
I Became an Extra, and to Survive, I Must Kill the MC.

Jin Wei, a Mafia leader, dies during a gang war. However, right after his death, he opens his eyes and finds himself inside the body of a young vampire who came to Earth for exploration. As he accrues the memories of his previous owner, he realizes that he is in a novel world he used to read in his free time before his death. In this world, the MC considers anyone besides humans as evil. In the future, the MC will destroy the entire vampire race. Since Jin Wei was a vampire, he needs to do everything in his power to kill the MC, or he is screwed for sure. --- (Author's Note: Jin Wei is not a hero who will go around saving the world for justice. He is a villain that might destroy the whole world if he thinks it's necessary. Jin Wei will have a big harem as the story progresses. If you're not a fan of this type of MC and story, it might not be the right fit for you. Keep in mind that this is a work of pure fantasy, so our usual common sense might not apply to this novel.)

Stellar_NYX · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Chapter 20 I am not hungry for food though

Jin Wei stood beside Liam's bed, eyes filled with hate and resentment for the unconscious guy in front of him.

He wished he could kill him now, but that was impossible because if he killed him now, the military would retaliate, so he needed to wait for the right time to strike.

"Should I make the military realize that he isn't human but a dangerous blood-sucking monster? Then the military would surely make him a living test subject," Jin Wei thought as an evil grin formed on his face.

But Jin Wei quickly shook his head, abandoning that idea. However, the military might take Liam in as a test subject if he proves that Liam isn't human but a Vampire. But with Liam's thick plot armor and heaven-defying luck, Jin Wei was sure Liam would escape somehow.

Not only that, in the later part of the novel, when Liam introduced humans to the existence of vampires, they built a vampire radar almost immediately using the corpse of a dead vampire.

This helped humanity identify whether someone is a vampire or not, as humans can't tell the difference between humans and vampires just by looking or smelling like Vampires can.

Jin Wei doesn't want something like that to happen, as it will just make him the target of the military, and even Aurora won't be able to save him then.

"Sigh, it's best to let him act normal to avoid causing any problems for me," Jin Wei muttered with a disappointed look.

Liam's condition was worsening as time passed; his skin was turning pale, and it appeared to be aging, though not visibly. If one looked closely for some time, they would realize it.

Jin Wei looked at Liam for another moment, then quickly shook his head to remove all the negative thoughts he had towards Liam for now.

Jin Wei then bit his finger to let his blood enter Liam's mouth.

Since Jin Wei wasn't turning Liam into his subordinate, his blood was now acting just like normal blood with a different taste than human blood.

After drinking a few drops of blood, Liam's skin regained its color and age. Jin Wei's finger had already healed back to normal.

Liam's condition had returned to normal, so Jin Wei decided to leave the room without making any noise.

Fortunately for Jin Wei, Liam woke up right after he left the room, if he had gone a minute later, Liam would have seen his face, and that's something Jin Wei doesn't want to happen since he wishes to remain in the shadows and destroy Liam without him knowing anything.


After his work was done, Jin Wei returned to his dorm, only to find Victoria reading some books she had taken from the library.

Unlike before when Victoria completely ignored him, this time she looked at him as he entered the room but quickly returned to reading the book.

"What are you reading this time? How to please... your husband? Or... about nighttime activities?" Jin Wei asked with a teasing tone as he got near Victoria's table.

"Y-you..." Victoria wanted to say something, but she quickly shook her head and returned to reading the book. As she had already learned her lesson from her previous experience with him.

Jin Wei just chuckled inside and leaned against Victoria's chair. Victoria's scent was like a delicate blend of orchids and an elusive fragrance that hung in the air.

Jin Wei was getting turned on just by smelling her scent, but he quickly regained his composure as he knew it wasn't the time yet.

"Have you eaten anything yet?" Jin Wei asked casually, but his focus was still on the left side of her neck that she wasn't covering.

"No... I didn't feel the need to since after drinking blood, I don't feel any hunger," Victoria replied truthfully without looking back.

"Oh, but I am hungry. What can I do?" Jin Wei said in a playful tone.

"Sigh..." Victoria let out a sigh and got up from her seat as she was about to walk toward the kitchen, but Jin Wei quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her into his embrace.

"Y-you... What are you doing? I-I am going to make something. Wait for a few minutes," Victoria said in a flustered tone and wanted to get out, but Jin Wei's grip tightened as she tried to move.

"I am not hungry for food though," Jin Wei said in a playful tone.

Before Victoria could complain, Jin Wei's fangs began to grow, and Victoria looked at him in horror, and all the scenes from before began to replay in her head.

Jin Wei didn't let her think for much and just bit Victoria's neck and began to drink her blood.

Victoria felt pain at first, but as time passed, the pain turned into pleasure. But she noticed that she was losing her blood rapidly and she thought she might again turn into a dried corpse like before.

But unbeknownst to Victoria, since now she was a Dhampir, she wouldn't turn into a dried corpse in a matter of minutes, because her vitality was something no human could compare with, the more she lost her blood the more she regenerated it back. But if she loses too much blood she will feel hungry and won't be able to think straight.

Out of desperation, Victoria also bit Jin Wei's neck. As soon as blood entered her mouth, she felt like she was enjoying some heavenly liquid that mortals can't even look at, but here she was, drinking it like water.

Although Jin Wei felt Victoria's bite, he didn't feel any discomfort, so he let her be. Both of them were passionately drinking each other's blood.

Now even Victoria was tightly hugging Jin Wei. Her brain was now completely blank, and she couldn't think properly anymore.

Because drinking blood from each other's neck is an act of intimacy for vampires. On planet Nocturna, this type of act is only done in private. Because for them, it's the same as sex, which shouldn't be done in public.

Although male vampires can drink blood from as many female vampires as they want, female vampires are different. They can only drink the blood of one male vampire from his neck, in their life.

After drinking the blood from a male vampire's neck for the first time, a deep seed of love formed in their heart and no matter what, a female vampire can never fall for anyone else after that, and won't have the desire for sex with anyone else besides him.

So female vampires don't go around recklessly drinking the blood from any male vampire's neck they see, because, for them, it's more precious than their life.

But Victoria didn't know that and now, without even knowing the reason, she was completely bound to Jin Wei. Now it's either him or no one, for her.

Although she didn't fall for him yet, as time passed, intentionally or unintentionally she was guaranteed to fall for him, and before or after that happened she wouldn't be able to look for another man even if she wanted to.

After both of them felt satisfied, they both removed their fangs, and their fangs returned to normal.

Both Victoria and Jin Wei were holding each other passionately. While Jin Wei was now licking Victoria's neck where he bit her. Victoria, who was still in heat, couldn't think anything straight so she was just hugging him tightly while pressing her boobs against his chest.

Jin Wei finally lost control and kissed Victoria on her lips, and this time she didn't reject him.

As he kissed her, he couldn't help but be captivated by the taste of her soft, juicy lips. It was a taste he found to be enchanting.

He opened her mouth with his tongue, and she parted her lips, giving way to enter. They both slowly got used to this bliss, their tongues playing with each other.

After some time, they both parted as they were out of breath, a string of saliva could be seen between their lips.

As Jin Wei looked at Victoria, he realized she had already lost consciousness.

"Hahaha,... It seems the heat was too much for her!" Jin Wei laughed and put her on his bed, after he switched off the lights he also slept beside her while tightly hugging her and using her as his bolster.

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