219 Jeanne Makes Her Move

A large van drove in slowly into an abandoned flour factory in a remote suburb west of Chu City. After the car parked in the garage, its door opened, and a burly man jumped out of the driver's seat. He was the same burly man who had threatened Lin Zhao and given her the phone.

The moment he got out of the car, a masked woman in a black veil walked over to him, and behind the woman was a group of people in black clothes, both men and women, each of them carrying a fierce and dangerous feeling. They should all be soldiers.

Even in front of her own people, the woman still covered her face and spoke with a voice changer on her throat.

"Are you sure you don't leave a tail?"

"No, I circled around the city and I changed a car in the underground garage halfway. It took a lot of time. There will be no tail." The man replied.


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