
I became a teacher in otome game

I am a straight guy who is a little girlish inside but I don't love boys and I don't love girls either but somehow I stumble about a story between a gay passerby in otome game who only likes boys but don't literally attach to them. Short story:Completed

Aleah_Calago · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

The second day I work early and stunned to see a girl who is so beautiful with long curl hair with clear white skin,pinklips and Red Ruby eyes.

Even the classmates around me are stunned and schocked to discover that the girl was the villainess who looks evil no matter what expression because of her style and outfit.

When she saw his gaze she smirk and shy at the same time but she was destined to be disappointed when he just look for 5 seconds and quickly return her gaze.

But even so she was so overjoyed about it.As the two bad boys who was teasing the heroine enter.

They were interrupted by one of the bad boy who is pointing to the villainess and schocked.

Even them are surprised that the girl was so beautiful more than the heroine.

Even so the two bad boy still had interest on the heroine while the other one has a crush on villainess even after knowing her identity.

The villainess suddenly had an Idea then she smiled brightly to the boy who talk to her pretending too be shy while glancing to her sensei.

Seeing that sensei didn't even spare a glance to her.

She got angry even so she still cute.

Knowing that the idea won't work she stop talking to the boy who is part of the four bad boy.

One of the bad boy notice it and he has a frown to his face but still he didn't do anything.

As class was noisy because of what's happening to the villain and the third bad boy.

Gossiping around causing my head to hurt.I hurriedly shout at them to tell them to shut up and start the lesson.

As the day continued almost a half a year had passed it's Valentine's day now.

Everyone was now preparing a chocolate gift to each they want to give to.

As I look at my desk who is full of chocolates I suddenly drool of it.

Noticing sensei looks everyone was stunned and shocked to see that even sensei drooled he still look an elegant handsome man.

Girls scream looking at their idol.While boys was envious to him.

Seems like I got closer to them.

I smiled as I recall of my memory of how I reprimand everyone because of the mistakes they than.

It's seems that it's not bad to be a teacher.

As I look to all of my chocolate I prepared a kitty chocolate that I bake for everyone.

I gave one to each student making them smile brightly.

As it was heroine turn she smiled at me shyly while accidently touch my hands for 5 seconds I retract it.

Dismissing the weird expression of heroine.

As she saw what happened she was jealous about it looking at her sensei who was touched by heroine.

Suddenly she was struck by idea when it's villainess turn.

She hold my hand and I was going to retract it but she tightened her grip.

"Miss...Rian"I cough as I notice everyone's look.

The villainess dazed at him then quickly recover her hand.

"gomenasai sensei"she then said in attractive voice as she apologized.

After the class is over I called Arianna Lianna to my class office.

"What's the matter sensei?"

I said something to her to let her stop her feelings.

At first I thought it was just my illusion but as the time passed she won't stop pestering me and what happened later confirmed my guess.


"No buts Arianna your still a student and student and teacher relationship is probihited"I warned her.

But instead of looking sorrow her eyes brightened.

"Then that means you agree with it if I am not a student isn't sensei?"

I was shocked to realized why she was happy.

"No-"before I can refute she hold my hands and fold it.

"Then after I graduate I will marry you sensei"

Thats when our story begins.