
I became Champa - Dragonball super

Joao opened his eyes and realized that he had transmigrated to Champa from universe 6, now he aims to develop his universe and get to fuck Vados

Dragon_Sovietico · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Saiyan Queen

Champa got out of the shower excited, he doesn't want to waste time

Vados soon appeared, she was unfortunately already dressed

"Mister Champa, where do you want to go?" Vados

"Vados, I realize that I'm a lousy god of destruction, the universe's mortal level is low and totally unbalanced, so I'm going to choose students to train!" champa

"Ohh? Looks like you've really changed, that's good" Vados

"I said, I'm going to make it big Miss Vados, when you become my wife you won't be ashamed" Champa

Vados smiled

"So, do you already have someone in mind?" Vados

"Yes, let's go to planet Sadala" Champa

Champa's plan is simple, just use the saiyan hack and make a few thousand super saiyans, with that the mortal level of the universe will improve quickly and your system will give strength

Plus he has two girls to fuck, Caulifla and Kale


Planet Sadala

On this planet thousands of Saiyans were preparing, they accepted the service of protecting a planet from mercenaries

"Frost paid a lot of money this time to protect the planet Ikonn2" A beautiful woman spoke on the throne

"Yes my queen, Lord Frost is kind" A scholar-looking Saiyan said

The queen on the throne smiled but said nothing, she always found Frost unpleasant but everyone around her liked him

The Saiyan queen named Momo, rules the planet for 12 years and her fighting power has reached a frightening 2 million

She has long black hair, a gentle-looking angelic face, but wears battle armor that fails to hide her massive breasts.

The sayanins of universe 6 didn't lose their home planet because they didn't have internal conflicts and that's why they don't have tails, in addition they are much stronger than those of universe 6 because the planet sadala has very high gravity

Of course Momo is frighteningly stronger because his talent is the best, the second strongest on the planet barely reaches 900 thousand

"What about that little girl called Caulifla? She hasn't accepted to be my student yet?" Momo

"No my queen, honestly you shouldn't tolerate her, she is rebellious and without respect for the law" the old sayajin said

(a few years into the tournament, caulifla is still not the strongest on the planet)

"No need, this little girl reminds me of myself" Momo smiled

Momo got up

"Come, Frost asked me to lead the fight, I gave my word so I will" Momo was ready to leave when a voice

"I would not recommend this"

Momo went on guard and looked back, she saw a pink fat cat

Without thinking too much, Momo knelt on the ground respectfully.

"Queen of Saiyans pay respects to lord champa" Momo

"Ohh? do you know me?" champa

"I was a child but I still remember when you came to planet sadala" Momo

'Is playing? my father's frightened appearance I never forgot' Momo thought

Champa was silent and watched Momo, she was very hot and he already put her in his harem in his mind

Before coming to the planet he asked Vados for information and was impressed with Momo, only 35 years old and so strong, why didn't he go to the tournament of power in the anime?

Soon Vados gave an answer, Frost already set a trap to kill Momo and the mission is all nonsense, maybe that ice demon felt the threat of her talent

Champa looked at Momo, she kneeling on the floor showing more and more of those huge breasts

He had a strong erection, Champa was already holding it after seeing Vados and seeing Momo now he can't take it anymore

Champa took his dick out and that big pink dick was showing "queen Momo how about paying the tribute?" champa


(Author's note = Momo will be the only OC character in the harem, I created her because I thought the anime forgot the real Saiyan lineage of universe 6, besides that we need busty ones in the story)