
I Became MC In Eroge Game! So Gotta Catch 'em all?

If I fail to catch the heroines of this shit game, I will die. As of now I, Kevin announce that if I can’t complete the quest - [Catch all heroines before graduation] - the responsibility will solely lie to the Gods who trapped me in this game. Nope, it’s not my fault that I left 1 star review in their game or cursed at the Goddess. It was really shit game. How could I control myself? ►[Host, stop babbling and do your work. You haven’t caught a single heroine till now.] ‘Stop annoying me, useless system. Can’t you see I am talking to readers?’ ►[Finish it quickly.] ‘So grumpy. Tsk.' I don’t think this system will allow me to continue this talk. So people you have to read this novel!!

Madwriter_2377 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Let's crush some flies

Soon every student of S-class gathered in the training ground.

The training ground was a sight to behold. The vast expanse of the field was lined with high-tech equipment and gadgets. The walls were made of steel and glass, and there were holographic screens scattered throughout the area. The lighting was bright, casting a futuristic glow over everything.

As Kevin stepped onto the training ground, he was immediately struck by the magical aura that permeated the air.

The field was lined with enchanted trees that glowed with an otherworldly light, and the sky was filled with shimmering stars that danced and swirled overhead.

'Useless show off.'

The equipment was a mix of both technological and magical devices, and they blended together seamlessly.

As Kevin walked deeper into the training ground, he could feel the energy around him intensify. The air was thick with the sound of spells being cast and the hum of advanced technology.

He saw a group of students practicing their swordplay, their weapons glinting in the light of the enchanted trees. Another group was using magic to levitate heavy boulders, their faces contorted with concentration.

However, after Alicia's instructions the training ground became empty as those students left.

All of the S class' students were staring at Alicia as they wanted to know how will Alicia teach in combat practice class.

"Okay. Even if you trained like crazy. But without any combat experience, you won't know how to use your power skillfully.

This is the difference between people who never got experience and people who honed themselves through countless battles.

You have to decide that do you want to become some paper tiger that was raised at home or some wild tiger that can survive in the jungle."

After hearing this, there was firm will in everyone's eyes.

'Emotional fools.'

Kevin just scoffed at this.

'Although it's true what Alicia said. But you will just die in seconds if an opponent is stronger than you.

While you can easily win if you trained hard and raised your stats to the max.'

Still Kevin also somewhat agreed with Alicia.

'However it's also true, you can win with combat experience only with your peers. But if you are against monsters like Luna then don't even dream about winning. Just don't get hurt brutally.'

"Okay, so now we will start to practice combat classes. Even though you can fight and gain combat experience in Battle tower.

But it's just fake. You won't get much help from it. So here you will fight among yourselves.

Yeah, It will be 1 on 1."

After hearing that, students started whispering. After all, what if you are matched up with someone stronger than you?

What if you are matched up with someone who uses magic that has an advantage against your magic? Like Earth vs water. There many questions in their minds. Some people were hesitating to part in this.

"Okay. Don't worry. You will be chosen randomly through the system. Compatibility between individuals is not considered at all and it will be a good opportunity, too.

After all, you can't fight opponents you had the advantage for the rest of your life. It will be good practice if you get caught up with a disadvantageous opponent." Alicia explained everything thoroughly.

"Yes." Everyone replied in unison.

'I think so too and I had listened to this thing quite a time in those motivational speeches. I also heard this while playing the game. Now it's just plain boring.' Kevin wanted to yawn but he controlled himself.

"So who will come first?"

When Alicia asked this, nobody raised their hands. It's because everyone wanted to test the waters but not by themselves.

Seeing this, Alicia added,

"But to the first volunteer. I will give them a special chance. I will allow them to pick their opponent."

Saying this she smiled.

However Kevin saw she was smiling at him. Not only Kevin but some other people also saw this.

'Oh, looks like she wants to sabotage me.'


'Looks like I will have to teach some lessons to Alicia in the future.' Kevin made a note in his mind.

Soon many people started raising their hands to volunteer and Alicia selected a guy among them.

[Henry Blaze]

Race : Human

Level : 60

Attribute : Fire

Danger : Medium

'I don't know if should I think she randomly choose or if she deliberately choose the guy who was staring at me like crazy. Looks like that women hold quite a big grudge against me.' Kevin was quite suspicious about this whole scenario.

'Hey, Dio' As he was bored, he started talking with Dio.

[Hello. Kevin ]

'Who do you think that weirdo will choose as his opponent?' Although Kevin knew, he still asked.

[Of course. It's you.]

'Is that so?'


'I also knew it.' Thinking this Kevin slightly smiled back at Alicia.

Alicia was dazed after seeing his smile.

'What does this man think? I want to see his power.' Alicia just wanted to see Kevin's true power.

"Okay. So who will you choose as your opponent? "

Although Alicia knew the answer of the question she still asked like she didn't know anything.

"I will choose Kevin as my opponent." Henry pointed his finger at Kevin.

After hearing this many students started staring at Kevin and started whispering.

'Hey, isn't that guy Dark Thunder Prince?'

'Isn't his name weird?'

'No, that's just his nickname.'

'Do you think he will win?'

'Nope. That guy just looks like a paper tiger.'

While students were whispering, Kevin started walking towards the arena.

"Okay, so both of you need to wear this bracelet. It's a safety guard. In case of danger, a magic shield will activate, and the one whose shield turns on first will lose. Are you both ready?" Alicia asked, holding out the bracelets.

Both of them nodded in agreement.

"Great, let's begin," Alicia said as she left the arena. A barrier erupted around them, muffling their voices and preventing any outside interference.

Henry spoke first, a sneer on his face. "I saw you getting too close to Princess Irene and Professor Alicia. You need to know your place and stay away from them."

"I also want to stay away from them." Kevin replied.

"I knew it. You will refu… Eh? Don't lie." Henry was confused.

" I am not lying. Apparently, you know, I like boys." Kevin said this, as he licked his lips. There was a glint in Kevin's eyes.

Hearing this Henry started trembling. He took a step back.

"This is a joke, right? " Henry said in a trembling voice.

"Nope. It's true. You can come at night to my room. We will chat about life." Kevin said with a smile.

Saying that Kevin started walking towards Henry.

"Don't come near me," Henry panicked as Kevin kept walking towards him.

"I SAID DON'T COME NEAR ME," Henry shouted in outrage. Suddenly, fire erupted near Henry.

"Oh, I was just kidding. Don't fuss," Kevin said nonchalantly.

Henry let out a sigh of relief. However, his relief soon turned into anger as he realized Kevin was playing with him.

"You... " Henry glared at Kevin with a fierce expression, his teeth gritted in anger.

Without warning, he began firing fireballs relentlessly, shooting off more than ten of them in quick succession.

The fireballs whizzed past Kevin, narrowly missing him as he swiftly dodged and weaved through them.

Kevin infused his leg muscles with mana, allowing him to move at an even faster pace.

He was quick on his feet, effortlessly sidestepping each fireball with ease.

As Henry continued his assault, Kevin took the opportunity to retaliate by firing off a series of thunder bullets.

With a flick of his wrist, the bullets shot towards the incoming fireballs, causing them to redirect in different directions.

You can say [Combat Sense] played a good part.

Soon more fire arrows started forming on the top of Henry's head.

He almost used all of his mana. An overwhelming number of arrows.

'I am not some quick speed guy. So I can't Dodge them.'

With his mana shield up, Kevin charged towards Henry, who was still firing arrows relentlessly. Kevin gritted his teeth as he ran, feeling the heat from the flames and the intensity of the magical energy surrounding him.

Kevin focused on gathering more mana and strengthening his body. He could feel the energy surging through his veins, giving him the power to take on any attack that came his way.

As Kevin gathered thunder mana around his legs, a blue electric aura started emanating from them. The ground beneath him crackled with energy as he launched himself towards Henry, leaving behind a trail of sparks.

[Congratulations on creating a new spell. Lightning Rush.]

The thunder-infused mana enhanced Kevin's speed, allowing him to quickly close the distance between him and Henry.

In the blink of an eye. Kevin was near Henry.

"Hello. Nice to meet you."

And he punched him in his stomach.

After that Henry was on the floor on his knees. Soon he fainted because of his spell disruption and his mana was depleted. The barrier around arena also shattered.

All the people who were watching the fight was dazed.

"Hey, Miss professor. Can you announce the winner?" Kevin turned his face and asked Alicia.

"Winner. Kevin." Alicia came out of her thoughts and announced the result of the fight.

Everyone was silent.

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