
Chapter 25

" Kakakka.. with so much merchandise , Ryo sama will definitely be satisfied. We can expect good bonus too , right Kikkaku?" A dark skinned mercenary captain named Onizuka laughed joyfully and asked his vice captain.

" That's right. Hmphf.. it was not easy to kill the squad from Konoha. We should expect even more bonus this time." Kikkaku replied in a grumpy voice.

Hearing that Onizuka's mood was ruined but only for a moment as he was used to get his hands dirty all the time. " Kaka.. idiot. Dont ring the mood now. We erased our traces as much as we could. So there is no need to fear the retaliation from Konoha."

" You're right. Hahaha... by the time, they find anything , we will have already entered the territory of Land of Lightning. " Kikkau laughed contemptuously while thinking.

" Oh? So you guys think you are smart shits? " The sudden unfamiliar voice startled the mercenary duo and they immediately became alert. Still they could not find anything in their surroundings and their fear grew even more.

" Who is there? Show yourself, you coward!!" Onizuka yelled while unseating his broad sword.

" Tsk.. what a cliche line. Cant you think of anything better? Forget it. " with a sigh , Aoki jumped down from the mast of the ship and landed few meters away from the trio with a loud thud.

The noise delighted Onizuka and Kikkaku greatly. " Hahaha... what an idiot. Now our underlings will come rushing and then you will be mincemeat. Hahaha.."

Onizuka also smirked at the comment while Aoki once again sighed while thinking that these mercenaries were really retarded even though they somehow killed a Jounin and 3 chunin squad of Konoha somehow.

" Look here you fools. Can you see my vest? I'm a certified jounin of Konoha. Why would I make such a rookie mistake like alerting and increasing the numbers of my enemies? Use your brains idiots! "

Hearing the retort Onizuka paled while Kikkaku had the expression of disbelief on his face.

" Well your thirty two underlings already died by my hands about a minute ago. So maybe you can join them on time on the journey to hell."

Kikkaku panicked and rushed towards Aoki with his sword bared at him. The guy was good as he had the strength of a Tokubetsu jounin so those few meters were covered in just one step. Sadly for him , his opponent this time was way out of his league. Aoki just swung his sword casually and cut Kikkaku into two before the latter could even complete his sword swing.

Blood splattered and the lifeless body fell down on the ship's deck while Onizuka was scared shitless and watched the scene with blank mind. ' Holy shit.. that guy just swung his sword casually but I could not even see it. Our levels are too far apart..'

" So what will you do now Onizuka? Dont even think about surrendering because the moment we knew that you were responsible for killing our comrades, Konoha had already issued your death order to all it's high ranking shinobi. It's a pity though because your bounty will be lessened 50% now.." the last sentence was as quiet as whisper but it was heard by Onizuka as the last words he heard before his head was cut off by a wind blade of Aoki.

The said killer was silent as he sheathed Dragon's breadth but his lips turned into a smile immediately when he heard the familiar notification inside his mind.




' Hehe.. it was worth it to forgo sleep and chase after these guys. So the calculation should be like this then. 27 × 100 = 2700 ÷ 2 = 1350. The reward is similar to A rank mission of medium difficulty. Not bad. ' Aoki thought and finished storing the dead bodies into storage scrolls.

More than two months have passed since the day he signed the summoning contract with Fox Clan. Like he had planned , he focused on completing missions while leaving two shadow clones at his apartment to practice Fuinjutsu.

He focused mainly on assasination missions because he could search the target's location in the least possible time using both mind's eye and his fox summons according to the situations. Erasing the smell was basic stuff so it was a common occurence when the fox could not track the smell at some point and from them Aoki would really on fox as mount and continue the search using mind's eye. Foxes could transform into fast flying beasts and were already fast on the land so they were really useful to hasten the traveling speed.

A rank assasination missions mostly included rich or resourceful targets so Aoki would have to battle many bodyguards all the time. So his battle experience also increased by a lot. He experienced specialists of different chakra affinities and even weapons which would be difficult to experience while training with shadow clones or sparring with his few acquaintances at the village.

Aoki completed 11 A rank missions in these two months and earned a total of 15,600 Shop points from them. And by adding the points earned from this quest, his shop points balance was 16,950 points. That was a lot because he could convert them into more than 160 skill points.

Aoki had long since discovered that his talent for fuinjutsu was normal. In these two months, his shadow clones had worked really hard daily but his Fuinjutsu skill level had barely reached level 22. Basically he could now create storage scrolls with average space at best.. Still due to repetitive practice, his failure rate while creating them was zero percent now. This meant that hard work never goes to waste but without talent , it was too difficult to reach higher levels either.

Aoki was finding it too difficult to progress any further in fuinjutsu now. So he decided to not waste any more time and finally use skill points to increase the proficiency. While at it , he would level it up to level 100max. Then he would use his free S rank ninjutsu token and buy Flying Thunder God jutsu from system. Maybe he could level it to max level too if the remaining skill points were enough.

Anyway, the point was that Aoki was now too eager so he was rushing back to the village through the sky at fast speed while riding on Sadatoki who had transformed into an eagle chakra beast.


Sadatoki was one of the three foxes who had stopped Aoki at the Torri gate when Aoki entered the Fox Clan territory for first time.


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