
Chapter 1 - Starting of a my journey

"Is this the end?"

As the man lay sprawled on the unforgiving road, his body shattered and bloodied, he couldn't help but wonder, His eyes, once filled with vitality and hope, were now dimming, losing their vibrant color.

In his final moments, a relentless reel of tormenting memories played before him. He saw the face of his beloved Jia, the woman he had cherished above all else, who had succumbed to a merciless, incurable disease that stole her away. The ache of her loss had never truly faded.

Then, the shadows of his past crept in, taunting him with their haunting regrets. He remembered the crippling debt that had ensnared him, a financial burden born of choices he wished he could undo.

His life had been a tapestry of grief and remorse, a never-ending cascade of pain that now threatened to consume him in his last breaths.

As light faded from his eyes he felt as if he was going in endless darkness where only thing is left is darkness itself,




The space was cloaked in an ethereal darkness, punctuated by stars that radiated a soft, guiding light, as if creating a celestial path leading to the twelve majestic thrones. Seated upon these thrones were beings of unimaginable grandeur, transcending the boundaries of mortal imagination.

[Hahaha, Isn't this was entertaining]

[Indeed it was.]

"Where am I?"

A formless body, shining with a dim, ethereal light, finally managed to speak. It found itself in the presence of beings unlike anything it had ever encountered in its existence.

[Is this the pawn you prepared, Zalthorak?]

[Indeed. Hasn't this pawn's life entertained you, Xyliara?]

[Hahaha, yes, it was quite entertaining.]

The formless entity was bewildered. It wanted to understand what was happening but found itself incapable of even lifting its gaze. Its viewpoint was perpetually locked on the floor, and it could only hear the dialogues exchanged by these enigmatic beings.

[So, Elysarra, which part do you like the most?]

[I like it when he lost that female of his.]

[Oh, hahaha, I told you to make her die in an accident, but you are more sinister, Elysarra.]

A chilling realization dawned on the formless soul, despite its confusion. Those beings were talking about the most painful part of its existence—the loss of Jia, the woman it had loved more than life itself. Her untimely demise due to a terminal illness had left the soul shattered.

'What are they saying? Did they just mention Jia?' the formless entity thought, its existence quivering with anger and despair. It strained with all its might, attempting to lift its gaze and confront these beings. But it was futile, as its ethereal form remained subservient to these mysterious entities.

[Hahaha, it was genuinely entertaining.]

The entities' laughter echoed, a cruel symphony that further deepened the formless soul's torment. Unable to bear the anguish that surged through its insubstantial essence, its color shifted from its original serene glow to a raging red.

It was as if blood itself began to weep from its spectral eyes, signifying the immeasurable suffering it had endured.

These entities, beyond comprehension, seemed to revel in the suffering they had inflicted upon this fragile soul for their amusement.

The soul's rage grew, its helplessness fueling its fiery determination to one day break free from this nightmarish torment.

As the scene unfolded, it became increasingly evident that these malevolent beings had subjected the soul to unrelenting grief for their own entertainment.

The pain and suffering it experienced were palpable, seeping through the very fabric of its existence, painting a heart-wrenching picture of a soul wronged by forces beyond its understanding.

[Mortal, don't waste your puny energy.]

[We will give you a chance.]

[Entertain Us.]

[If you can do that, We will Regress you.]

The soul, tormented to the point of shattering, had long understood the insignificance of its existence in the presence of these malevolent beings.

Despite its struggles, it knew it was utterly powerless. All the pain it had endured thus far paled in comparison to the agony of this moment.

The offer presented by these beings left the soul feeling helpless. It was as if it couldn't do anything, trapped in the merciless grip of forces far beyond its comprehension.

Every torment it had endured had led to this, and now, faced with the source of its suffering, it couldn't contain its emotions any longer.

With determination born from sheer desperation, the puny soul defied all odds. It summoned every ounce of its willpower to lift its gaze, a feat it had thought impossible just moments before.

Its formless body shook violently under the immense strain, as if defying the very laws of existence. But it was willing to endure this torment, for it had one burning desire—to gaze upon the faces of the beings responsible for its suffering.

The soul's ethereal eyes met those of the malevolent beings. Their eyes shone with a brilliance akin to pure light, and they sat regally upon thrones, looking down upon the pitiful soul.

The moment of reckoning had arrived, and the soul knew that gazing into their luminous eyes might mean its ultimate dissolution. But it didn't waver. Even if it were to lose itself in darkness, losing all memory of its existence, it refused to forget the excruciating pain these beings had inflicted upon it.

As the soul locked eyes with the radiant beings, it felt a profound sense of despair. It was as if their mere gaze held the power to obliterate its very essence. In that chilling moment, a resounding *crack* echoed through the air.

The soul shattered,It broken into pieces as if glass scatter on the ground all its tiny fragments dissolved in space as if it had never existed in the first place, its entire existence erased from the fabric of reality.




In the vast darkness of the abyss, where countless millennia passed without measure, a tiny fragment of broken light drifted aimlessly. It seemed to have lost all sense of time and purpose until, by sheer chance, it collided with a colossal, obsidian-like wall that resembled the abyss itself.

The wall, dark as the void, began to shift, revealing a single amethyst-colored eye. The eye resembled the gaze of a colossal dragon, its scale-like patterns vast and endless.

It fixed its immense sight upon the minuscule fragment of light, which appeared as nothing more than a speck in its presence. In the profound silence of the abyss, a voice resonated.

<Yet again, another pitiful soul.>

As the voice reached the fragment of light, it began to coalesce, regaining its formless shape. It remained black in color, but now there was a small, radiant piece within it, creating a stark contrast with the surrounding darkness. The fragment looked like an anomaly within the abyss.

"Where am I?"

"Who am I?"

<You are in the abyss. Tell me, what desire kept you clinging to life even after your soul shattered?>

"Revenge... Love..."

The fragment of light felt an inexplicable connection to the eye's owner. Perhaps it was because it was formed from the same energy or some other cosmic alignment.

Regardless, the memories of its cries, its grief, and its profound love for the girl it cherished until its breaking point still lingered within it.

<Pitiful soul, I have reconstructed your shattered essence. You can be reborn and live a new life with memories.>

"No, please... I beg you... I want revenge... I'll be your eternal servant..."

The soul, shattered to the point of feeling remorse, pleaded with agonizing desperation, causing it to tremble.

<You have a chance for new life, yet you choose to cling your past?>

"I beg you, please..."

The soul's cry was heart-wrenching, and it reached the heart of the being that was the abyss itself, a being with no heart to understand, yet it did.

<Very well. One wish, that's all you shall receive.>

"I want revenge... on those who made me like this."

The cry, still filled with anguish, held an unyielding resolve.

<They are preparing for the New God test.>

The voice from the abyss sent small vibrations through its darkness as it spoke.

"I don't know anything... please, I beg you, this one last time..."

The soul's torment had reached unbearable levels, as if the very pain had become an integral part of its essence.

<Very well, I shall send you as my representative. Destroy their candidates and rise to the top, where will have power stand against them.>

"Thank you..."

The soul, teetering on the brink of torment, found a glimmer of relief, knowing that the suffering it had endured at the hands of its tormentors would now be returned to them in full measure.

<You will know everything when you reach there>


Silence once more enveloped the abyss as the tiny fragment of light vanished. It had not ceased to exist but instead embarked on a new journey, bound for a place where it would begin anew. With the determination to reach the pinnacle of strength, it would exact revenge on those who had mercilessly taken everything from it.