
i became bakugo eh

It looks like I became Bakugo in MHA. Well, I guess I'll give it my all to survive and become number 1.

lapluiearrive · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 14

Bakugo lunges forward and quickly knocks out a villain with a punch, before the others can react he sends a big explosion at them.

Before the smoke from the explosion even cleared, Bakugo had already knocked out 3 other villains, he quickly dodged a block of dirt flying at him then kicked the ground with his foot, knocking out another seemingly swimmable enemy. underground.


A few minutes later, Bakugo headed out of the fire zone, knocking the villains out and quickly tying them to a large rope.

While surveying the area for the invisible girl's gloves or boots, Bakugo noticed a small group of 5 stunned villains lying on the ground.

"Hey Bakugo I'm here!"

Bakugo recognized his comrade's voice but couldn't locate it, so he turned his face roughly towards the area where the sound was coming from.

"Toru, did you do this?"

"Hehe yes it's me!" Listening to the noise of the air, the girl seemed to make invisible jabs to emphasize her victory.

A small smirk on his lips, Bakugo nodded."Not bad, take this and tie them up, I'll join Mr. Aizawa."

Bakugo extended a rope from his belt to the girl, where he thought she would be.

Seeing the rope levitate in the air Bakugo wasted no time and headed towards the square.

"Be careful !"

As he ran towards the combat area, Bakugo watched the fight from afar as his teacher mennais, turning his face, suddenly saw a huge explosion shaking the water of the artificial lake.

"Well, everything is fine on Deku's side, there shouldn't be much time left before All Might arrives."

Redirecting his gaze to the square, Bakugo saw several explosions repelling the villains, a smile crept across his face, Aizawa using the marbles Bakugo had given him before, that should buy him some time.

As the distance between him and the square narrowed more and more, Bakugo saw his teacher begin to fight Shigaraki. Despite everything he continued to run without propelling himself with his explosions, there were several reasons for this choice.

First of all, the continued use of his explosions to move faster over long distances consumes a lot of stamina, and will make his future explosions a little weaker.

Plus, he wanted to launch a surprise attack on the villains and his outbursts would spot him from miles away.

he also had another reason...

Suddenly while running he saw Aizawa's elbow touched by Shigaraki's power and accelerated his run with clenched fists producing sweat.

Just as the Nomu was about to grab Eraserhead, a violent explosion sounded in the square, the monster's body propelling dozens of meters away completely shattered.

Wide-eyed, bakugo almost forgot to run while watching the show, quickly his gaze went to his remaining pomegranate-shaped gloves, he swallowed a bead of sweat running down his temple.

'Damn you were so powerful all this time…'

Seeing his own power from an outside perspective was quite impressive, as Bakugo finally came close to the square, he hid waiting for the right moment for a surprise attack.

The cloud of smoke disappeared and Aizawa appeared with his arm completely shattered by the recoil of the explosion and Shigaraki's power.

The madman with hands to face started screaming about cheating.

Noticing the Nomu already starting to regenerate, Bakugo quietly moves towards him.

Suddenly, Shigaraki started laughing wildly.

"Good job Aizawa, really very impressive! However Nomu is the end boss and you are just an NPC and you don't think you can win regardless of your equipment!"

At these words, Aizawa turned towards the Nomu to see him heading towards him at high speed, however before he had time to reach him, a voice full of madness sounded.

"I got you~"

Bakugo brought his two hands closer to the Nomu's chest with a crazy smile on his face.

The last reason that prevented Bakugo from using his explosions to get closer faster was the technique he was about to use, requiring a large amount of sweating that he has been preparing since his run.

"Atomic Impact!"

For Bakugo time seemed to slow down, the breath of his own attack propelled him about ten meters backwards while hovering he saw the face full of horror that Shigaraki displayed and Aizawa's shock. Finally he saw the Nomu or rather a body composed of two legs and a part of the torso flying at high speed towards the stairs.

The impact between his body and the stairs produced another explosion, this time much less powerful.

Finally Bakugo fell into the water of the lake quickly losing his strength he quietly sank to the bottom of the water unable to move for the next few seconds.

Bakugo hadn't taken into account the direction in which he would be propelled for the aftermath of the explosion...

'All is well, in 20 seconds I should be able to recover enough strength to come back to the surface..'

As he sinks ever deeper into the lake, a hand grabs him pulling him to the surface.


A panicked face, the frog pulled him out of the water, bringing him to shore next to Izuku and Mineta.

"Ka-Kacchan! How is he doing ?!"

Along with Izuku's screams, Bakugo finally lost consciousness.