
I Became a Reincarnation of Two Legendary

A young woman, Eleanor is suddenly faced with an extraordinary destiny. When a mysterious figure appears before her and reveals that she possesses extraordinary powers, everything changes. With her hidden powers, Eleanor is offered to join a secret organization tasked with maintaining cosmic balance in the world. As part of the organization, she must learn to control her powers and face various challenges that threaten the peace of the world. However, Eleanor's journey is not easy. She must face powerful enemies, unravel the mystery of the existence of two legends that continue to haunt her, know about her true identity, and discover the true purpose of her powers. On her epic journey, Eleanor will discover the true power within herself and change the destiny of the world entrusted to her. "I Became a Reincarnation of Two Legendary" is an epic adventure story of strength, courage, and sacrifice. Read how an ordinary woman transforms into a legendary heroine who will decide the fate of the world.

Wina_Valentina · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 4 Meeting a Mysterious Woman

The cosmos-filled dimension stretched endlessly, with vast plains under a purple sky adorned with radiant stars. Eleanor felt despair taking hold of her amidst this celestial expanse. 'I'm tired. I want to go home,' she whispered, eyes empty, the surrounding emptiness echoing her inner void. 

'I never signed up for this. How did I end up here?' she thought, her mind racing with the impossibility of her situation. The stars above, though beautiful, offered no solace as they twinkled in the purple sky, distant and unattainable. As Eleanor pondered, a spark of resolution appeared. "I can't be here forever. I have to find a way out," she resolved, preparing to escape the cosmos-filled dimension. 

As Eleanor ventured further into the cosmos-filled dimension, her steps became a deliberate journey into the unknown. The vast plains stretched endlessly, and the purple sky above seemed to hold secrets yet to be unveiled. 

She saw a dazzling glimmer of light.

"What is that light? Is that... the way out?" she asked, her eyes fixed on the mesmerizing light that seemed to dance with ethereal energy. 

The distant light was a dazzling beacon, a shimmering anomaly in the cosmic landscape. As Eleanor closed the gap between herself and the radiant source of light, her thoughts swirled with a mixture of apprehension and wonder. 

The closer it got, the bigger the light became. It seemed to pulsate with life, radiating a captivating energy that drew her like a moth to a flame. Eleanor's mind was filled with questions. 'What is this light? Is this the way out?' 

As she reached out her hand to touch the light, hoping to escape the dimension, the sharp shock that followed brought her back to the reality of this strange dimension. "Ouch!!!" she screamed, gritting her teeth against the lingering pain. The light, which was now vibrating even more strongly, seemed to respond to her presence, pulling her closer.

Despite her attempts to avoid the radiant rays, an unstoppable attraction pulled Eleanor toward the object. Panic surged within her as she screamed, "Oh God! What is this?! Help!" 

The glowing light enveloped her, a surreal experience amplifying her internal struggle. Eleanor's scream struggled to escape her throat, swallowed by the overwhelming radiance. Panic surged within her, a mixture of fear and confusion amplifying the disorienting experience. 

She found herself amidst a cacophony of voices, snippets of conversations from unknown individuals echoing in her mind. 

"Arghhh, it hurts!" someone groaned. 

"I'm hungry, maybe it's lunchtime." another voice chimed in. 

"What time is it? Should we get ready?" a third voice asked. 

'Why am I hearing these voices? Whose thoughts are these? Is this a shared consciousness?' Eleanor wondered, her mind grappling with the unfamiliar chatter. 

"Please, hold on! Stay awake!" The urgency in one voice pierced through. 

"Get another bandage, hurry!!" Another voice, frantic. 

"Help, we need help!!" echoed in desperation. 


"What do you want to eat today?"

Someone sighed, "Ah, tired... I want a vacation."

"That's terrible! My head's like blowing up!" Eleanor's chubby, frustrated.

Eleanor felt a disconnect from reality as the faint, mysterious voices continued to reverberate in her mind. Her own silence couldn't suppress the unexpected voices.

She tried to calm herself down, but the voices were getting more and more disturbed and confused. "What should I do? How can I escape this cacophony?" Eleanor whispered, a sense of desperation in her voice. 

The noise threatened to envelop Eleanor's very being when suddenly, a hand appeared, rescuing her from the dissonance. 

As Eleanor took a breath, her eyes fluttered open to a surreal sight—a mysterious woman enveloped in a vibrant green aura. The ethereal glow seemed to emanate from the woman herself, casting an otherworldly ambiance around her. Her green eyes radiate a calming depth, and her presence implies an unexpected aura of calm.

"Are you okay?" The woman's voice was gentle, carrying a calming tone that penetrated the chaos that had previously surrounded Eleanor's senses.

Eleanor blinked, still trying to stabilize herself. "I... I don't know what's going on. Who are you? How can you get me out of there?"

"Thank God you're alright. Don't let that noise overwhelm you," the woman replied, her calm expression unchanged. 

"You're trapped in the energy of disturbance in your soul, the side effects after touching the Celestial Core. I helped you come back." She explained, her words carrying an air of cosmic understanding. 

Eleanor, still bewildered, found herself on the cusp of unraveling mysteries beyond her comprehension. "Ha? The energy of disturbance in my soul? Wait... but... I don't understand. How could that happen?" Eleanor whispered, confused.

The woman chuckled. "The Celestial Core identified the energy within you and awakened your power. You're incredible, Eleanor. The energy within you resonates with cosmic energy, marking you as a significant presence within the Celestial range."

Eleanor tried to understand the woman's words but was getting more confused. "Sorry, I don't understand. So… what happened to me?"

"So, for example, you actually have an incredible power all this time. However, that power didn't awaken because you didn't activate it," she explained slowly so Eleanor could understand. "This Celestial Core can identify and awaken the energy within your body."

Eleanor's mind shakes, trying to grasp the mysterious revelation. "Then... Why did I hear voices that I didn't know?"

"I don't know what you heard there. But when you go through it again, remember who you are, your name, and say it over and over again. Because that noise can take over your body, causing you to lose your identity," the woman replied, her calm gaze remaining unwavering. 

"Don't worry, you'll be fine. I'm here with you." The woman replied confidently.

"I see. Anyway, thank you for saving me. But, who are you? How could you be here? How do I get out of here?" asked Eleanor, asking many questions at once out of curiosity.

"Okay. Okay. Let's take it step by step. I'm Seraphina Theralea, but you can call me Sera. As for you, Eleanor, you are the reincarnation of—" 

Before that woman could conclude her revelation, an inexplicable silence enveloped Eleanor. It was a moment pregnant with anticipation, hinting at the weight of secrets yet to be unveiled. 

Eleanor saw the woman's lips moving again, but she couldn't hear her voice. As if her words were lost in the wind, echoing faintly but incomprehensible. In confusion and powerlessness, Eleanor tried to focus on the woman's face, trying to read her lips, but in vain. Her surroundings seemed to fade and shrink, ruining her vision.

As Eleanor struggled to digest her situation, she suddenly felt pulled back—an exciting sensation signaling her return. The cosmic brilliance began to fade and shine brightly. Slowly regaining consciousness, Eleanor found herself in the library once again, the dazzling light replaced by the hushed atmosphere of familiar bookshelves. The transition left her disoriented and struggling to make sense of her surroundings. 

However, soon she realized that there was something wrong around her. The usual calm and quiet atmosphere in the library, this time so bitter. 

She hears a thousand whispers, and the voice of those who speak in confusion, and hears the speaking of the troubled. Eleanor tries to get up and understand what's going on. 

As she looked around, she was surprised to see a lot of people gathered around the library area, some of whom were even police officers who seemed to be trying to control the situation.

Later, her eyes struck when she realized that everyone around her seemed surprised to see her presence suddenly appearing in this library.

In the midst of a crowd of confused people, she saw a man standing somewhat far away, staring at her with a blend of wonder, anxiety, and relief. That's Alex, her friend who accompanied him to the library to find out about Arcanum.

Alex immediately stepped closer to Eleanor; his face full of anxiety. "Ellie, what's going on? You suddenly show up here and in a situation like this. Are you okay?"

Eleanor tried to explain, but her voice still sounded cramped and weak. "I... I don't know. There's something weird... in... somewhere else. I don't know how I came back here."

Before they could talk further, police officers approached them to question the situation. When asked by the police, Eleanor felt very weak and began to lose consciousness.

Looking at Eleanor's unconsciousness, it's becoming more chaotic.

Amidst the chaos, Eleanor was taken by an ambulance to the hospital for further treatment. Everyone involved, including Alex, followed this process with deep confusion.

After arriving at the hospital, doctors and medical staff performed various tests and examinations to find out what had actually happened to Eleanor. However, the results did not provide clear answers.

"How's Ellie Doc? "Will she be, okay?" Alex asked anxiously.

"We are still examining the patient. Don't worry. Have you registered? You can get in touch with her parents," replied the doctor who treated Ellie.

"Ellie is an orphan. Can I represent her?" Alex asked.

"All right," the doctor replied briefly.

As the police guarded the Emergency Room where Ellie was being treated, Alex attended to all the necessary administrative tasks at the receptionist's desk. 

It's been three days, Eleanor was transferred to the inpatient room but still unconscious. There's no sign she's going to be conscious.

Witnessing Eleanor's prolonged unconsciousness, Alex's worry deepened, prompting him to seek answers from the doctor who had been attending to her. "What happened to her, Doctor? Why doesn't she wake up?" asked Alex with anxiety.

"I would like to inform you that Eleanor's patient's condition is quite complicated. We have carried out various medical tests and in-depth examinations, but until now, she has shown no signs of consciousness. From the tests we did, we found no significant physical injury. But there is a disturbance in her brain activity. We suspect that, after the incident she experienced in the library, there may be a disturbance in her central nervous system," explained the doctor who treated Eleanor.

"Is there any hope that she will wake up?" asked Alex in a desperate tone.

"We're committed to doing everything we can. Eleanor needs rest and meticulous care at this point. Time will be her ally in recovery. I'll keep you posted on her progress," the doctor reassured with a touch of concern in his voice. 

Alex felt devastated by the news. "Thank you, Doctor. Please take care of Ellie as best as you can."

The doctor gave an understanding smile. "Of course. We'll do our best for her."

After talking to the doctor, Alex felt even more worried about Eleanor's condition. He promised in his heart that he would stay by her side, providing support and hope that his friend would wake up from her long sleep. Alex left the doctor's office with a mix of concern and strong hope.

After an agonizing three days, Eleanor's eyes fluttered open, and the sterile hospital room bore witness to her slow awakening. Dizzy and weak, she sensed a slight improvement from her previous state of unconsciousness. Alex, Eleanor's concerned and supportive friend, who had been poised in a chair nearby, was quick to approach her. Ellie? Are you awake? Can you hear me?" asked Alex with a relieved voice. 

Eleanor responded by nodding slowly, her facial expression still pale and weak. She tried to gather her strength to speak, but her voice was still shaky and weak.

Alex immediately called the doctor who took care of Eleanor. 

After a while, the doctor arrived and conducted a quick examination on Eleanor. "Doctor, how's Ellie doing?" asked Alex anxiously. The doctor performed a comprehensive examination on Eleanor and then explained to Alex. "Eleanor is still in the process of recovery. Her condition is not fully stable. We will continue to monitor her progress. The hope is that she will recover well." 

Alex nodded, relief evident in his expression as he heard the positive update. "Thank you, Doctor. Is there anything I can do to help Ellie?"

"She needs rest and further treatment. We have to give her time to recover. You can provide support and encouragement for her," the doctor replied.

The news of Eleanor's consciousness finally spread rapidly, leading to a surge of journalists and police officers flooding the hospital area. Observing the situation, Alex requested time for Eleanor's complete recovery before facing reporters, wanting to ensure that his friend was in good condition before being pressured by public announcements. 

Suddenly, in the midst of the crowd, an unknown woman entered the inpatient room, dressed in an elegant white attire with a calm aura. With calm steps, she approached Eleanor's bedside. Alex, recognizing the presence of a stranger, prepared to inquire about her identity. However, before Alex could say a word, the woman gently touched Eleanor's forehead. As she did, a faint glow emanated from the point of contact, and the room was filled with the subtle scent of lavender, calming and otherworldly, heightening the sensory experience."