
Chapter 18

With a filled belly I once again sneak around and search for a new hiding place because staying too long on the same spot isn't really safe.

I may have become a little too paranoid, but I won't try and change it till it leads to a loss that wasn't worth it.

My next hideout is small cave which leads around three meters deep and is one and a half meters high.

I crawl inside and make myself comfortable, to continue my magic experimentations.

Once again lost in my research I spend the rest of the night in a trance like condition.

With aching bones, I look out of my small cave and carefully scan the area around me, with no threat in sight I crawl out and give my body a good stretch.

I achieved some results from my experimentations but not nearly enough.

The arsenal of spells in my possession are only a simple contract magic which won't be of any use against any intelligent lifeform because they can simply refuse it.

The others are weaker variations of lightning spells that are made out of different fragments of the giant magic circle that hit me on my escape.

But while I was immersed in my research a feeling of being watched keeps eating on the back of my thoughts.

With no method to confirm this feeling I threw it into a corner of my mind and increased my vigilance a little.

I start sneaking around the forest in the search for some prey to fill my empty belly.

A big boar with brown stone plates caught my attention as it is very similar to the one that I aet in the laboratory just bigger.

With caution I sneak up on it and kill it with a precise strike through the eye with my tail while I hide in the branches above it.

It tastes good but didn't give me a new blueprint just like the green deer that I killed before.

Maybe because I already have the earthen heart the boar didn't give me anything new, but I have no idea why the deer didn't give a new part.

I continue to dwell on this train of thought for the time it takes to eat the boar.

Once finished I jump back onto the branches above and wander around in search for a new hideout.

In my search I unknowingly approached the edge of the forest again and stare at the village in the distance.

Damn curiosity.

I turn around and disappear behind the many trees and bushes.

While walking I already piece a plan together which will allow me to interact with other intelligent creatures and the core of it is the new organ which I have pushed aside for the time being because of my research on normal mana.

But now that I have a moderate mastery over normal mana, I feel prepared enough to start experimenting with the new spiritual mana.

In a new tree I start the feeding process again and observe the transformation of the normal mana into spiritual mana.

The new spiritual mana feels like mist while normal mana feels like still water and the evolution energy feels like a river that moves on its own.

I try and manipulate the mist like spiritual mana and shape it, but it was really hard, and I only manage to create a crude version of the beam that the dangerous creature used.

To form spiritual mana into a barrier it takes a lot of time and focus.

A new season of researching and experimenting starts up in the treetop.

Time passes and a thirty-centimeter big green bird flies around the tree for a while, then he starts to make some strange maneuvers.

He fly's in thigh circles and flips around without minding its own security till it eventually crashes into the round.

I observe the whole process from my tree while controlling the bird remotely with a modified version of the contract magic.

While the original only allowed to give orders to the being under contract, this new version which is created by using spiritual mana allows me to directly control the being under contract and also share its senses as if I possessed it.

I also managed to dissect the contract magic and filter out the part which allows the contractor to communicate with the contracted to create a prototype telepathy.

Satisfied with these achievements I switch my focus to the problem of me being watched.

The feeling intensified a lot in the last hours and I get kind of restless which isn't good for future research.

With a new goal in mind I climb down the tree and start moving away from the village.

It is to much of a threat to continue and linger around.

Fuck you curiosity.

I accelerate into the woods and disappear behind the many plants.

After a while an elve with brown and green leather armor comes out of the nearby tree and slowly moves into the direction in which I disappeared.

The whole thing plays out in front of my inner eye as I watch through the vision of a small squirrel like creature that I control via modified contract.

My eyes narrow at the sight of the elve as I wasn't able to detect him with my antennas which is a bad thing for me.

With such a case right behind me I immediately start to think of different methods to scan my surroundings.

The antennas have proven to be unable to detect this enemy, so I already start to upgrade them with my new resources.

Mana, normal and spiritual starts circulating into my antennas in hope to give them a boost in their detection capabilities.