
I became a Katana and a Monster

Currently on Haitus Do you like soul eater? Then this is not for you. Do you like Pokemon? Then this is not for you Why? Because I put the fucking two!!! This is a Soul Eater and Pokemon mixed together with a bit of gore, this is a story of a man who has to get stronger, yeah it's cliche, so I beg you not to read it! This is all about fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, a nonsense synopsis. Are you interested? Then go read it! Burn your eyes to the core then rate this one-star after, Gawdamit!! I don't accept any rating except one-star! If it's not one-star, then it's a troll! Show and Tell? I don't care about that, and for those who wanted to read an immersive plot, this story not for you!! ADVANCE SIXTEEN CHAPTERS: https://www.patreon.com/Puji_maki Warning: -I can't promise you high-quality content since I write two other stories, I can't put all my time here. - You may found some errors here in there but I'm confident that this novel will be readable. -If I don't like the performance of this novel, I will drop this after hundred chaps. -I only accept a one-star rating. -I will update 5× a week. -I will put all of my shit here in this story. - Please leave a shitty review.

pujimaki · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
97 Chs

Chapter 10

Kabanata 10

He touched his chest, two different powers were residing in him. Keenan was confused as he tilted his head, did he awakened another power when he class-up? Keenan knew that this second power was distinct and not like his Katana power. He furrowed his forehead as he didn't know why this happened, although instead of being afraid, Keenan was excited. He understood that this new power was unique and potent. He felt it, this sensation of overwhelming strength. 

He clasped as felt the changes in his body. He was optimized from head to toe. 

Keenan closed his eyes, he concentrated to learn his new power. The two powers deep in him were constantly erupting, alive, although the new ability had a powerful glint and was different from his Arma Katana type.

"T- this is, a Bestia! A unique one!"

He became excited as his voice quivered, the light of his new ability was shining brighter even though it was weaker than his Arma Katana type.

[Hekatonkheires- Unique Bestia]


[1st Skill: Invisible Hands: unseen Hands/Arms are attached to the hilt of the katana and they could move based on what the user wants. Maximum reach, ten meters. Range increase as the user gained Rank.]

He gained the ability to create invisible Hands. Keenan widened his eyes, he was amazed at the skill. His mouth was open but he couldn't utter any words. Having invisible Hands increased his chances of survival in this place. He could use these Hands to be his defense or offense, although one thing was not clear for him.

"Hekatonkheires? What's that? Besides, I can't transform into a beast? I can only have Hands...? Well, it's not good to be picky, the fact that I gained another power is already enough. On top of that, the Hands are invisible, this is great!"

He almost wanted to scream. 

The two corners of his lips were curled upward. He was smiling like a child who received a special Christmas present, well he did receive one. With this, he could use his Hands to attack the monsters unnoticed, this was a great Skill despite being the first Skill of Hekatonkheires.

"This means that when I reached Class-B with the Hekatonkheires, I will gain another unique Skill… but first, I have to inspect if this power had high potential, perhaps reaching Class-C is the highest level. It says Unique Bestia, right? Class-S maybe?"

His excitement subsided as he realized that his second power may not have a high potential. If he couldn't reach Class-B, then this power would be at a mediocre level.

"Ah, I don't have to think about that. It's already good that I have a new Skill to fend off the Nightmares."

Keenan agreed with the statement he said, having another Skill was already a blessing. He won't get this type of thing no matter what he did. As a Nightbreaker, the maximum skill that he could get was 5 but he just gained two right now! 

Now, he had three Skills in his arsenal.

"Ah, I forgot! My Katana level up too, this means that I have another skill!"

His subsided heart started beating fast again. Because of his second power, Keenan forgot that he had another new Skill. He closed his eyes and inspected his Katana, although the light of his Katana was weaker than the Hekatonkheires, it was still releasing a strong aura.

[Katana- Type Katana]


[1st Skill: Double Cut: a slash created twice damage upon the enemy, an imperceptible rip would appear in the enemy's body, the same size, and harm he made. Can activate whenever the user wants by snapping his fingers.]

[2nd Skill: Concentrate Draw: Makes the blade sharper to easily cut tough defense.]

"As expected, since my Katana is an average type, my second Skill is average too…"

He sighed when he realized that his second Skill was a simple blade sharpening. Although when he looked it at the other side, having a sharper blade would make it easier for him to penetrate a monster. Keenan knew that there were Nightmares that had strong and thick skin like Forza and Higante, having a Skill like this would help him to face them.

"But I hope I will never meet them, I can't use my full power if I'm alone, I must have my contracted Handler to do that."

He nodded, even though he had two new Skills, he was still not confident that he could leave this wilderness with 100% verification. Powerful Nightmares were living here and Keenan couldn't face them with him alone, he would surely die.

As an Arma… erm and a Bestia, his role was to be used by a Handler. They had respective roles, and Keenan wasn't the type to fight head-on. Even now he was having a hard time fighting the Nightmares with his bleak sword style.

"I do use a knife in my past, so I know how to swing my arm and I knew where the weak spot, but using a katana is different. I can't use a long blade like that."

Keenan's true Arma form was a Katana, he couldn't fight stronger monsters if he won't turn to his complete form, that was the only way to fully utilize his power. And to do that, he had to have a Handler, a talented one and Carson fitted that criteria.

"That man is shitty most of the time, but when he held a weapon, he became a different person. We know each other for three years and our resonance is 85% higher, he's the best Handler that I can put my trust on."

Nightbreakers didn't work alone, most of the time they were in pairs. Though there were cases when a Handler could use multiple Bestia or Arma.

"Hup! Okay, so I guess I have to proceed walking again."

Keenan didn't want to stay in one location since it would be dangerous for him. He might face stray Nightmares.

"My body is in good condition now. The N-cores helped me but still, I have to hunt more Nightmares, that is if I stay here for another night again."

He sighed in resignation.

Keenan looked up, the sky was still bright, he deducted that it was around 3 pm. He still had time to find the mobileship. He breathed hard and calmed himself, he stood and stretched his joints. He felt refreshed, the fatigue he had earlier dissipated after he class-up. Furthermore, Keenan was more confident this time, he gained two Skills and they would be handy. His chance of survival increased. 

"Yosh, fuck those Nightmares."

He cracked his knuckles as he moved his feet to advance.