
Chapter 6

"Sir, we have arrived," the airhostess announced, her voice carrying a hint of reverence.

The flight had been a mere two hours, but their arrival in this foreign land felt like the beginning of an extraordinary journey.

The man rose from his seat and moved gracefully toward the woman, who remained entranced by the view outside her window.

Her gaze seemed to drink in every detail, as if she were determined to etch this experience into her memory, even if it were just a vivid dream. A tender hand enveloped her, lifting her fragile form, and as she turned her gaze to meet the man's eyes, a whirlwind of novel emotions danced within her.

"Lisia, I hope you never lose hope," he uttered, his words imbued with a profound significance. She had waged a relentless battle against her illness for as long as her memory allowed, yet no one had ever spoken such poignant words to her.

A glimmer of hope ignited within her heart as she continued to fix her gaze on the man, resplendent in his white shirt and draped in his jacket as they disembarked from the plane.

They proceeded toward the line of opulent vehicles, including the iconic Rolls Royce Phantom, all meticulously prepared and awaiting their arrival.

The sight of these magnificent automobiles left the woman in a state of bewilderment; they seemed like otherworldly creations in her eyes.

With a sense of grace, the man guided her into the Rolls Royce Phantom and took a seat beside her. As the vehicle began its journey towards the hospital, she couldn't tear her gaze away from the mesmerizing cityscape outside.

The radiant lights, dazzling neons, and towering skyscrapers were beyond anything she had ever imagined, a sight she had never laid eyes on before. It solidified her belief that this had to be a part of her dream.

Throughout the ride, she remained captivated by the breathtaking views, but her eyes occasionally drifted towards the man beside her.

He had his hand gently resting on his chin, lost in contemplation, and not once did he look directly at her. Yet, she could sense the emotions he held within, emotions that had eluded her for years.

As the car eventually came to a halt, the woman peered out of the window to behold an endless, towering building that resembled a palace from the most vivid of her dreams.

Her belief that this was all part of a dream grew stronger, and she silently hoped that this dream wouldn't fade away.

The man reached out, taking her hand with a gentle reassurance, and lifted her up like a princess in his arms.

Together, they embarked on a journey towards the hospital, where a bustling team of dedicated doctors and tireless medical staff stood at the ready, their collective expertise poised to fight for her life.

Upon their arrival, nurses sprang into action, gently tending to the woman's needs, ensuring she was clean and comfortable before the critical treatment would commence. The doctors, too, were taken aback by the profound care and kindness demonstrated by the man known as Avendial Croceus. They refrained from inquiring about the nature of their relationship, recognizing that their foremost duty was to save a life.

"Save her at all costs," Avendial's resolute voice resonated throughout the hospital. The doctors, their faces marked by determination, assured him of their unwavering commitment. The woman, lying on the hospital bed and overhearing those words, felt her emotions swirl once more. In the depths of her heart, she clung to the hope that this was not a mere dream, though her growing belief in the her Dream was undeniable as she had experienced things that cannot be real.

As for her, this was no fairy tale where a prince would swoop in to save the day, nor was it a scenario where pity alone could mend her broken world. The harsh reality that enveloped her life was far more brutal and unforgiving than she could have ever imagined.


"S-sir, her case is in the last stage, but with our cutting-edge medical technology, we have managed to salvage her life, albeit with a precarious window of just a week. Beyond that, her fate remains uncertain," the doctor revealed, his forehead beaded with sweat as he met the intense gaze of the man, who looked upon him with palpable dissatisfaction.

The man's response was unwavering: "No need. She will live."

Lying on the hospital bed with an oxygen mask, the woman heard the man's resolute declaration. Her brain, still caught between the realms of disbelief and reality, registered a profound sense of relief.

It was a relief that she hadn't met her fate, even in a dream, a dream that was more enchanting than her entire existence.

For the first time in her life, she had a man who cared for her, who had opened the door to a world she had only dared to imagine. Everything around her felt surreal, like an otherworldly masterpiece.

She decided to fight, to muster every ounce of strength, even if the odds were stacked against her. She would do it not only for herself but for the happiness of the man who had placed more trust in her than she had ever placed in herself.

As the doctors left the chamber, only three figures remained - the man,the woman and a flying black orb.

Man locked eyes with woman as he said something to the orb,

"Save her."

[Human, I am not your servant. I can save her, but only after I receive a replenishment of divine energy. I've exhausted mine healing your body.]

The man clenched his fists, realizing the gravity of the situation.

"It means until the side that bet on her early demise loses their wager."

He remembered the enigmatic beings who had staked a bet on this woman's life.

To enhance his own abilities, he had gambled on her survival. They would gain divine energy instantly if the entities predicting her early death were proven wrong within three days. Another faction would lose if she survived for a week.

"Lisia, please hold on. I desire nothing more than your life," the man declared, his emotions welling up as he recalled the same words he had once spoken to the woman he had loved dearly. Now, gazing at this woman facing a similar fate, he could hardly contain his emotions.

[Human, you possess a remarkable talent for acting.]

The man remained silent, his gaze locked with the woman's. Her eyes, once drained of vitality, welled up with tears, and a single droplet cascaded down her cheek.

"I-I... will... try," she stammered, her emotions overwhelming her. She could only muster these words in response to the man who had become more than a mere dream to her; she felt an inexplicable connection growing between them.


In the desolate Slum Valley of Country E, a heart-rending cry echoed through the air, cutting through the stifling silence. The source of this mournful wail was a son, his tear-filled eyes fixated on his mother's lifeless body.

"No, mother, you can't leave me," he sobbed, his voice trembling with a mixture of agony and desperate pleas.

His words hung in the air like a haunting lament, unheard by anyone but the indifferent walls of their ramshackle home.

The room, once filled with the warmth of their bond, now seemed barren and cold. There were no sympathetic neighbors to rush to their aid, no helping hands extended in their time of need.

The slum, a place where suffering thrived, offered no solace or compassion.

He stood there, a solitary figure in a vast and indifferent world, his grief weighing him down like an anchor.

The pain of loss and abandonment gnawed at his soul, leaving him utterly alone amidst the stark reality of his existence.