
I Became MC In Eroge Game! So Gotta Catch 'em all?

If I fail to catch the heroines of this shit game, I will die. As of now I, Kevin announce that if I can’t complete the quest - [Catch all heroines before graduation] - the responsibility will solely lie to the Gods who trapped me in this game. Nope, it’s not my fault that I left 1 star review in their game or cursed at the Goddess. It was really shit game. How could I control myself? ►[Host, stop babbling and do your work. You haven’t caught a single heroine till now.] ‘Stop annoying me, useless system. Can’t you see I am talking to readers?’ ►[Finish it quickly.] ‘So grumpy. Tsk.' I don’t think this system will allow me to continue this talk. So people you have to read this novel!!

Madwriter_2377 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Annoying Flies

Kevin felt rejuvenated after reading the brochure the previous day. He woke up early and began his usual physical training routine, knowing that he couldn't afford to slack off.

The thought of the upcoming events in the academy, along with the new information he had acquired, motivated him to push himself harder than ever before.

Kevin walked into the physical training room, feeling energized and ready to tackle his workout for the day.

He made his way to the locker room and quickly changed into his training suit. The academy provided all students with appropriate attire for training, so Kevin had a comfortable and functional outfit to wear.

Once he was dressed, Kevin walked over to the training area and began his routine. He started with a series of stretches to warm up his muscles and get his blood flowing.

Then, he moved on to some basic exercises like push-ups, squats, and lunges. As he progressed through his workout, he gradually increased the intensity and added some more challenging movements to the mix.

Despite the physical exertion, Kevin felt invigorated and motivated. He knew that every bit of training he did was bringing him closer to his goals.

While he was training, he remembered how he couldn't buy anything from God shop yesterday due to lack of God coins.

'I need some God Coins, but these gods don't even give some tasks.'

Kevin felt that he should think about how to earn some God Coins.

'Didn't they say to make the performance funny in the main quest? Maybe I should make my performance funny.' Kevin thought that he finally found his answer.

However soon a new question popped up in his mind.

'But how can I make my performance funny?'

After some thinking, Kevin came up with an idea.

'How about those annoying flies?'

Annoying flies.

Whenever you put some sweets in the open space. There will be annoying flies after some time.

You can say that in the game, female characters are like sweets. A very tempting sweet that comes out of the protection of their families.

There were many extras that keep swarming around heroines. Every heroine or even sub-heroines has their own group of this bunch.

Whenever you enter any heroine's route. They will keep coming like flies. So many players called them annoying flies on the forum.

There were some stalkers, perverts, arrogant pricks, etc.

However in Kevin's list, the annoying flies' list was longer than it.

Mischievous troublemakers

Envious rivals

Gossipy chatterboxes

Insecure attention seekers

Boastful show-offs

Overbearing bullies

Stubborn know-it-alls

Narrow-minded bigots

Drama queens

Passive-aggressive individuals.

Even though Kevin didn't want to involve with them but he knew someday they will come to him like a wild bull. So Kevin thought why not just prepare some plan beforehand?

'After all, I am weak now and I can't beat them.

However even if I beat them. It will bring way more trouble and there is not even any evidence to prove that they are some perverts. After all, the Academy has just started. Soon they will form their groups.'

Kevin continued his training for some time.

Following his physical training, Kevin freshened up with a quick shower and put on his academy uniform, feeling determined not to be late for Alicia's upcoming lecture.

As he stepped out of the dormitory building, he immediately noticed the whispers and stares from other students passing by.

Kevin only heard some contents of their conversation. Most of them were about 'Dark Thunder Prince'.

Kevin was slightly annoyed.


'Although, this thing gives me points but this weird nickname is cringy.

It's not like I care. After all, on earth, I had way more unusual nicknames than this.

'Ruthless Lady killer'.'

Apparently, Kevin turned down many confessions in his student years. So because of that, he got this nickname. Some people even spread the rumor that he likes boys.

After that, some boys even came to propose to him.

It was too much trouble.

Kevin entered the classroom and was met with stares from his classmates. They seemed to be assessing him, trying to determine his worth.

However, Kevin remained calm despite this. As an orphan, he was used to being judged and overlooked by others.

He knew that people often tried to determine one's value before deciding whether to keep them around or discard them like garbage.

Kevin refused to let their scrutiny affect him and walked to his seat with confidence.

Many people watched Kevin's video.

Although, Kevin was kinda weak compared to others.

However you can guess as a commoner and orphan, he didn't get many resources. After entering Isis Magic Academy, even getting into S-class was quite a feat.

His Thunder magic might not be one of Superior Attribute, but it still has as much as firepower as them.

If you give him some resources, then maybe Kevin will shine and become much stronger.

But they didn't approach him now. Because they were still monitoring him.

Kevin just sat quietly at his seat.

Then an unexpected thing happened.

"Good morning. Dark Thunder Prince~."

Irene Ivrea called Kevin loudly and approached him.

Even Kevin was slightly surprised. He knew as per Irene's personality she will surely come to meet him but he didn't expect it now.

'Looks like I have to hang around with her for now.' Kevin shrugged his shoulders.

"Good morning. Princess Irene." Kevin bowed and politely greeted her.

"Hey, don't call me like that." Irene puffed her cheeks.

''Just call me Irene." Many people heard this. They were quite shocked.

But Kevin didn't lose his composure.

"Can't do." He shook his head.

"Why?" Irene innocently tilted her head and asked. Many people were getting charmed by this.

But Kevin didn't fall to her tricks or he will be pitted.

"Well, Princess Irene also called me Dark Thunder Prince."

Then he came closer to Irene and whispered into her ear.

"So I am the Prince and you are the Princess."

Kevin slowly got down to his seat and smiled.

After hearing this, Irene was surprised and then she laughed.

"Fufu. Okay, I will call you Kevin from now on."

It was a good thing that only Irene heard it. If some other people heard it. Then, after knowing this, the Royal family might knock on the door of Kevin's House.

Although it was just a figure of speech but this world is just like that.

That's why Kevin didn't like the Dark Thunder Prince nickname.

As Kevin was chatting with Irene, Professor Alicia entered the classroom.

Irene returned to her seat after saying goodbye to Kevin.

[Gods are surprised at your marvelous feat of flirting with Villainess.]

[Congratulations! For your achievement, you have been rewarded 50 God Coins.]

After seeing this, Kevin felt that finally, he can buy the thing he wants.

"Good morning, Everyone." (Alicia)

Everyone returned greetings In unison. Soon, Alicia's gaze was on Kevin. There was a small glint in her eyes.

"Student Kevin. You shouldn't wear a mask during classes. After all, from today we will start combat practice class."

Seeing her like that. Kevin thought,

'Sigh looks like pretending as a mute person before her scratched her pride.'

After nodding, Kevin removed his mask. Although people have seen it yesterday but even now they were dazed after seeing his face.

"Good. Now as I said, from today we will start combat practice. So let's start. Follow me."

As people started leaving the classroom.

Some students stared fiercely at Kevin.

'Annoying flies.'

That was what Kevin thought after seeing them. However he just ignored them.

'Looks like Irene and Alicia's attention scratched some noble's pride. Oh, this poor noble pride. They should just keep this pride at their home.'

Kevin kept walking.

'Looks like combat practice class will be interesting.'

There was an evil thought in Kevin's mind.

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