
Chapter 30

In the heart of a luxurious private suite within a renowned five-star hotel, the ambiance was a symphony of opulence and luxury.

Soft, golden light cascaded from the elegant chandeliers, casting a warm glow on the plush furnishings and richly adorned walls. The air was imbued with the delicate fragrance of fresh flowers, complementing the faint aroma of the soup that wafted from the nearby table.

In this lavish setting, a woman stood, an embodiment of ethereal beauty. Her attire, a blend of red and white, complemented her fluffy white furry ears and nine tails that swayed gracefully, hinting at her otherworldly nature.

Delicate hands, marked with small kitchen knife cuts, revealed her recent struggle in the culinary domain. But her most captivating feature was her eyes—a deep shade of ruby, reflecting a tumultuous ocean of emotions.

Seated before her was the man, an epitome of elegance in his attire—a tailored suit that perfectly accentuated his frame. His gaze, as calm and cold as ever, softened into a rare smile upon tasting her soup, a genuine appreciation that graced his face, a transformation not witnessed for months.

"It's good," he praised, his smile infusing warmth into the room, a stark contrast to his usual stoic demeanor.

"Then don't eat... wait, what did you say?" she stumbled, momentarily thrown off by his unexpected praise, her heart fluttering in the wake of this newfound vulnerability.

"I said it's really good," he reiterated, his eyes locking onto hers, revealing a sincerity that she hadn't anticipated.

"Uh, thank you," she managed, her voice trembling with a blend of joy and surprise, the genuine compliment igniting a spark of happiness within her.

However, amidst this fleeting joy, a sudden revelation shattered the tranquility. "I guess this is the last day we'll meet," he disclosed, his words hanging in the air like an unresolved melody, leaving her in a whirlwind of shock, confusion, and unspoken emotions.

"I'm going to be a father within a month," he unveiled, a delicate confession that sent ripples of conflicting emotions through her being. The thought that she might not have to see him again stirred a strange mixture of relief and a hollow ache deep within.

"It's good that I won't have to see your face for some time," she blurted, her voice a mix of bravado and vulnerability, her arms crossing defensively, hands marked with the toil of her culinary efforts.

"No, not for some time. We will never meet again, Meiyue," he clarified, his words carving the reality of their future encounters in stone, leaving her torn between acceptance and a lingering sense of loss.

He extended the once-dreaded "slave contract" towards her, a symbol of their complicated past. Her fingers trembled as she held it, torn between her newfound freedom and the haunting memories it carried.

"Why now?" she questioned, her voice reflecting a deep-rooted curiosity, an attempt to understand his sudden act of liberation. Her heart whispered that maybe, just maybe, it was an opening towards something more.

He looked out of the window, avoiding her gaze, a myriad of emotions battling within his eyes. "I don't know what you think of me, Meiyue, nor do I seek your gratitude. I acted to protect you, even if my methods were cruel. I don't blame you for the way you feel."

Her grip on her arms tightened, struggling to decipher his conflicting words. He continued, "I know making you cook must have felt like torment. But I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I just wanted to equip you to survive in this world once I'm gone."

Her eyes met his, the golden hues of the setting sun casting a warm glow on his face, a gentle smile playing on his lips, filled with warmth and innocence.

"What do you mean by you'll be gone?" she inquired, her curiosity pulling her closer to him, a whisper of hope mingling with the unanswered questions. Perhaps, she just wanted to understand the man who had both tormented and stirred her heart. Yes, that must be it.

" I only have around 30 years or so left to live," he confessed, his gaze sincere as he looked at her, awaiting her reaction. Her face remained impassive, a veil concealing the surge of emotions like a tide within her. She buried them deep.

"then, what you want from me? " she asked, her voice composed, her eyes fixed on him.

"Nothing. I just hope you won't harbor any hatred towards me, Meiyue," he said, his face reflecting a mix of sadness and hope, revealing the pain he felt at the thought of her despising him. The woman looked at him, her gaze dropping to the floor, her red-tipped tails gently swaying.

"Okay." The word held more than its letters, an unspoken promise of understanding and perhaps, a glimmer of a different beginning.

"Thank you," he warmly smiled at her, and she felt a strange but welcome shift in his usual demeanor. His smile was like a rare gem that added a touch of brightness to the room, a sight she hadn't seen before.

"Do you want to go somewhere, like sightseeing or something? I kind of caged you here, didn't I?" he asked, a genuine desire to make amends apparent in his eyes, a playful chuckle escaping his lips.

"Of course, you did," she replied, her expression playfully indignant, pouting her mouth in mock annoyance.

The man's eyes widened slightly at her straightforwardness, taken aback for a moment before a genuine and warm smile graced his face. "Isn't it your fault for being so beautiful? No one would want you to go around in fear of being stolen."

Her heart did a little skip, her cheeks warming at his unexpected compliment. Was he flirting with her? The thought flickered in her mind, and she narrowed her eyes at him, a playful challenge in her gaze.

"Aren't you flirting right now?" she teased, her tone light and teasing.

"Oh, do I? I apologize if you find the truth as some mere sugar-coated words, but in essence, I did give you an answer," he stammered, a hint of panic in his voice, worried she might take his words the wrong way.

"Hehehe, you really know how to act like this," she chuckled, amused by his reaction. Today, he seemed different, displaying warmth and an unexpected playfulness. She couldn't quite figure him out, but she found it endearing nonetheless.

"So, should we go somewhere then?" she asked, taking the lead, reveling in the newfound sense of control she had over him.

"Okay," he replied, a helpless but genuine smile gracing his features. He playfully ruffled his hair and followed behind her, his usual aloofness replaced with an unexpected charm that made her heart flutter with amusement. Today was indeed a day of surprises.


Outside the hotel, an Aspark Owl, a striking electric hypercar known for its breathtaking speed and design, stood with its sleek, aerodynamic form catching the moonlight. Its gleaming golden wheels added to its allure and beauty, enhancing the whole scene.

While moving towards the car, the man asked, "Are you ready?"

"Of course I am. Let's go!"

The woman, feeling playful after the day's hard work, was excited for this unexpected outing.

Unaware that the man's question was not for her, she took her seat in the luxurious car.

The car started silently, a testament to its electric hypercar property. Within a few seconds, it reached a speed where the air sounded like a chorus as it tore through the atmosphere.

"How does it feel?"

The man asked, looking at the woman. She was busy admiring the passing scenery, the rush of air playing with her alluring tails, and her ears perking up to catch the exhilarating sounds. Bathed in the moonlight, her tails and ears looked as ethereal as the clouds.

"It's amazing," she exclaimed, truly enjoying the view. The experience felt like a dream, and she glanced at the man, his rare smile making the moment even better. Perhaps her cooking did have a magical touch; it seemed to have changed him.

"Can't you spee... *CRASH*"

*CRUNCH*—Time seemed to slow down in an instant, the world freezing as if in a trance.

The woman's eyebrows fluttered at a snail's pace, her brain processing every detail with the precision of a former half-immortal.

She watched the man's eyes widen in slow motion, his movement towards her a deliberate yet desperate rush.

He pulled her into his embrace just as the impact occurred. The shattering sound of the collision resonated around them, mingling with her racing heartbeat. Every nerve in her body screamed as if echoing the screeching tires and rending metal.

*CRUNCH*— The car's structure buckled and twisted, but within his arms, she was held in a moment of suspended reality.

The car spun and whirled, gravity pulling them in all directions as if the world had lost its sense of balance.

Her breath hitched, her heart hammered against her ribs, and her mind raced. The scent of burning rubber and shattered glass filled the air, assaulting her senses.

She squeezed her eyes shut, bracing for the inevitable impact. But in that moment, encircled by his protective hold, she felt an odd sense of safety amidst the chaos.

*CRUNCH*—The collision reached its climax, the force throwing them around like rag dolls. The world flipped, the car somersaulting in a frenzy of twisted metal and shattered dreams.

And then, silence.

*THUD*—It was the final, resounding thud that brought her back to reality. They had come to a rest, the car now a mangled wreck. The dust settled, and her eyes slowly fluttered open, feeling the weight of his arms still around her.

Their breaths were ragged, hearts racing, and a surreal realization sinking in.

"Kuggghhhh, COUGH.... a-are y-you alright?" The man's broken and pained words were mixed with groans, displaying the agony he was enduring. The woman looked towards him, shocked and distressed, as she realized the extent of his injuries. His whole body was covered in blood, shards of glass piercing his skin, and a metal rod passing through his ribs. Yet, he asked about her wellbeing.

"Why!?" she thought angrily, struggling to comprehend why he would sacrifice himself like this.

With immense effort, both of them managed to crawl out of the wreckage, the car now a twisted mass of metal lying on the asphalt. She pulled the man towards a nearby tree, offering him what little support she could muster.

His body was a gruesome sight, completely bloodied and battered. His ribs were pierced, and his condition was critical. The woman, overwhelmed with a blend of worry, anger, and fear, could only muster, "W-wahhyy did y-you drive so fast?"

Pain and helplessness welled up within her. The man's sacrifice felt unnecessary and irrational, making her question his actions. Yet, she couldn't ignore the fact that, in this dire moment, he was the only support she had. The conflicting emotions tore at her, leaving her feeling lost and torn between relief at being alive and anger at his recklessness.

"Well, My nails got slightly hurt by that metal piece "


Woman got her breath stuck in her throat as that voice reached her, she swiftly turned around to see a creature whose silhouette cast in eerie moonlight, its fur a haunting shade of ashen gray, blending seamlessly with the darkness around.

Sinister streaks of black adorned its fur, resembling ancient runes etched by the hand of some vengeful deity.its eyes were pools of darkness, absorbing the moonlight rather than reflecting it. They glowed with a malevolent light, a cold and calculating gaze that sent shivers down the woman's spine.

The creature's fangs protruded menacingly, glistening with a cruel anticipation.

As the moonlight played upon its form, revealing the powerful muscles coiled beneath the fur, it became evident that this was no ordinary foe. It emanated a primal aura, a creature born of the night and tempered in the harsh trials of survival.

In that fleeting moment, the woman felt an icy fear grip her heart.

"How could you be here!!"