

'God, please no monster here.' Kim Woo felt that sneaking outside is a bad omen, for him. He doesn't want to happen the event like last time. After he pray. He quickly ran outside.

He started to wandered around the city. After an hour. He took a break at the coffee shop and ordered something.

"Ah Mr. Uhmm. one dark Chocolate, medium please."

"Coming up sir."

The old man made some hot dark chocolate as Kim Woo's order and serve it.While he is on his seat. He recalled the night that he met a vampire.

'I didn't even ask what her name is.'

He still wondered why'd she became friendly.

'Well. It's not like we're gonna meet again.'

He took a sip at his hot chocolate, then the old barista spoke.

"Kid. Why are you outside? Don't you afraid at vampires?"

Kim Woo grinned and answered the old barista.

"Mister. Im hunting right now, but I can't find any monster nor gate around here."

In fact. Kim Woo want to take at least one vampire. So why'd would afraid of Vampires.

"Ah Mister, i already 17 years old. Hehe"

The old barista laughed. It was like a hundred years old laugh.

"Ho Ho Ho. Back then, in my young days. We have a saying."

Kim Woo cocked his head. He became interested at the conversation with the old barista.

"Whenever a strong ones came out. The weak ones will hide."

At this moment. Kim Woo finally realized it. The reason why there's no gate nor Monster break through, is because of Vampires.

"Well i guess that saying is still well known."

Kim Woo grinned and drink his hot chocolate.

"Thank you old ma.... Mister"

"Ho Ho. So kid what is the reason why'd you're hunting?"

Kim Woo looked at the ground. The only reason why he is hunting is because of his Sister. But now he realized that, one day, they'll be apart. For now, he's hunting to protect his sister. Raising his stats to protect his sister. Right now. His main priority is his sister.

"Because of my sister."

"Oh i see. I guess you're an anonymous hunter."

Kim Woo's eyes widened. How did he know that easily. Well he said a clue after all.


He rose from his sit, after he finished the dark chocolate. "Here's my pay, Mister."

Then a news appeared at the TV. It was a gate. A huge gate appeared 150meters away from him.

"I'll be going then. Mister."

Kim Woo opened the door of the coffee shop.


The old barista called out.

"Take this."

The old barista threw a mask. It was to covered his half face.

"But Mister... This is."

Kim Woo appraised the info of the mask. It was a A rated mask. Usually, you can buy a mask but it is just an ordinary mask. No attribute. But the mask that the old barista gave is a A rated mask. Kim Woo felt like he doesn't want to take it.

"Mister are you sure?"

"Ho ho yes."

The mask has an appearance of Half mask covered, a pointy part on the nose, two hole in the eyes to see. It was a White mask, good fit for his white hoodie jacket.

"Well then. Thank you mister."

He wave at the barista with his mask on and a smile.

"I can rest now."

The old barista look at the picture frame under the order table. It contain a picture of a girl. It was the old barista's dead wife.

"That kid... We have the same reason. Ho Ho."

It was a happy day for the old man. He closed the shop and sat at the customer table. After a moment. His eyes closed, his breathing stop as his heart stop beating.


Kim Woo's running just to get in the place in time. It was 30meters away before he get there. At that far, he already saw a hunter. He saw 8 hunters.

'I need to....'

It was 15 meters away from him. And then.


Three male Giants monster stepped out at the gate. It was a 8 Meters tall. Kim Woo swallowed his dried saliva, but that doesn't he's backing up.

He stopped running at 10 meters gap. The hunters who's in charge on closing the gate trembled, some of them run away. It was 8 Meter tall giant. But they're only 8, plus they're only B rank hunters.

"Bad luck for them."

Kim Woo doesn't have a choice. His White Hoodie Jacket and his A rated Half covered mask is enough to cover his identity.

Kim Woo run towards the giant, and cut its feet, while the attention is on the hunters.

The giant health reduce in 10% of 3/3. Of course it wasn't enough. The giant notice that Kim Woo's cutting its feet. It groaned badly as the it feels the pain.

The giant swayed his feet to avoid the painful cut, and tried to hit Kim Woo. Kim Woo leap 4 meters away to avoid the feet.


As Kim Woo evaded the feet. Kim Woo run towards the giant's arm and stab it.

His plan is to stab the giant's arm, and made the giant's pulled him up. So he can target its head/Face.


The sword stabbed the Giant's arm, blood was coming out. As the giant groaned in pain. It swung its arm upward. It was successful.

His plan on targeting the giant's face was successful.


Kim Woo was pulled up so high. He thinks that he's gonna missed landing, but he have his sword on him.

The giant looked up where Kim Woo flew. The giant's raised his left arm to grab Kim Woo. And then.


The Giant's left arm was stabbed, and slide down.


The giant's cried out as his arm ripped apart from each other. It was so disgusting. The Giant's arm burst black blood.

Kim Woo pulled out his sword from the giant's arm, and jumped backflip while the Giant's arm is still in the air.

The moment when he do backflip was so awesome. It was like the time slowed down when he is in the air. His open wide arm while, his bit folded right knee while his left knee is straight. It was like an masterpiece art.

As Kim Woo is still in the air. He gripped his sword and think. 'I am a hunter because of my sister, and that's that.' Then he land on the neck of the giant's and pierce it.


Kim Woo slide as his sword was stabbed. Once he reached at the low back part, he used his strength at feet to jump.

Kim Woo landed and glanced at the giant's back. It was ripped apart.

The remaining hunters can't believe it. Their eyes was focused only on Kim Woo. They're amazed as they saw Kim Woo ripped the giant's back. They even forget the other giants. The other giants glared at Kim Woo as they saw their subordinates getting ripped off.

It was the time when one of the Hunters spoke something that made the other hunters feel more amazed.

"He is like a Reaper."

"Yeah... White Reaper."

At this moment. A mask hunter, in a white hoodie jacket, born as the White Reaper.