
I Became A Hit After My Divorce!

#demisescheming #two-faced Le Yao became a cannon fodder wife for the *sshole CEO, Nangong Jue. As she cherished her life, she quickly signed the divorce agreement and walked away. After she got far away from him, she let herself fly free. Strongly determined to succeed, she returned to school and became the most beautiful scholar on campus. To turn her life around, she started cooking delicious food. When she started to live-stream her cooking sessions, she became a popular cooking goddess. Plus, she even taught line dancing to older ladies, becoming the sassiest dance goddess as she twisted her hips. Le Yao was speechless. She unintentionally let herself fly free a little too quickly, huh? Nangong Jue: “It’s fine. No matter how far or fast you fly, you’ll never fly out of my palm.” A bunch of big shots who want to hug, kiss, and pamper the heck out of Le Yao: “...” Le Yao: “...”

Violet Smoke Snow · General
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883 Chs

A Small Goal

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The two of them quickly arrived at the parking lot. However, when their car left the airport, Le Yao did not see the shocking scene of the male lead picking up the female lead. She could not help but feel a little regretful.

Perhaps her arrival had caused a butterfly effect and changed the direction of the plot somehow.

No matter what, she was Han Binglan now. She had to work hard to survive and live a good life. The rest did not matter.

"When did you get so good at driving?" Qiao Qiao asked from the passenger seat. She was surprised to see her best friend steering the car. She remembered that Han Binglan had taken a cab to drop her off when she left.

"I practiced." Le Yao smiled. "You studied 'The Oil Seller'1 in school, right? Many things are like that oil seller. Practice makes perfect. Besides, I'm smart. Isn't driving a piece of cake?"

"Haha." Qiao Qiao's mouth twitched, but she couldn't argue with that.

The journey was smooth.

After entering the door, Qiao Qiao, who wanted to order takeout, couldn't calm down when she saw the table full of delicious food. "Impressive, my dear. Did you also practice this over the past few days?"

"This is called the phoenix's rebirth. Although I'm still me, I'm actually not me anymore…"

"Dear, speak human language."

"You're the one who woke me up. He doesn't have me in his heart. It's useless for me to take sleeping pills, slit my wrist, or jump into the lake… " Le Yao spread her hands. "Suddenly, it's all meaningless. I'm so young and beautiful. It's not worth it… Anyway." She slapped the table. "From now on, I'm reborn. I'm not staring at that bastard anymore. My other skills will naturally light up."

Qiao Qiao hugged Le Yao. "You damn woman, you're finally enlightened. Don't worry, even without that bastard, I can still raise you." At most, she would compromise with the old man and go back to inherit the billions of dollars.

"Qiao Qiao, you're my source of confidence." Le Yao patted Qiao Qiao's back.

"It just so happens that my old man has agreed to let me quit school and start a business. The two of us can show off our skills and defeat the Nangong Corporation in the future…"

Le Yao was speechless. This was a big target. "Qiao Qiao, can we make a small goal first?"

"Alright, small goal. Then let's strive to be listed within two years…" Qiao Qiao's face was filled with a fighting spirit.

"Ahem." Le Yao coughed. "Can it be smaller?" Public companies were not easy to get listed.

"How about after five years?" Qiao Qiao asked, rubbing her chin.

Le Yao was speechless.

There was silence for a moment as she organized her thoughts.

"Oh, Qiao Qiao. Actually, I've already applied to re-enroll in school."

"You—" Qiao Qiao was stunned.

"Xiling Jiao Tong University is a top university. I took a leave of absence for a dog of a man. I even dreamed of Old Man Miejue whipping me with the soles of his shoes."

Old Man Miejue was their high school form teacher.

Han Binglan, who had just returned from the countryside, was a little country bumpkin. Many people looked down on her, but her form teacher, Old Man Miejue, treated her very well. In addition, she had Qiao Qiao's protection, so her days were not so bad.

However, Qiao Qiao was a little speechless. "Lan'er, do you know what this is? It's like after you flirted with me, I took off my pants, then told me that you're on your period."