
I became a ntr protagonist

Togi despised NTR and anything associated with it. Betrayed by his wife, he emerged from the ordeal a half-dead shell, only to transform into an MMA master driven by revenge. But after losing his chance exacting his vengeance, he found himself empty. Summoned by a goddess, he was forced to endure tragic hentai, fueling his anger to new heights. Now, more determined than ever, he sets out on a quest for vengeance against those who exploit and inflict emotional pain. gantz will be the main plot line mc will not be ntr after the first chapter and pics have been added

Borg_Zilong · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

milf acquired

When I woke up, it felt like I was living a whole new life. Memories flooded in, but they weren't mine, they were of someone else. It was confusing

I am now togawa a highschooler who grew up in a drug addicted household who had ties with the Yakuza.

When I was 10, my parents died from drugs. I watched them waste away, and I swore I'd never touch that stuff. It was disgusting, what it did to them. But their addiction left me with a debt to the Yakuza. I didn't ask for any of it, but now I'm left dealing with the consequences.

Even though he was still 10 at the time, the Yakuza didn't take it easy on him and made him do jobs such as kidnapping and blackmailing.

As I pieced together the final memories, a darkness crept over me. Despite my initial resistance, I could feel my personality twisting. "Even though I was just a kid, I'm still trash," I thought bitterly. It was a harsh realization, one that weighed heavily on me.

Then he looked towards the sweaty naked woman laying next to him.

It was Ms. Tomoko, the victim of the hentai called a mother's love.

"And I was the trash who hurt this family." I was a bit sadden

"What's wrong?" Ms. Tomoko looked at him lovingly

In the hentai togawa had bullied his classmate masanobu but it didn't stop there he even went and tricked his mother into having sex with him.

"It's too late," I thought despairingly, watching as Togawa's actions unfolded in my mind. "He's already done the deed." The realization hit hard, Ms. Tomoko was already corrupted, irreversibly tainted by Togawa's manipulation and deceit.

My gaze went up and down her body, even though she was in her late 30s, she was still extremely beautiful and gave a mature feeling. Her bosom was the hugest togawa had ever seen and they didn't sag.

I had felt hot and felt something I hadn't in a long time.

I slap myself hard, snapping out of my thoughts . "This is no time for that, Togi!" I scold myself, shaking off the distraction and refocusing on the situation at hand.

"Ah, Togawa, what's going on with you? Why are you suddenly hurting yourself?" Ms. Tomoko looked worried as she caressed my cheek

"..I have something to tell you. But first let's get cleaned up" togawa stood up and went to the bathroom.

Ms. Tomoko had a bit of a dissatisfied on

her face but quickly shook it with a blush

They both took a shower at the same time but togawa not once had his eyes on her. She was disappointed but was more worried about what was happening and if she did something wrong.

"Now tell me what's the matter?" Ms. Tomoko demanded, her tone a mix of distress and urgency as she sat across from Togawa.

I finally summoned the courage to look her in the eyes and confessed, "Ms. Tomoko, I was the one who's been bullying your son.""

In the hentai the ending would've been a scene where the masanobu would've seen his mother being raped by togawa but he didn't do anything but watch. He was week willed and every morning after that day he would let togawa and his friends rape his mother in exchange that they wouldn't bully him.

Masanobu is also trash in my eyes. I couldn't believe that someone would just let that happen to their own mother

"I won't let that happen to you," I promised, my gaze fixed on the woman before me.

"W-what do you mean?" Ms. Tomoko's shock and hurt were evident in her voice. The innocent boy she had known was now confessing to bullying her son, and she struggled to believe it.

Seeing the pain reflected in her eyes, I bit my lip, overcome with guilt. "I'm sorry for lying to you and taking advantage of you," I confessed, rising from my seat to perform a 90-degree bow.

Ms. Tomoko's sense of betrayal was palpable. "Why... why would you do this?" Her voice was barely a whisper, robbed of its usual strength.

As I lifted my head, I witnessed Ms. Tomoko's trembling shoulders. Prepared to face her anger, I was instead met with something even more painful. Tears streamed down her face, hidden behind a curtain of hair. She clenched her fists and glared at me with misty eyes.

In that moment, my heart squeezed with remorse, realizing the extent of the hurt I had caused.

"I—" I faltered, feeling stuck in a whirlwind of guilt and self-loathing. "Togawa, you trash, how could you do this?" Even if I insisted it wasn't me who committed those acts, who would believe me? It would only hurt Ms. Tomoko more, and that was the last thing I wanted.

"I was a piece of trash before, but I've changed," I managed to continue, my voice strained. "At first, I was just having fun with you."

Ms. Tomoko trembled with anger as she stood up, preparing to slap me. "You!" she started, but then hesitated, her expression conflicted.

"The time I spent with you was real, and I don't want you to think it was all fake," I insisted, bracing myself for her reaction.

She sat back down silently, so I pressed on. "I'll take any punishment. That's why I came clean. I don't want to lie to you anymore," I confessed earnestly. "I'll take responsibility for my actions. I'll apologize to Masanobu and make sure no one bullies him again." Ms. Tomoko remained silent, her emotions unreadable.

Taking a deep breath, I reached out and gently took her hand in mine. "Ms. Tomoko, I won't ask for forgiveness, but let me make it up to you," I pleaded, my heart pounding. Kneeling down on one knee, I met her gaze, but she avoided it, causing a pang of hurt to shoot through me.

"Then how will you take responsibility?" she asked in a quiet voice, her words barely audible.

"Ms. Tomoko," I began, determined to follow through with my decision. "If you'll allow me, I want to make things right. I won't regret this," I thought to myself, resolute in my choice.

"If you let me, in the future, let me marry you," I finally confessed, my heart pounding in my chest as I awaited her response.

She stammered in shock, and I could almost imagine steam coming out of her head. My heart skipped a beat, anticipation and fear mingling within me.

"B-but, no, our age difference is too big and I'm old enough to be your mom."

"I'm ok with that" togawa said with conviction

Poof Another mini explosion happens in Ms. Tomok head

In reality I would be the creep since I was 60 in my past life. So that means I would be going after someone who was 20 years younger than me.'

"Ms. Tomoko, I love you. Don't you love me?" I blurted out, my heart pounding with a mix of nerves and hope. "This is fine, right? My mission was to save people, but I could live a little too, right?" I reasoned with myself, trying to justify my feelings.

Moving closer to her face, I could see trails of tears that remained. "Ah, n-no, we can't," she stuttered, though her resistance was feeble.

Despite her words, she didn't push me away. Her breath quickened, and then she closed her eyes. I took that as a silent affirmation.

"I'm home!" In an instant, Ms. Tomoko shoved me away, her sudden movement catching me off guard.

'Dam I forgot, I was too caught up in the moment." In the hentai Masanobu came home early because togawa had texted him to come home early and that there was a surprise waiting for him, which was togawa having sex his mother.

"Why are you here, Togawa?" Masanobu's question was accompanied by a piercing gaze that seemed to search for any hint of wrongdoing. He glanced between me and Ms. Tomoko, his fists clenched in suspicion.