
I Became A Zompirewolf

Do read my new novel **Chimaera's Conquest**. It would mean a lot to me if you could read it and give your valuable review. Thanks in advance. *** In the year 3000, humanity was forced to leave the Earth when a sudden mutation caused more than 70% of the planet's population to mutate either into zombies, werewolves or vampires. The humans put up a fight but didn't have a chance against the united front of the monsters, and they were forced to leave. At least those who were rich and lucky enough to leave. A century later, the chaos on earth had calmed down, but the humans who were left behind were treated like slaves and were forced to join one of the three factions: The Undead, The Cold Ones or The Lycans when they turned 16. It was a similar story for Ashton, who was one week away from being turned into one of the monsters as it was his 16th birthday. He decided to run away from his fate and join the secret resistance to battle against the monsters. However, his plans came to a standstill when a series of misfortunes led him to be bitten by a Zombie, a Vampire and a werewolf before either of his powers could manifest. He ended up receiving all of their powers but at the cost of his humanity. Yet, he wasn't willing to let his humanity die. No matter the cost. Will he be able to live his life, or is it already too late? Which faction will he join? Will he be able to find the secret behind the mutation? There were too many questions, and only one way to find the answers: follow Ashton's journey as he fights back to retain his humanity. *** Discord Server link: https://discord.gg/bjetmPER5p Cover art: Monark Ai Please DM in discord for removal, thank you.

AkshatArpit · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
766 Chs

Contingent (1)

Silence. Absolute silence shrouded the arena. No one could believe what had just transpired there. Donovan, the second strongest werewolf in the city was defeated in such a peculiar and embarrassing way.

But it had happened. Ashton had done the unthinkable, that too without breaking any rule. As much as the crowd was opposed to him winning, in their hearts, they had acknowledged the outsider. Just a bit, but it was more than enough for them to take an interest in him.

That was what most of them were feeling at that moment. Some of them, however, were debating about whether the duel was actually over or not. Some argued that the duel was not over as Ashton had attacked his opponent when he was not prepared.

As for the rest of them, they did not see anything wrong with it. In a real battle, the enemy was not going to ask Donovan to prepare himself before striking him down. He was a veteran, thus he should have been prepared for anything and it was his own fault for underestimating the kid. That was all there was to it.

Neither the mistress nor Donovan could believe what Ashton had done either. But both of them were feeling like that for different reasons. Mistress couldn't believe it as she was elated. After all, her disciple had managed to learn a move she had been teaching him for days.

Donovan, on the other hand, could not believe that he was defeated so easily. The humiliation was too much for him to handle. But for some reason, he did not lash out. He simply got back to his feet, shook the dirt off of himself and walked out of the arena.

This was not like him at all. It would be a lie to say that everyone in the arena did not bet that he was going to attack the kid. They were sure of it, however, much to their surprise, he... did not.

"Are we done now?" Ashton asked the mistress once again just to make sure there was not any other hidden rule that he wasn't aware of.

"Ahem. That'll be all. You have won and you're free to leave."

Ashton did not waste any second and left the arena as well. Tomorrow was going to be a big day. it was the day he would leave Maddencreek and hopefully not return there until it was time for his revenge.

Till then, he only had one goal in his mind to get strong enough to get rid of the mistress and destroy everything she had built over the years. She took everything away from him, thus he was planning on doing the same. Even if he had to sell his soul to the devil.

'I should stop thinking about it too much and only bite what I can chew.' Ashton thought to himself and tried to calm the pounding heart in his chest, 'Taking baby steps is better than running with crunches. Revenge will come in time, first I need to get stronger. Much stronger than I am now.'


The day passed without much trouble. No one disturbed Ashton on his last night in Maddencreek. The guards were shooting him nasty looks every now and then. But after the news of his victory over Donovan spread, even the guards did not dare to do anything to him.

However, just as a precaution, Ashton did not eat anything that he was offered. He couldn't trust Donovan or his close aides to not try to harm him by poisoning his food. Instead, he consumed the food bars he had stored in his inventory just to be safe.

Apart from that, nothing of significance happened. The next morning, Ashton had his stuff packed up and ready to move. There were many things he needed to keep outside as his inventory carried most of his important belongings.

After what seemed like hours had passed, someone finally knocked on his door. He opened it up and was greeted by a very fashionably dressed mistress and her bodyguards standing there. Just like the day he was taken away from the enclosure.

"Everything prepared?" She asked him.

Ashton nodded and grabbed his bag and then headed out with the rest of them. All of them got into several cars and headed to the city which was plainly referred to as 'Contingent'.

Ashton had heard a lot about the city from the mistress. And the way she talked about it seemed like it was the last place the Mistress really enjoyed herself. It was probably also the reason why she was accompanying him.

As even though she was quite an influential personality, there were rules that even she could not break. One of the prominent ones was about those who fcked up the rules.

The mistress never told Ashton why she was banned from entering the city, but he had a vague idea about it being somewhat related to attacking her half-sister, the pure-blooded descendant of the king.

"Let's go. We do not have time to leisure around." The Mistress roared and the drivers raced their cars.