
I Became Pregnant After Performing Sugery for the War God!

After finding an injured imperial big shot in a cornfield, Qiao Jing took him home and performed full-body surgery on him. When he woke up, he searched all over the world for the daring woman who had done something audacious to him. He searched the entire Imperial Capital, only to find out that the person was actually his wife from the countryside. Not knowing the truth, General Zhan was disgusted. " After 100 days, we're getting a divorce!" The medical expert said, "Master, there are still 90 days left until the divorce. I know a prince from the empire who has always wanted to meet you." The agricultural expert said, "There are still 60 days left. The position of my granddaughter-in-law has been vacant." The famous actor said, "Just one day left. The engagement ring is ready." General Zhan couldn't bear it anymore and jumped out, pulling Qiao Jing in his arms. "You performed full-body surgery on me, and you still want a divorce?" Qiao Jing replied, "We agreed on getting a divorce in 100 days. Aren't you a responsible man who'll keep his word?" General Zhan said, "I am, but... I just want to be responsible for you..." Nine months later, the onlookers thought they had divorced. But to everyone's surprise, General Zhan appeared with Qiao Jing, who was pregnant with triplets, leaving everyone stunned!

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40 Chs

The Unruly Lady Attempts to Snatch Qiao Jing's Ginseng

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"I'm a little busy the next couple of days. Perhaps next week."

Qiao Jing was going to be occupied with her work at the research institute for the next few days. She needed to closely monitor the experimental results of the new variety of corn that would be out soon.

Hearing Qiao Jing's response, Zhan Qipei was taken aback. He had expected some resistance or hesitation, but she agreed so easily?

"Sister Jing, when are you planning to cook? I want to join too!" Xu Moqian's excitement was palpable, almost drooling in anticipation.

"I want to try your signature dish as well," added Zhan Ruiting, curious about Qiao Jing's culinary skills.

Zhan Qipei observed the exchange, saying nothing.

Reading his unspoken thoughts, Qiao Jing turned to Xu Moqian and Zhan Ruiting, offering a polite but firm reply, "It's better for you guys to refrain from coming over unless it's something important."

"Stingy!" Xu Moqian glared at Zhan Qipei, popping a dumpling into his mouth.

Zhan Ruiting, understanding the situation, reassured Qiao Jing, "I understand. I won't impose on you. When you and my cousin are divorced, I'll ask for a treat."

Zhan Qipei couldn't believe what he was hearing. He felt like throwing Zhan Ruiting out of the window for even thinking about a free meal after their divorce!

As the saying goes, "It's difficult to guard against thieves at night," indeed!


On a sunny day, Qiao Jing left the research institute, eagerly awaiting the upcoming release of the research results within a week.

As her phone buzzed, she picked it up to find an unexpected caller, Zhan Yuanshan. She wondered why he was calling instead of resting at the hospital.


"Qiao Jing, I'll be having a birthday banquet the day after tomorrow. What do you plan to give me?" Zhan Yuanshan's request surprised her. Even if he hadn't asked, she had intended to give him a gift.

"I haven't thought about it yet. What do you want?" she replied politely.

"Hehe!" Zhan Yuanshan's sudden laughter sent shivers down Qiao Jing's spine.

"I want you to give me a great-grandson," he declared.

Her response was speechless. "I can't do this."

"That's all I want. I don't want anything else! I don't care!" Zhan Yuanshan's tone turned into that of a child throwing a tantrum.

As they say, the older the person, the more childish they behave, and Zhan Yuanshan was no exception.

Feeling the need to escape the conversation, Qiao Jing quickly ended the call, using the excuse of having something to do.

"Achoo! Achoo…" She sneezed twice in a row, believing that it must be Zhan Yuanshan nagging at her from the hospital.

Now, she pondered what gift she should choose for him. Then it struck her, she could get high-quality ginseng from Miao Chun Hall.

Luckily, Miao Chun Hall was conveniently nearby.

Soon after, Qiao Jing arrived at Miaochun Hall.

Upon entering, she noticed a girl who seemed like a wealthy young lady criticizing the store disdainfully.

"No matter what, your Miao Chun Hall is supposed to be the number one herbal medicine store in the capital. Why don't you have anything decent? Just look at these lingzhi and ginseng. It looks like the ones you sell to poor people. Why would I take a fancy to it?"

Hearing the lady's words, Qiao Jing felt a twinge of annoyance. She was the one backing Miao Chun Hall, the true owner of the 100+ chain stores across the country. There was no need for this woman to cause trouble unnecessarily.

As Supervisor Li noticed Qiao Jing's arrival, he hurriedly welcomed her. "Miss Qiao, why didn't you inform us in advance that you were coming? Would you like to take a look at this year's accounts?"

"I'm not here for that. I remember you harvested a 28g hundred-year-old wild ginseng two months ago," Qiao Jing replied.

"Yes, that's correct. I'll fetch it for you immediately," Supervisor Li responded and carefully brought out an exquisite wooden box.

As soon as the ginseng was displayed, it caused an uproar among the onlookers. The ginseng's shape was complete, resembling a "V," with thick main roots, complete branches, and a long length.

"Good stuff!"

"That's right! Such a rare thing is hard to find in the world!"

"As expected of the Empire's largest herbal medicine store, having such a good thing."

Qiao Jing examined the ginseng and nodded in satisfaction. "This is it."

"I'll get someone to wrap it up for you," Manager Li said, but before he could proceed, an arrogant voice interrupted.

"I want this ginseng!"

The person demanding it was none other than the girl who had been nitpicking earlier, Deng Yunran.

Qiao Jing merely glanced at Deng Yunran briefly before turning her attention back to Supervisor Li. "Hurry up, I have other things to do."

"Of course, please wait a moment."

Deng Yunran grew furious at being ignored. "Are you two deaf? Didn't you hear me? I want it!"

Qiao Jing took the wooden box from Supervisor Li's hands and made her way to leave, ignoring Deng Yunran's outburst.

"Hey! Stop right there! You two, stop her!" Deng Yunran commanded her bodyguards to halt Qiao Jing's progress and approached her with an air of entitlement.

"Do you know who I am? I'm the eldest daughter of the Deng family, and my father is the chairman of Lai Yi Corp.," Deng Yunran proclaimed, attempting to use her family's influence to get what she wanted.

Qiao Jing looked at Deng Yunran with an indifferent expression. "So, your family believes they can use their authority to bypass the law and steal someone else's private property in broad daylight without facing any consequences from the law?"

"I-I…" Deng Yunran was left speechless by Qiao Jing's retort.

"Who… Who stole it? I just want to buy the ginseng in your hands!" Deng Yunran tried to shift the focus.

"I'm not selling," Qiao Jing replied firmly.

Deng Yunran grew frustrated, experiencing an infuriating defeat for the first time in her life.

She then took out a card and offered five million as a price. While it was indeed more than the ginseng's actual worth, the value of this rare and well-preserved top-grade ginseng was priceless – it was an item that couldn't be easily bought with money.

"Not for sale, don't you understand?" Qiao Jing's patience was wearing thin.

Deng Yunran couldn't bear the embarrassment, feeling the strange gazes and whispers from the surrounding crowd. In her rage, she pointed at Qiao Jing angrily and demanded an apology.

Qiao Jing sneered, "Apologizing is out of the question. But who do you think you are? Do you really believe everyone should treat you like royalty? Your arrogance knows no bounds."

In response, Deng Yunran threatened, "If you don't apologize today, don't even think about leaving here unscathed!"

"I won't apologize. You want this that bad? I won't give it to you. If you dare to snatch it, I'll call the police," Qiao Jing declared calmly, taking out her phone and dialing 911 for emergency assistance.