
I Became a Reincarnation of Two Legendary

A young woman, Eleanor is suddenly faced with an extraordinary destiny. When a mysterious figure appears before her and reveals that she possesses extraordinary powers, everything changes. With her hidden powers, Eleanor is offered to join a secret organization tasked with maintaining cosmic balance in the world. As part of the organization, she must learn to control her powers and face various challenges that threaten the peace of the world. However, Eleanor's journey is not easy. She must face powerful enemies, unravel the mystery of the existence of two legends that continue to haunt her, know about her true identity, and discover the true purpose of her powers. On her epic journey, Eleanor will discover the true power within herself and change the destiny of the world entrusted to her. "I Became a Reincarnation of Two Legendary" is an epic adventure story of strength, courage, and sacrifice. Read how an ordinary woman transforms into a legendary heroine who will decide the fate of the world.

Wina_Valentina · Fantasy
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27 Chs


The banter between Eleanor and Alex echoed through the city streets, a lively soundtrack to their stroll. The weight of the day's events lingered, but the companionship between Eleanor and Alex served as a comforting distraction. Arriving at her apartment building, gratitude filled Eleanor's voice as she turned to Alex. "Thanks for accompanying and comforting me, Alex. I needed this after today," she said, the warmth of the moment lingering as she contemplated his next words. 

Alex grinned, "Anytime, El. You know I'm just a call away. Oh, would you like to have dinner together tomorrow? My parents always ask about you, Ellie. They really miss you, especially my mom. She keeps saying how she wants to see you." 

Alex's grin widened. "So…Would you like to have dinner at my house tomorrow?"

Eleanor looked down, thinking of Alex's invitation. "Mrs. Anderson, yeah... I haven't seen her in a long time," she murmured with a glimpse of eyes that seemed to be both happy and nostalgic. "Sure, I'd love to. I haven't tasted Mrs. Anderson's cooking for a long time. Tell your parents I'm excited to see them too." 

With a wave, Eleanor entered the apartment building, her thoughts racing as she rode the elevator to her floor. Hoping for a peaceful night, Eleanor reached her apartment door and entered. After a quick wash, she slipped into bed. 

"Haa... finally, I feel the bed. Today was so strange. I wonder, will I experience another strange occurrence tomorrow? The world that I used to face with boredom has now become strange and full of mysteries. Somehow it scares me and makes me want to go back to my monotonous life. Hopefully... tomorrow returns... to nor...mal..." she murmured, staring at the ceiling with tired eyes.

In the dream, amidst laughter and joyous moments, Eleanor's younger self raced towards her parents, a handful of freshly picked flowers in her tiny grasp. She held them out with a beaming smile, her eyes sparkling with innocence.

"Eleanor, sweetheart, these are beautiful!" her mother exclaimed, accepting the flowers with a gentle hug. Her father ruffled her hair affectionately, a proud grin on his face. "Our little flower princess," he teased, earning giggles from Eleanor.

As they continued to stroll through the dream garden, Eleanor's mother knelt down to her level, cupping her face with loving hands. "You know, Ellie, no matter what happens, we'll always be with you. In your heart, in your memories," she whispered, the words carrying a profound warmth.

Eleanor nodded, a sense of security enveloping her. "I love you, Mom!"

"How about Daddy?" Eleanor's father also wants her attention. 

Eleanor ran over and hugged and kissed her father, "I love you, Dad!"

The dream shifted, and the family found themselves sitting on a blanket, enjoying a picnic. 

Eleanor's father produced a guitar, strumming a gentle melody. Her mother began to sing, her voice melodic and soothing. The dream resonated with a sense of unity, creating a cherished memory that Eleanor held close to her heart.

The atmosphere was filled with laughter, singing, and smiles on the faces of Eleanor and her parents. It was a beautiful, calm, and cozy dream.

The dream shifted, and a subtle shadow cast its veil over the idyllic scene. 

The once vibrant meadow darkened, and Eleanor found herself standing at the edge of a cliff, overlooking a void that seemed to swallow the light. Confusion clouded her eyes as she saw her parents, their figures becoming mere silhouettes in the encroaching darkness.

The dream plunged into a chilling nightmare, the temperature dropping as a cold wind whispered of ominous events. 

The laughter faded into desperate cries, and the sun was replaced by a cold, haunting moon. Eleanor stood frozen as she witnessed the reenactment of the tragic accident that had torn her family apart.

The screeching of tires, the shattering of glass, the world spinning out of control — each element unfolded before her, a cruel reminder of the cruel twist of fate. The dream transformed into a vortex of despair, where she could hear her own voice, small and helpless, calling out for her parents in vain.

The dream echoed with Eleanor's cry, "Mom! Dad! What's happening?" Her voice was filled with terror as she witnessed the heartbreaking scene.

"Mom! Wake up! It's hurt! Ellie's bleeding." called little Eleanor who tried to wake her mother by shaking her. 

"Daddy! Mommy's bleeding! Dad, wake up! Help!" little Eleanor who was also trying to wake up her father.

Little Eleanor cried and screamed so loudly that she didn't feel the wound she got.

Eleanor was jolted awake, her breath quick and labored, the transition from the dream world to reality left her disoriented. 

The room was dimly lit, and a lingering chill clung to her skin. 

Wiping away the residual tears, Eleanor slowly sat up in bed. The weight of the haunting dream clung to her, a stark contrast to the morning sun peeking through her window. 

She took a deep breath, trying to ground herself in the reality of her apartment. The line between dreams and waking life blurred, and Eleanor couldn't shake off the lingering sense of loss and the comforting presence of her parents' voices.

As the weight of the nightmare settled in her chest, Eleanor found herself whispering to the silent room. "Mom! Dad! I missed you!" Eleanor's voice cracked as she called out, her eyes misty with unshed tears.

As Eleanor gathered herself from the remnants of the nightmare, she felt a profound sense of grief lingering in the room. The images of the dream haunted her thoughts, and the echoes of her younger self's desperate cries still resonated in her ears.

Eleanor took a deep, shuddering breath, trying to dispel the remnants of the haunting dream that clung to her like a shadow. Her chest tightened, and she found herself grappling with the suffocating weight of the nightmare. 

She reminded herself that it was just a dream, a vivid and unsettling manifestation of her subconscious. Despite the vividness, Eleanor decided to face the new day with resilience and strength.

The morning sun painted a warm glow across the city as Eleanor rose from her bed. Determined to leave the unsettling dream behind, she went about her morning routine. The familiar sounds of the city outside her window reassured her that she was back in the reality she knew.

With each step, Eleanor focused on the routine tasks, the comforting normalcy of her actions helping to ground her. The aroma of coffee filled her apartment as she prepared her morning brew, and the familiar sounds of the bustling city below became a soothing backdrop.

As Eleanor sipped her coffee, she looked out of the window, letting the warmth of the morning sun caress her face. "Alright, Eleanor, you've faced stranger things," she mumbled, her voice barely audible in the stillness of the morning. "Dreams are just the mind's way of processing... whatever it's processing."

With a determined nod, Eleanor continued her internal pep talk. 

"Today is a new day," Eleanor declared to herself, determination etched on her features. "I won't let a haunting dream dictate how I feel." Yet, the flicker of uncertainty in her eyes betrayed the inner struggle to push aside the lingering emotions.

As she moved through the familiar motions of getting ready for the day, Eleanor hummed a tune, "La la la, none of that nightmare nonsense," she sang softly, her voice carrying a hint of defiance. Yet, beneath the carefree tune, there was a subtle undertone of uncertainty—a melody trying to drown out the haunting echoes of her dreams.

Upon stepping into her workplace, Eleanor was engulfed by the bustling energy of her surroundings, greeted by the familiar hum of activity. With genuine warmth, she exchanged greetings with her coworkers, the transition into the work environment seamless. With a playful twinkle in her eye, Eleanor announced, "Hey, guys! Ready for another day of conquering the challenges the world throws at us?" 

"Hey, Eleanor! How's it going?" Lisa asked, flashing a friendly grin.

Eleanor, determined to keep the positive energy flowing, replied with a cheerful tone, "Oh, you know, the usual roller-coaster of life. How about you two? Anything exciting happening today?"

Richard's eyes lit up with excitement as he leaned in, "Just the usual grind. But hey, did you hear about that new coffee place that opened down the street? We were thinking of checking it out during our break." He glanced at Eleanor, a hopeful smile playing on his lips, "Care to join?"

A spark lit up Eleanor's eyes, and a smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she imagined the upcoming coffee break with her coworkers. "Absolutely! A change of scenery sounds perfect. Let's do it!"

The trio strolled through the city streets, exchanging banter and laughter. As they stepped inside, the warm, inviting scent of freshly brewed coffee wrapped around them like a comforting embrace, instantly lifting their spirits and creating a cozy atmosphere.

Throughout the day, Lisa, Richard, and Eleanor engaged in lighthearted conversations, sharing stories, and occasionally getting lost in laughter helped Eleanor push the lingering memories of the nightmare to the background.

Eleanor sat back down at her desk, her steps lighter and her shoulders relaxed. She hummed softly to herself as she organized her papers, the lingering weight of the dream now a distant memory. 

As the day progressed, Eleanor felt the weight of the haunting images from her nightmare gradually recede, replaced by the warmth of laughter and the comforting rhythm of everyday life and grateful for the absence of any strange occurrences.