
I Became an Extra, and to Survive, I Must Kill the MC.

Jin Wei, a Mafia leader, dies during a gang war. However, right after his death, he opens his eyes and finds himself inside the body of a young vampire who came to Earth for exploration. As he accrues the memories of his previous owner, he realizes that he is in a novel world he used to read in his free time before his death. In this world, the MC considers anyone besides humans as evil. In the future, the MC will destroy the entire vampire race. Since Jin Wei was a vampire, he needs to do everything in his power to kill the MC, or he is screwed for sure. --- (Author's Note: Jin Wei is not a hero who will go around saving the world for justice. He is a villain that might destroy the whole world if he thinks it's necessary. Jin Wei will have a big harem as the story progresses. If you're not a fan of this type of MC and story, it might not be the right fit for you. Keep in mind that this is a work of pure fantasy, so our usual common sense might not apply to this novel.)

Stellar_NYX · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Chapter 22 Liam, 'The Dance of the Golden Lion!'

After 6 hours, Aurora came back to the gym and noticed that most of the students were just trying to use flashy moves that they watched in movies.

But a few of them were different, like Liam, Jimmy, Jin Wei, and a few more. Liam was the most exceptional among the group.

All the students who saw Liam's movement thought Liam was merely dancing with his sword. And this was nothing but some flashy moves, not the real swordsmanship. But Aurora could see that it was far from it.

Liam, who was the hero in his previous life, was a master when it came to swordsmanship.

Liam's current actions were precise, his moves were like a dance, every move perfect like a piece of art.

Those who have some knowledge about swordsmanship would never believe that this type of swordsmanship could be played by a young man like him, even if they saw this with their own eyes.

The swordplay Liam was performing was the technique he mastered in his previous life, called 'The Dance of the Golden Lion!'

Liam's master in his previous life taught him this swordsmanship to defeat the demon king. And this swordsmanship was also Liam's strongest skill.

Although his current strength was weakened due to sunlight, still if he used this technique properly, Liam knew that he could even kill some average newly awakened 1-star Bronze rank cultivator without much issue.

Aurora became a bit interested in Liam's display of swordsmanship and thought Liam must have some secret background that he didn't share yet.

But still, she didn't inquire about it because she believed everyone had their secrets, and it was not her duty to uncover all the secrets of everyone.

After Liam, the second-best performance was done by Jimmy. His spearmanship was also top-notch; it's like he is extremely familiar with spears. And that's because Jimmy has been learning spearman-ship from a very young age, and he is considered a genius when it comes to the spear.

Aurora felt no need to teach these two because they are already quite good, and they can learn on their own at this point. As for others, she will think about what to do with them tomorrow.

The next was Jin Wei. Although his swordsmanship was good, it was nowhere near the level of Liam or Jimmy. But his strikes were more deadly compared to those two. When Jin Wei was using his dummy, he was always precisely aiming for the vital spot of the human body.

Aurora then got near Jin Wei and stopped him from doing anything further.

"Everyone, today's class is over. You can go back to your dorm and rest or train, it's your wish," Aurora announced.

Then, happily, most of the students left; except for Jimmy, Jin Wei, Victoria, Ben, and Ken. Even Liam left as he felt very weak right now and he barely had any strength to walk.

Ben and Ken were waiting because Jin Wei told them to talk to him after class. Jimmy was waiting because he wanted to beat up Ben and Ken, and for that, he needed to find them when they were alone, so Jimmy was waiting for that opportunity.

"Now that we are alone, tell me what technique do you practice?" Aurora asked curiously to Jin Wei.

Jin Wei was shocked for a moment, as he considered the possibility that she knew about the technique he was using.

But, then Jin Wei quickly shook his head and let go of that thought because this technique was only practiced on planet Nocturna, so the possibility of her knowing about this technique should be close to zero.

So without wasting much time, Jin Wei lied with a calm face, "I saw my father practice this technique when he was alive. So I was trying to mimic it."

As Aurora heard this, she looked at Jin Wei with a bit of pity in her eyes. Then with a more determined tone, she said, "All right, although I have never seen this technique before, I will help you master it, my disciple."

"Thank you, master!!!" Jin Wei replied with genuine respect in his tone as he did a 45-degree bow.

Although Jin Wei had the memory and information about this technique when he tried using it, he realized that this technique was quite hard to use, and he was practically a newbie when it came to swordsmanship.

So he needs Aurora's guidance to master it. Or with his current progress, he might need a year or two just to master this technique on his own.

As Aurora heard Jin Wei call her master, she grinned inside, she liked the feeling of suddenly gaining a personal disciple.

"All right, from tomorrow onwards, you don't need to attend the first class anymore. I will manage everything, so you can directly come to the gym, and I will help you with your technique." Aurora said, with a smirk.

Jin Wei was shocked for a moment as he never thought she would help him skip the first class. In his eyes, he was just wasting his time when he attended the first class, but still, he couldn't do anything because if someone skipped one class, they needed to give a fine of 10 CP.

And currently, Jin Wei has a little bit over 50 CP, so he didn't want to waste it because of one class. But now Aurora fixed that problem, and now he doesn't need to join the first class anymore.

"Thank you, master, I appreciate it." Jin Wei replied, with a genuine smile on his face.

Jin Wei's genuine gratitude towards her, warmed Aurora's heart, a sensation that she hadn't felt since her mother's death.

Aurora just patted Jin Wei's shoulder and with a smile, she left the gym.

Ben, Ken, and Jimmy were at a distance, so they didn't hear anything about Jin Wei's conversation with Aurora or they all would have been jealous of his luck.

Despite the distance not being small, Victoria heard everything loud and clear due to her heightened senses. But she wasn't interested in this topic, so she kept on practicing with her mastery over bow and arrow.

But no matter how many times she practiced, she could barely hit the target even though she could see the target clearly like it was right in front of her.

After Aurora left, Jin Wei got behind Victoria and hugged her from the back. And before she could resist, Jin Wei grabbed both of her arms and aimed the arrow towards the target. Then without a second thought, he released that arrow.


With a swift sound, the arrow hit the target right on the head.

Victoria was shocked for a moment; she had been trying for 6 hours straight to hit the target, but Jin Wei did it so easily.

Jin Wei then quickly let go of her arm and stopped hugging her.

"Now raise your hand a bit and then shoot." Jin Wei ordered. Victoria just nodded and did what Jin Wei told her.

"Swift!!!" This time she successfully managed to hit the target, although it was on the corner, but still, this was a huge improvement for her because before she couldn't even hit the target.

"All right, you keep on practicing I will be back in a minute." Jin Wei said and went out of the gym with Ben and Ken. And as soon as they left Jimmy followed behind.

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