
Chapter 27

'Where am I?'

Echoed an inner voice in the midst of darkness, a void that felt comforting, shielding from the harshness of the world.

It was a sanctuary, untouched by the cruelty and falsehood that often plagued existence.

'I feel like sleeping,'

The voice murmured, finding solace in this comforting abyss.

The darkness provided a sense of security, a haven of peace.

Yet, just as tranquility began to settle, as if reluctant to let go of this sanctuary, colossal hands tore through the darkness, shattering its serenity, and moved towards the soul that sought solace in its embrace.

'No, I will not leave'

'Please don't! '

"Uwaaaahhhh.... waaahhhhhh!!"

A sharp cry filled the whole room where a woman with black hair and Sapphire eyes laid on the bed after getting a Surgeried delivery looked weakly towards a small life,for whom she gave her all just to let it come to this world,seeing her child healthyher face bore a smile.

"Congratulations, Lady Agatha. You have given birth to a girl."

Lady Doctors Informed about her giving birth to a girl child that seemed to cry with vigor fullfilling each corner of the room,

Doctors moved and handed the Infant to nurse to clean before further proceedings with surgery.

Thanks to modern technology and high-end tools, it took a few hours for Lady Agatha's condition to completely heal.

"Waahhhh..... wahhh," the small infant cried. 'I want to go back,' it protested. It yearned for that warm and cozy place that had given her solace - just like any infant, crying heartily after being separated from the most soothing place it deserved: her mother's comforting shadow.

"Now,Now, Don't cry, Mother is here,see"

A soothing yet warm voice reassured the infant, causing her cries to vanish into thin air. It was like falling into an embrace that felt just as comforting as before, the one she had protested leaving.

'It's soothing, maybe it's a dream.'

The infant's thoughts were filled with confusion, but for now, she needed sleep, her weak body succumbing to the need for rest.

"...Mother, she just looks like you," a voice reached the sleeping infant, and her eyes slightly fluttered, revealing two small blue gems that met with the eyes of the same color.


The infant's eyes slightly widened as she saw the very person who ignored her all her life, blaming her for killing their mother.

"Amelia, it was not your fault that mother died," were the last words she heard from his mouth before his eyes lost their color and succumbed to eternal peace.

"Wow, her eyes too are just like you, Mother," the child processed the words of the boy, feeling a surge of emotions. She never met her mother, but her nanny always told her about having the same face as her mother. She tried to move to take a single glance at her, but due to the body of an infant, she could not move.

Tears welled up due to the frustration of not being able to catch a glimpse of her mother, before two delicate yet soft, fair hands held her and stuck the child's body to a warm chest.

"See, Jeorge, you made your sister cry," the woman reprimanded the boy, who, for the first time in his life, heard his mother's words. He gasped and glared toward the reason that made his mother reprimand him.

"No one is going to make you cry now, my sweet little child. See, I punished your brother," the woman reassured, caressing the infant's back. The child slightly widened her eyes before making both the woman and boy shocked with her slight giggle.

"Did she just laugh, Mother?" the boy shockingly asked. It hadn't even been a day, and it felt as if she understood their words. He wasn't dumb to take it as a coincidence; he knew it was definitely a giggle about him being punished. The woman too felt that, as she smiled while caressing the child's back and spoke, "My, my, guess Jeorge got his rival."

She chuckled, remembering how Jeorge started to understand things within a week after being born.

"It's good that I didn't get a dumb sister," the infant heard that and felt an urge to smack the boy, but she was helpless. After knowing her mother was safe, she was happy.

Lying on her mother's embrace, she remembered the man who supported her when no one cared for her, 'Lin Feng will not be alone; others will still fall for him. It doesn't matter if I will not be by his side.' But now that she got her mother, 'Maybe God gave me this chance to live for her.' She chose to give this life to her mother and live for her.


In a secluded enclave hidden from the world's eye, a weathered yet proud old man watched with a sense of accomplishment as his young disciple showcased remarkable prowess—the very essence of a martial arts initiation.

"Isn't this too easy, Old man?"

Chimed a youthful boy, his blonde locks swaying as he effortlessly weaved through bamboo sticks embedded in the earth, embodying the timeless imagery of martial arts in its infancy.

"Hahaha... Indeed, a worthy disciple stands before me. Come, savor this tea crafted from a millennium of ginseng," the old master chuckled, offering a cup of the cherished brew.

Originally intending for a customary two-year foundation-building regimen to mold the boy's physique, the old man, astonished by the boy's innate talent, resolved to impart his closely guarded techniques that very day, commencing the boy's path of cultivation.

"How generous of you, Old man," the boy gracefully acknowledged, taking the cup.

However, before he could taste a drop, an unexpected sensation surged through him as if he suffered a profound loss, causing him to clutch his chest and collapse.



Alarmed, the old master swiftly rose, his gaze fixated on the boy's reddened eyes and the blood he coughed on the ground.

"Tch, it appears your foundation needs further fortification. I suppose I must wait for another two years before passing on these sacred techniques," he lamented, skillfully employing his medical expertise to seal the boy's key points, inducing unconsciousness for his young disciple's well-being.


In the heart of a grand mansion's garden, a vast expanse that could easily accommodate four football fields, a man sat cross-legged. He was immersed in the intricate practice of cultivating internal energy, drawing upon the potent elixirs he had consumed. The air around him seemed to hum with the potential of his focused efforts.

Elixirs, carefully concocted and expertly brewed, coursed through his veins, transforming into a palpable energy within him.

Each elixir added a layer of strength to his growing reservoir of internal power. The process was delicate and precise.

By his side, a cat rested in peaceful slumber, seemingly unfazed by the potent energies being harnessed nearby.

Meanwhile, watchful bodyguards kept a close eye, a strong shield ensuring the man's safety. They carefully surveyed the surroundings, poised to act if anything posed a threat to the delicate cultivation process.

Their role was crystal clear—to safeguard their Master.

With every deep breath, the man could feel the elixirs infusing his being,the energy surged like a torrent, coursing through his meridians like a river winding its way through a vast landscape.

It was as if tiny flames danced within, flickering and igniting the dormant potential within his body.

His pulse quickened, each beat echoing in harmony with the newly awakened energy. The elixirs had unlocked the gates of his meridians, allowing the internal energy to meander through his channels with newfound strength and purpose. The sensation was both electrifying and soothing, an orchestrated symphony of power within.

The man's focus deepened, his mind honing in on the intricate pathways the energy took. He guided it like a skilled conductor, directing the flow through meridians once obstructed, now wide open and inviting. The energy enveloped his organs, revitalizing them, granting vitality and resilience.

As the energy spiraled upwards, it danced along the spine, ascending like a blazing phoenix reaching for the heavens.

Each vertebra seemed to awaken, aligning with the burgeoning power. A surge of exhilaration surged through him as he felt the energy pooling in his dantian, a crucible of transformation.

He maintained his poise, embracing the natural rhythm of the energy's movement. Slowly energy subsided into his dantian as he felt his strength increasing at the rapid state.

His Obsedian black eyes revealed themselves as he stood and made his way into the mansion not wanting to test his newfound strength as it was mearly the first step towards his long path towards strength — Early Qi Gathering Realm.

He felt a sense of contentment, having recently embarked on his cultivation journey amidst his busy schedule.

Achieving progress that would take an ordinary mortal a considerable amount of time was a source of pride, though uncertainty lingered about how far he could advance.

"Albert, where is Lisia?" he inquired, having freshened up, his muscular form now revealed, only concealed by a white towel draped strategically, adding a certain allure to his gaze that left anyone breathless.

"Master, Madam is in her room, reviewing some documents," the butler informed with impeccable patience, maintaining a professional demeanor.

"I suppose I should pay her a visit then," he said, a faint smile gracing his lips. It had been two days since they last met in her office, a meeting that felt more like a connection.

"Shall I arrange some clothes, Master?" Albert offered, sensing his readiness. It reminded him of his current attire, or rather lack thereof—a realization that briefly flickered across his usually composed face.

"No need. I'll go see her like this," he replied, embracing the casual approach.


"Anastasia, why haven't you contacted our clients about their projects?"

A woman with blonde hair and emerald eyes, engrossed in urgent files, asked her secretary.

"Anastasia, I'm asking you something,"

she repeated, noticing her secretary's distraction. Following her gaze, she found a man online, wearing only a towel and striking a pose at the door.

"Um, Anastasia, you can take a leave," she said, closing her file and dismissing her secretary.

"Y-yes, Madam,"

Anastasia stammered, her face flushed, hurrying towards the door. However, the man blocked her path, seeming to enjoy teasing the secretary.

"Husband, let her go. It's important,"

The woman said. Disappointed that her words lacked the jealousy he expected, he allowed Anastasia to leave and then made his way toward his wife.

"So, my dear wife, haven't you turned this room into your little office? I guess you'll have to sleep in our bedroom," he teased, leaning on the table and folding his arms.

"Guess so,"

The woman replied, leaving her chair and stepping into his embrace, surprising him. He gently caressed her head and waist with his hands.

"Wife, I wanted to inform you that I'm going to be a father," he said.

The news caught her off guard, and a flurry of emotions swirled within her. She hadn't expected him to have another wife, and Anastasia hadn't informed her of anything like this.

She leaned into him, her eyes welling up, not because she hated the other woman in his life, but because she had wanted to be the one to bear his child first. It just didn't feel right,'How could I even expect to get pregnant in just a few days after being intimate'

"C-congratulations, husband. I hope I can meet her too,"

She stammered, hiding her face in his embrace, summoning all her courage to speak, only to hear him laugh.

"Hahaha, aren't you something else, Lisia?"

He chuckled, wiping his non-existent tears with his finger. He held her hands and led her to the mirror in the room, introducing her to her own reflection.

"Hello, Lisia. She is Lisia and soon to be my child's mother," he joked.


"Ouch, why are you hitting me?" he questioned, bewildered, as she kept hitting his chest, tears welling up before her expression turned angry. She stomped on his legs and threw him onto the bed.

"Hey, what's this?"

"You deserve it. First you make jokes, and then you ask for a reason. If you want a child, then we have to put in some hard work."

Woman looked angrily as removed her clothes and Pounced on him before they started a long,Very long session.


"So, wife, can I speak now?"

The man asked, finally breaking the silence that had persisted throughout the day, which was now gently transitioning into night.

He had been busy with various calorie burning activities, leaving no room for conversation.

".... Tell," she responded, completely drained, clutching her tired body and resting in his embrace.

"You are pregnant," he informed her.

Hearing those words, something she initially dismissed as a joke, she responded with a simple "okay" before succumbing to sleep.

The man kept looking at her, now peacefully asleep.
