
How did this even happen

(somewhere in the void)

Well this sucks

Hey bet you are wondering why I am here well I died I got killed in a bank heist what are you expecting a super story like how I saved the world or something well sorry to burst your bubble but no I was a bank robber and I was the get a way driver

the bank was easy it was a small one and there was no cops in sight we were home free but when we got to the safehouse and went in side we got swarmed by cops and we entered a firefight

a bullet went throw the head of are hacker David after that I told the crew to get out here and I will buy them time once they heard that they ran for the secret escape tunnel leaving me behind to deal with the endless swat

and I know that I had no chance in hell the best I could do was hold them back until A I ran out of ammo or B I get gun downed by the hundreds of bullets from the endless swat any way I look over at David's dead body and I see in David's hand a fucking hand grenade no wonder they shot him in the head and well you can probably guess what happed next in simple terms I went out in a blaze of glory and sent there ass strait to hell

and when I woke up I was here in this dark space anyway I bet you are wondering what's my name I would tell you if I remembered it but sadly I don't I can remember other people and there names but just not mine name but its not like it matters anyway


Just as he was saying that a portal opened up and sucked his motionless body in to it

(Marvel universe 616)

Inside a run down apartment there was a man in black and red passed out on a stained couch if anyone was there they would see over hundreds of empty beer bottles all empty everywhere If anyone saw him they would see it was Deadpool the merc with the mouth A.KA Wade wilson and his suit that has not been cleaned in weeks and the room was dark and damp but then there was a bright flash of light and the motionless body of Deadpool slowly got up and looked around confused then memories not his own hit him like the Hulk He/Deadpool got divorced a few weeks ago from his now ex-wife Shiklah the queen of the underworld when she them made love in front of him with Master Vampire Dracula and finally when he got back to his place he stayed in it for weeks and just drank thankfully his healing factor kept his liver for collapsing in on its self till this day of drinking was over he collapsed on his stained couch until he came and took over his/Deadpool's body