
I became an interdimensional merchant!

After Feifei achieved her goal of becoming the CEO of the conglomerate Harmony and her net worth exceeded absurd amounts of money, her life ended abruptly and a strange advertisement appeared before her eyes in her final moments. [The gods are amazed by your achievements on earth and grant you their grace!] [Would you like to become an interdimensional merchant?] [Accept/Reject] She, without understanding what was happening, but refusing to die pathetically, accepted and now she must take business trips to different dimensions. "Oh, wait Mr. Transmigrator, I don't think it's a good idea to leave without buying this. It may seem a little expensive, but I can guarantee its effects. It's like having a second life!" "Little princess, if you want to get the freedom you so desire, you must buy this cultivation package!" "Were you abandoned and betrayed by your entire family just because you had no mana? Don't worry, I have everything you need for a small price!" But why are so many strange people chasing her now? Why is her reputation so bad when she is just a sweet and kind young woman who seeks to help others? Also, that little raven she saved on a whim turned out to be a high-ranking elemental spirit? Can that be sold? No, wait, as if all of the above wasn't enough, the cowardly dark elf she helped a while ago is now an all-powerful wizard feared by everyone? Can she collect the old debt from him and use his name? The only bad thing... is that her feelings are a little twisted... "I like you, go out with me." "I'm only interested in gold. Love doesn't feed me or buy what I want." "..." "Then I'll give you that too. I'll give you the world if you accept me..." "I only accept cash payments." ₊°︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶ ‧₊˚ Hi! ≽^•⩊•^≼ฅ •AI book cover •Buy me a coffee so I can write faster! https://ko-fi.com/blackfortunecat ₊°︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶ ‧₊˚

BlackFortuneCat · Fantasy
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Would you like to become an interdimensional merchant?

Feifei sat in the presidential chair and looked out the window at the tiny houses and buildings that at a distance looked like a model. The cars, motorcycles, and buses moving, even the hundreds of people living their lives seemed like just a computer projection for a future hotel project.

She was working too much.

But thanks to that, she now found herself at the top of the Harmony conglomerate headquarters. All of her people controlled the financial district of this titan. No cockroach could pass without her noticing.

This was her last step, her ultimate goal.

She had achieved it after going through hell.

She sighed sadly. Not everything could be perfect.

She had it, she had finally achieved it, but now the company was silent and almost in ruins, it was an empty shell with a strong reputation in society. She had barely managed to save the company from its imminent crisis, who would believe her if she said that one of the largest hotel conglomerates in the country could disappear in less than a year due to poor management? Including the commercial stores!

She massaged her forehead trying to relieve her migraine, a product of stress and lack of sleep. Sometimes it seemed incredible to her all the hard work she had to do to save what her boss left from his own family.

It looked like a blood dog drama! That's why she hated all those spoiled second-generation rich kids! They were capricious, indecisive, selfish, and only knew how to waste their parents' fortune! And yes, she felt a lot of envy of that life full of luxury and comfort without having to do anything! She would give all her fortune to have been born with a golden spoon. How many years did it take her to get where she is today? 30 years? 40 years? Almost her whole life!

She sighed again and leaned back in her chair, completely exhausted.

She needed a long vacation after this, in the last few months she had to collect several personal favors, juggle, and bark like a dog to stabilize the situation. If she hadn't worked there for more than twenty years, she would have left or taken refuge in rival companies.

She sometimes hated being such a loyal person, only the selfish would survive in this indifferent society. But there was nothing to do, her parents had brought her into the world and raised her that way. She couldn't handle her conscience if she didn't do everything in her power to save the company. It was sad to see how the work of her life and the person she admired the most sank while others only sought to tear off the biggest piece before it disappeared completely.


She sighed for the third time and got up, picked up her purse and the suit she had prepared for the next meeting with foreign partners and investors, and headed to the bathroom to get ready. She touched up her makeup trying to disguise her dark circles and fixed her hair. She had to look perfect. Finally, she practiced her business smile and visualized herself achieving her goal.

"I love my work, I love my work, I love my work," she consoled herself after yawning.

She went to the boardroom and turned on the computer and projector. Soon the participants entered and through the speakers, a shower of praise was heard towards her:

"As expected of Mrs. Liu, it was another successful job on your part."

"I can sleep peacefully while you take care of everything at the headquarters."

"I think I speak on behalf of everyone when I say that Mrs. Liu should be the next CEO instead of those useless heirs."

Feifei maintained a calm and professional smile without saying anything until they were silent. Then she began with a brief thank you before moving on to the main point and making the decisions that would decide the future of the company in the next six months.

Some shareholders were disappointed not to receive any other type of reaction from her, but they didn't take it personally either, after all, they already knew her curt personality full of indifferent courtesy.

Three hours later when the first rays of sunlight appeared in the sky, she finally headed home to take a quick nap, play with her dog, and take a shower before leaving for another meeting in the afternoon to officially elect the new CEO.

She felt tired, but also happy and proud, she only needed a little more for all the years of effort to be worth it. Most of the shareholders were on her side and she had several safety plans in case something went wrong.

Born into a poor family, she would soon become one of the richest and most powerful women in the country. So what if the company was going through a difficult time now? In just five, no, three years, she could make the business flourish again.

Yes, she was so happy and lost in her dreams that she did not notice the traffic light change, nor did she hear the legendary truck of destiny rushing to meet the daily quota of souls that needed to be reincarnated.

At that moment she had a baseless and totally illogical feeling that this car accident was inevitable. Even if she was in her car and not walking she would end up like this too. She felt that way.

The few nearby pedestrians screamed in shock, and she could only observe diffuse lights and distant sounds that she couldn't differentiate. Was she going to die like this? Without enjoying an easy life? If she had known this would happen, she would have spent her savings and gone on vacation sooner.

The only good thing she did as a countermeasure to such an accident was that her dog would inherit a significant part of her fortune as a bribe for her next handler to do a good job.

She closed her eyes limply, if there was a second life after death, she really wanted to be a second generation rich daughter. However, too bright a light caused her to open them again. Was it the much rumored light at the end of the tunnel? If it was real? She blinked several times without believing what she read, an advertisement written in gold ink appeared as if it were a fantasy hologram, it even came with small fireworks and powders full of glitter:

[The gods are amazed by your achievements on earth and grant you their grace!]

[Would you like to become an interdimensional merchant?]

[Accept] [Reject]

She wondered if that was a hallucination.

Had she gone crazy from the blow? Was it an illusion before death?

She wanted to ignore it, she was tired and numb, but the image of her dog appeared in her mind. The only thing she would miss was her Border Collie, she didn't want to leave her...maybe she would have another chance to see her and say goodbye to her.

"Well, hope for the best. I accept it."

Soon a blinding light covered her entire field of vision and she wondered if this was a scam, a last test to decide her next life. She wasn't at peace with her early death, but she also didn't consider it wise to die with regret, what if she then turned into a vengeful ghost? She was shaking just thinking about it.

However, as she waited and waited, nothing happened to her. She was floating in white nothingness without feeling anything, so she decided to take advantage of the time to sleep and relax. After all, this was what she wanted to do most.

She had spent many years without resting well, she ate at any time and, in her mind, there was only work. She has no hobbies, no family except her dog, she has no long-term goals except to get a large fortune to live a quiet and very comfortable life in her retirement.

But she had died suddenly, now all her hard work seemed like a joke. She didn't enjoy her life as she would have wanted. It wasn't a bad life, but she still wanted to do so many things.

Without knowing how much time had passed, she felt that her body or her soul was finally moving against her will. The landscape changed quickly and out of habit he blinked. When she opened her eyes, she found herself sitting at a desk as if it were a job interview.

'Even after death, do I have to relive those horrible moments when I was looking for a job? Ugh, the nightmares about this never end.' She thought dejectedly.

"Sorry miss, umh, it seems to me that you agreed to work as an interdimensional merchant, right?" a deep voice asked uncertainly.

She blinked several times without finding the owner of the strange voice. She had heard it in front of her, but no one was there. Reflexively, she smiled politely and nodded. If anything, she had learned in her many years of work experience that no matter how strange or horrible a situation was, she had to take it calmly and wisely. Besides, it would be rude and embarrassing to turn her face to the side just because she didn't see anyone.

"That's right, I accepted that strange announcement before my supposed death, but I don't understand what it means."

"You agreed to something without knowing everything it entails?" the deep voice asked mockingly.

She stiffened and reminded herself several times that she couldn't get worked up in a strange situation like this. The voice was right and she was guilty. She had to put aside her pride.

"Well, between dying and accepting, I preferred to accept. But is it okay for you to talk to me without even showing your face?"

"Ah, sorry, I was forgetting that there are restrictions for weak humans. Please don't panic, miss."

Soon, a six-foot crocodile-like monster with a pig's body and a white robe appeared on the other side of the previously empty desk.

The aura he emanated was malicious and her vertical pupils seemed to mock her again. However, contrary to the stranger's expectations, she did not flinch, not even raising an eyebrow or shouting.

"Wow" she exclaimed without emotion so as not to lose the advantage in the conversation, although inside she was really scared.

"Isn't it very uncomfortable to take things with your claws? You don't even have thumbs, ah, sorry if that sounded rude, I forgot that monsters like you must lead a difficult life." Feifei responded with the same mocking tone he used before.

Yes, she put her pride aside, and was surprised, but the vengeful side of her escaped.

She crossed her legs and prepared for the negotiation. She was a workaholic, but due to different situations she was never a stranger to great literature bestsellers, popular television series or the movies of the moment. It was a shocking scene, but if she remembered that she was not dead and if she ridiculed the situation somehow she could cope with what was happening to her. All under the premise that that thing would not attack her or feel in danger. Now everything seemed like an ugly nightmare.

Furthermore, she was sure that she was at a crucial juncture. The only thing she had to trade was her time, her memories, and possibly her soul. Now it was necessary to know what that monster was looking for.

"Well, now that we can meet, please show me the conditions I just agreed to. I hope you are not just scammers, although there is no heaven or hell, I am sure that if you exist there must also be something even more terrifying there for you who regulate it." She smiled and if her co-workers had seen her, most likely they would have fled with their tails between their legs.

That smile only meant trouble for others.

And it also meant the beginning of her new life.